All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Useful for now since I have two instances of the bot running in the same servers and I don't want both of them to respond.
Hideko is a general-purpose Discord bot.
Download a prebuilt JAR file or build it from source, then run it with:
java -jar HidekoBot.jar <botToken> [additional parameters]
Where HidekoBot.jar
is the executable archive and <botToken>
is your bot token passed as an argument.
Additionally available parameters are:
- verbose: log every message that the bot receives. Very spammy and performance heavy.
Note: Java 16 or later is required.
Initial setup
After successfully starting the bot up, it will print an invite-link in your console. Click on the link to add your bot to any server with the correct permissions already set-up.