Implement fully functional clearchat command
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing

The command now supports potentially-infinite message deletion and exception catching (eg messages older than 2 weeks). No longer limited to 100 messages per run.
This commit is contained in:
Beatrice Dellacà 2022-11-20 05:33:04 +01:00
parent e1ecc310cc
commit 7d9c820243

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageHistory;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.TextChannel;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.ListenerAdapter;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.InteractionHook;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.restaction.interactions.ReplyCallbackAction;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.utils.RandomUtil;
@ -49,22 +51,132 @@ public class SlashCommandListener extends ListenerAdapter
int deleteCount = event.getOption("amount").getAsInt();
if(deleteCount < 2 || deleteCount > 98)
int toDeleteAmount = event.getOption("amount").getAsInt(); // not null because the int arg is required
if(toDeleteAmount <= 0)
event.reply("Sorry! I can't delete that amount of messages!").queue();
event.reply("Sorry, I can't delete that amount of messages!").queue();
else {
// answer by saying that the operation has begun.
InteractionHook replyInteraction = event.reply("Clearing...").complete();
// int to keep track of how many messages we deleted.
int deleted = 0;
int limit = 95; //discord limits this method to range 2-100. we set it to 95 to be safe..
// increase the count by 1, because we technically aren't clearing the first ID ever
// which is actually the slash command's ID and not a message.
// count how many times we have to iterate this to delete the full <toDeleteAmount> messages.
int iterations = toDeleteAmount / limit;
//if there are some messages left, but less than <limit>, we need one more iterations.
int remainder = toDeleteAmount % limit;
if(remainder != 0) iterations++;
// set the starting point.
long messageId = event.getInteraction().getIdLong();
// boolean to see if we're trying to delete more messages than possible.
boolean outOfBounds = false;
// do iterate.
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
if(outOfBounds) break;
// set how many messages to delete for this iteration (usually <limit> unless there's a remainder)
int iterationSize = limit;
// if we are at the last iteration...
if(iteration+1 == iterations)
// check if we have <limit> or fewer messages to delete
if(remainder != 0) iterationSize = remainder;
if(iterationSize == 1)
// grab the message
Message toDelete = ((TextChannel)channel).retrieveMessageById(messageId).complete();
//only delete one message
if(toDelete != null) toDelete.delete().queue();
else outOfBounds = true;
// increase deleted counter by 1
} else {
// get the last <iterationSize - 1> messages.
MessageHistory.MessageRetrieveAction action = channel.getHistoryBefore(messageId, iterationSize - 1);
// note: first one is the most recent, last one is the oldest message.
List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>();
// (we are skipping first iteration since it would return an error, given that the id is the slash command and not a message)
if(iteration!=0) messages.add(((TextChannel)channel).retrieveMessageById(messageId).complete());
// check if we only have one or zero messages left (trying to delete more than possible)
if(messages.size() <= 1)
outOfBounds = true;
} else {
// before deleting, we need to grab the <previous to the oldest> message's id for next iteration.
action = channel.getHistoryBefore(messages.get(messages.size() - 1).getIdLong(), 1);
List<Message> previousMessage = action.complete().getRetrievedHistory();
// if that message exists (we are not out of bounds)... store it
if(!previousMessage.isEmpty()) messageId = previousMessage.get(0).getIdLong();
else outOfBounds = true;
// queue messages for deletion
if(messages.size() == 1)
else if(!messages.isEmpty())
try {
((TextChannel) channel).deleteMessages(messages).complete();
/* alternatively, we could use purgeMessages, which is smarter...
however, it also tries to delete messages older than 2 weeks
which are restricted by discord, and thus has to use
a less efficient way that triggers rate-limiting very quickly. */
} catch (Exception e)
replyInteraction.editOriginal("Sorry, it seems like there was an issue! " + e.getMessage()).queue();
// increase deleted counter by <list size>
deleted += messages.size();
// log having deleted the messages.
if(deleted < 1)
replyInteraction.editOriginal("Couldn't clear any message!").queue();
} else if(deleted == 1)
replyInteraction.editOriginal("Cleared 1 message!").queue();
} else {
replyInteraction.editOriginal("Cleared " + deleted + " messages!").queue();
MessageHistory.MessageRetrieveAction action = channel.getHistoryBefore(event.getInteraction().getIdLong(), deleteCount);
List<Message> messagesUnmodifiable = action.complete().getRetrievedHistory();
List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>(messagesUnmodifiable);
/*MessageHistory.MessageRetrieveAction action = channel.getHistoryBefore(event.getInteraction().getIdLong(), toDeleteAmount);
List<Message> messages = action.complete().getRetrievedHistory();
//more than 2 messages, less than 100 for this method
((TextChannel) channel).deleteMessages(messages).queue();
// announce having cleared the messages.
replyInteraction.editOriginal("Cleared " + toDeleteAmount + " messages!").queue();*/