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package wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.listeners;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.ChannelType;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.middleman.GuildChannel;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.message.MessageReceivedEvent;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.ListenerAdapter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.Cache;
import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.objects.commands.CommandCategory;
import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.objects.commands.MessageCommand;
import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.objects.comparators.MessageCommandAliasesComparator;
import java.util.*;
public class MessageCommandListener extends ListenerAdapter
// map storing command labels and command object alphabetically.
private final TreeMap<LinkedList<String>, MessageCommand> registeredCommands =
new TreeMap<>(new MessageCommandAliasesComparator());
// map commands and their categories.
// this is not strictly needed but it's better to have it so we avoid looping every time we need to check the cat.
LinkedHashMap<CommandCategory, LinkedList<MessageCommand>> commandCategories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static final String COMMAND_REGEX = "(?i)^(hideko|hde)\\b";
// (?i) -> case insensitive flag
// ^ -> start of string (not in middle of a sentence)
// \b -> the word has to end here
public void registerCommand(MessageCommand command)
registeredCommands.put(command.getCommandLabels(), command);
public MessageCommand getRegisteredCommand(String label)
for(Map.Entry<LinkedList<String>, MessageCommand> entry : registeredCommands.entrySet())
LinkedList<String> aliases = entry.getKey();
for(String currentAlias : aliases)
{ return entry.getValue(); }
return null;
public LinkedList<MessageCommand> getRegisteredCommands()
{ return new LinkedList<>(registeredCommands.values()); }
public void onMessageReceived(@NotNull MessageReceivedEvent event)
// check if a bot is sending this message, and ignore it
if(event.getAuthor().isBot()) return;
// warning: we are getting the RAW value of the message content, not the DISPLAY value!
String eventMessage = event.getMessage().getContentRaw();
// check if the sent message matches the bot activation regex (prefix, name, ...)
if(!eventMessage.toLowerCase().matches("(?s)" + COMMAND_REGEX + ".*"))
// generate args from the string
String argsString = eventMessage.replaceAll(COMMAND_REGEX + "\\s*", "");
// if no args were specified apart from the bot prefix
// note: we can't check argsRaw's size because String.split returns an array of size 1 if no match is found,
// and that element is the whole string passed as a single argument, which would be empty in this case
// (or contain text in other cases like "string split ," if the passed text doesn't contain any comma ->
// it will be the whole text as a single element.
.reply("Hello there! ✨ Type `" + Cache.getBotPrefix() + " help` to get started!")
// split all passed arguments
String[] argsRaw = argsString.split("\\s+");
// extract the command that the user is trying to run
String commandLabel = argsRaw[0];
MessageCommand commandObject = getRegisteredCommand(commandLabel);
if(commandObject == null)
/* temporarily disabled because when people talk about the bot, it replies with this spammy message.
event.getMessage().reply("Unrecognized command: `" + commandLabel + "`!").queue(); // todo prettier
ChannelType channelType = event.getChannelType();
// permissions check
List<Permission> requiredPermissions = commandObject.getPermissions();
if(requiredPermissions != null && !requiredPermissions.isEmpty())
if(channelType.isGuild()) //todo: what about forum post
Member member = event.getMember();
GuildChannel channel = event.getGuildChannel(); //todo: what about forum post
if(member != null && !member.hasPermission(channel, requiredPermissions))
.reply("You do not have permissions to run this command!")
.queue(); // todo prettier
// todo: queue message deletion in 15 seconds or so
String[] commandArgs;
// remove first argument, which is the command label
argsString = argsString.replaceAll("^[\\S]+\\s*", "");
// pass all other arguments as a single argument as the first array element
commandArgs = new String[]{argsString};
// copy all split arguments to the array, except from the command label
commandArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(argsRaw, 1, argsRaw.length);
// finally run the command, in a new thread to avoid locking.
new Thread(() -> commandObject.runCommand(event, commandLabel, commandArgs)).start();