325 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-04-07 01:29:05 +02:00
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"open": "Open",
"folder": "Folder",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved",
"created": "created",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"remove": "Remove",
"set": "set",
"reset": "reset",
"thanks": "Thanks",
"share": "Share",
"signup": "Sign Up",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Log out",
"email": "Email Address",
"password": "Password",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height",
"nick": "Name",
"role": "Role",
"members": "Members",
"actions": "Actions",
"or": "or",
"you": "you",
"via": "via",
"by": "by",
"zero": "Zero",
"page": "Page",
"new": "New",
"copy": "Copy",
"home": "Home",
"owner": "Owner",
"space": "Space",
"second": "Second",
"not_found": "Not Found.",
"untitled_space": "Untitled Space",
"untitled_folder": "Untitled Folder",
"untitled": "untitled",
"sure": "Are you sure?",
"specify": "Please Specify",
"confirm": "Please Confirm",
"error_unknown_email": "This email/password combination is unknown.",
2017-04-07 01:29:05 +02:00
"error_password_confirmation": "The entered passwords don't match.",
"error_domain_blocked": "Your domain is blocked.",
"error_user_email_already_used": "This email address is already in use.",
"support": "Spacedeck Support",
"offline": "Offline. Click for more.",
"error": "Sorry, but something went wrong. Please contact support@spacedeck.com",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"claim": "Your digital Whiteboard.",
"trynow": "Try now.",
"about": "About us",
"terms": "Terms",
"contact": "Contact",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"business_adress": "Business Adress",
"post_adress": "Post Adress",
"phone": "Phone",
"ceo": "Managing Director",
"name": "Name",
"confirm_subject": "Spacedeck Email Confirmation",
"confirm_body": "Thank you for signing up at Spacedeck.\nPlease click on the following link to confirm your email address.\n",
"confirm_action": "Confirm Now",
"team_invite_membership_subject": "Team Invitation for %s",
"team_invite_membership_body": "You have been invited to %s on Spacedeck. Please click on the following link to accept the invitation.",
"team_invite_user_body": "You have been invited to %s on Spacedeck.\nYour temporary password is \"%s\".\nPlease click on the following link to accept the invitation.",
"team_invite_admin_body": "%s was invited for your team: %s. The temporary password is \"%s\".",
"team_invite_membership_acction": "Accept",
"team_new_member_subject": "New Team Member for %s signed up",
"team_new_member_body": "%s just joined Team %s on Spacedeck.",
"space_invite_membership_subject": "%s invited you to a Space %s ",
"space_invite_membership_body": "You have been invited by %s to join a Space %s on Spacedeck. Please click on the following link to accept the invitation.",
"space_invite_membership_action": "Accept",
"folder_invite_membership_subject": "Space",
"folder_invite_membership_body": "You have been invited to a Team on Spacedeck. Please click on the following link to accept the invitation.",
"folder_invite_membership_acction": "Accept",
"login_google": "Login With Google",
"save_changes": "Save Changes",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"upgrade_now": "Upgrade Now",
"create_space": "Create Space",
"create_folder": "Create Folder",
"email_unconfirmed": "Email Unconfirmed",
"confirmation_sent": "Email Sent",
"folder_filter": "Filter",
"sort_by": "Sort by",
"last_modified": "Last Modified",
"last_opened": "Last Opened",
"title": "Title",
"edit_team": "Edit Team",
"edit_account": "Edit Account",
"log_out": "Log Out",
"no_spaces_yet": "Welcome! You can create Spaces and Folders here using the buttons in the top left corner.",
"new_folder_title": "New title for folder",
"folder_settings": "Folder Settings",
"upload_cover_image": "Upload Cover Image",
"spacedeck_pro_ad_folders": "With Spacedeck Pro, you can organize an unlimited amount of Spaces in Folders and manage access controls for each Folder. Would you like to learn more about Pro features?",
"spacedeck_pro_ad_versions": "With Spacedeck Pro, you can save unlimited versions of each Space to track your progress or keep snapshots safe. Would you like to learn more about Pro features?",
"spacedeck_pro_ad_pdf": "With Spacedeck Pro, you can export your Spaces as crisp PDFs for archiving, mailing around, or printing. Do you want to learn more about Pro features?",
"spacedeck_pro_ad_zip": "With Spacedeck Pro, you can export the contents of a Space as a ZIP package. Do you want to learn more about Pro features?",
"spacedeck_pro_ad_colors": "With Spacedeck Pro, you can mix your own colors using a professional color picker.",
"profile_caption": "Profile",
"upload_avatar": "Upload Avatar",
"uploading_avatar": "Uploading Avatar…",
"avatar_dimensions": "Recommended dimensions: 200×200 pixels.",
"profile_name": "Name",
"profile_email": "Email Address",
"send_again": "Send Again",
"confirmation_sent_long": "Email confirmation link sent. Please check your inbox.",
"confirmation_sent_another": "Another confirmation link sent.",
"confirmation_sent_dialog_text": "We sent you an email explaining how to confirm your email address.",
"payment_caption": "Payment",
"language_caption": "Language",
"notifications_caption": "Notifications",
"notifications_option_chat": "Inform me via email about new comments",
"notifications_option_spaces": "Send me a daily digest of what happened in my Spaces and Folders",
"password_caption": "Password",
"current_password": "Current Password",
"new_password": "New Password",
"verify_password": "Verify Password",
"change_password": "Change Password",
"reset_password": "Reset Password",
"terminate_caption": "Delete Account",
"terminate_warning": "If you delete your account, all Spaces, Folders and Messages including all content you and other people created in your Spaces will be destroyed.",
"terminate_warning2": "This cannot be undone.",
"terminate_reason": "Message",
"terminate_reason_caption": "Help us improve by sharing your reasons for cancelling.",
"terminate_terminate": "Terminate",
"space_blank1": "Welcome to a fresh new Space!",
"space_blank2": "Drop files, paste links",
"space_blank3": "or use the tools below",
"space_blank4": "to fill this Space with content.",
"draft": "Draft",
"publish": "Publish",
"published": "Published",
"save_version": "Save Version",
"version_saved": "Version Saved",
"post": "Post Message",
"chat_invite_cta1": "Collaboration is fun!",
"chat_invite_cta2": "Why not ",
"chat_invite_cta3": "invite some people",
"chat_invite_cta4": "to work with you?",
"chat_message_placeholder": "Write your message…",
"view": "View",
"edit": "Edit",
"present": "Present",
"chat": "Chat",
"meta": "Meta",
"tool_search": "Search",
"tool_upload": "Upload",
"tool_text": "Text",
"tool_shape": "Shape",
"tool_zones": "Zones",
"tool_canvas": "Canvas",
"search_media": "Search media…",
"type_here": "Type here",
"text_formats": "Formats",
"format_p": "Paragraph",
"format_bullets": "Bullet List",
"format_numbers": "Numbered List",
"format_h1": "Headline 1",
"format_h2": "Headline 2",
"format_h3": "Headline 3",
"font_size": "Font Size",
"line_height": "Line Height",
"tool_align": "Align",
"tool_styles": "Styles",
"tool_bullets": "Bullets",
"tool_numbers": "Numbers",
"color_fill": "Fill",
"color_stroke": "Stroke",
"color_text": "Text",
"tool_type": "Type",
"tool_box": "Box",
"tool_link": "Link",
"tool_layout": "Layout",
"tool_options": "Options",
"tool_stroke": "Stroke",
"tool_delete": "Delete",
"tool_lock": "Lock",
"tool_copy": "Copy",
"stack": "Stack",
"tool_circle": "Circle",
"tool_hexagon": "Hexagon",
"tool_square": "Square",
"tool_diamond": "Diamond",
"tool_bubble": "Bubble",
"tool_cloud": "Cloud",
"tool_burst": "Burst",
"tool_star": "Star",
"tool_heart": "Heart",
"tool_scribble": "Scribble",
"tool_line": "Line",
"tool_arrow": "Arrow",
"search_media_placeholder": "Search web media…",
"add_zone": "New Zone",
"palette": "Palette",
"picker": "Picker",
"background_image_caption": "Image",
"background_color_caption": "Color",
"upload_background_caption": "Click to upload a background image",
"upload_background": "Upload Background",
"access_caption": "Access",
"versions_caption": "Versions",
"info_caption": "Info",
"mode_private": "Private: Only members can view or edit",
"mode_public": "Public: Anyone with the link can view",
"invite_collaborators": "Invite Collaborators",
"revoke_access": "Revoke Access",
"invite": "Send Invitations",
"invitee_email_address": "Email address of new member",
"optional_message": "Optional message",
"role_viewer": "Viewer",
"role_editor": "Editor",
"role_admin": "Admin",
"new_space_title": "New title for Space",
"team": "Team",
"search": "Search",
"search_no_results": "search_no_results",
"search_clear": "search_clear",
"rename": "Rename",
"mobile": "mobile",
"image": "image",
"tool_filter": "filter",
"canel": "canel",
"invite_membership_action": "invite_membership_action",
"viewer": "viewer",
"editor": "editor",
"admin": "admin",
"logging_in": "logging in",
"password_confirmation": "Password Confirmation",
"confirm_again": "We sent you an email explaining how to confirm your email address.",
"confirmed": "Your Account was confirmed successfully. Thank you.",
"signing_up": "Signing up",
"password_check_inbox": "Please check your inbox",
"new_space": "New Space",
"tool_more": "More",
"what_is_your_name": "Welcome to %s! Please choose a username.",
"lang": "en",
"landing_title": "Your Whiteboard on the Web.",
"landing_claim": "Spacedeck lets you easily combine all kinds of media on virtual whiteboards: Text notes, photos, web links, even videos and audio recordings. ",
"landing_example": "People use Spacedeck to organize their ideas, in teams to see whole projects at a glance, or in schools and universities for richer, connected learning experiences.",
"spaces": "My Spaces",
"access_editor_link": "Instant Edit Link",
"access_editor_link_desc": "Give this link to anyone who should be able to instantly edit this Space, no account required: ",
"access_editor_link_desc_slug": "This link contains the name of the space, too. ",
"access_anonymous_edit_blocking": "Anonymous Editors may only change their own items",
"access_current_members": "Current Members",
"access_new_members": "Invite New Members",
"access_no_members": "Members of this Space will show up here.",
"comments": "comments",
"landing_customers": "Trusted by Thousands.",
"landing_features_title": "A Breeze To Use.",
"landing_features_text": "The new Spacedeck 5 has a streamlined, beautiful user interface that makes your work easier and more fun than ever before while giving you even more powerful features:",
"landing_features_1": "<b>Drag & drop</b> images, videos and audio from your computer or the web",
"landing_features_2": "<b>Write and format tex</b>t with full control over fonts, colors and style",
"landing_features_3": "<b>Draw, annotate and highlight</b> with included graphical shapes",
"landing_features_4": "Turn your board into a <b>zooming presentation</b>",
"landing_features_5": "<b>Collaborate and chat</b> in realtime with teammates, students or friends.",
"landing_features_6": "<b>Share Spaces</b> on the web or via email",
"landing_features_7": "<b>Export your work</b> as printable PDF or ZIP",
"landing_pricing": "Incredibly Affordable.",
"landing_pricing_lite": "Free/Personal Use",
"landing_pricing_lite_text": "The basic, well-rounded version for collecting pictures and keeping notes.",
"landing_pricing_pro_features_list": "<ul><li>Unlimited Spaces</li><li>Folder Structures</li><li>PDF and ZIP Export</li><li>No Watermarks</li><li>Custom Backgrounds</li><li>Activity History</li><li>20 GB Storage</li><ul>",
"landing_pricing_pro": "€4,90/User/Mo. <br><small>or 49,90/User/Year</small>",
"landing_pricing_pro_text": "Turbocharged with all the power you expect.",
"landing_pricing_pro_features": "Turbocharged with all the power you expect.",
"welcome_subject": "Welcome to Spacedeck",
"welcome_body": "Hello!\nThank you for signing up at Spacedeck.<br>We hope you will enjoy working in Spaces.<br>Remember, your account includes unlimited collaborators. Feel free to share your Spaces with friends and colleagues all over the world.",
"invite_emails": "Email addresses (Comma separated)",
"history_recently_updated": "Recently Updated",
"history_recently_empty": "Nothing has happened yet.",
"parent_folder": "parent_folder",
"created_by": "Created by",
"last_updated": "Last updated",
"feedback_sent": "Thanks for your feedback!",
"role_member": "Member",
"team_invite_membership_action": "Accept invitation",
"space_message_subject": "New Message in Space %s",
"space_message_body": "%s wrote in %s: \n",
"pro_ad_history_headline": "When you upgrade to Spacedeck Pro, you will see a history of recent updates across all your (shared) Spaces here.",
"password_reset_subject": "Reset Password for Spacedeck",
"password_reset_body": "You requested a reset of your Spacedeck password.\nPlease click on the following link to set a new password.",
"password_reset_action": "Reset Now",
"was_offline": "The connection to Spacedeck was interrupted. If you have unsaved work, please keep this browser tab open until the connection is re-established, then touch the unsaved objects again.",
"subscription_failed_user_subject": "Problem with your Spacedeck Payment",
"subscription_failed_user_body": "Unfortunately, we could not process your Payment-method. You can easly create a new payment method including PayPal in your account settings.",
"subscription_failed_team_subject": "Problem with your Spacedeck Payment",
"subscription_failed_team_body": "Unfortunately, we could not process your Payment-method for your Team-Account. Please fix your payment method asap.",
"team_name": "Team Name",
"subdomain": "Subdomain",
"team_adresses": "Email adresses",
"add": "Add",
"invited": "invited",
"duplicate_destination": "Into which folder do you want to duplicate this Space?",
"duplicate_confirm": "Duplicate %s into %s?",
"duplicate_success": "%s was duplicated into %s.",
"goto_space": "Go to Space %s",
"goto_folder": "Go to Folder %s",
"stay_here": "Stay here",
"sharing": "Sharing",
"list": "Export List",
"link": "Link",
"download_space": "Download Space",
"type": "Type",
"download": "Download",
"Previous Zone": "Previous Zone",
"Next Zone": "Next Zone",
"promote": "Promote",
"demote": "Demote",
"more": "More",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"follow_present": "Follow",
"mute_present": "Unfollow",
"follow_present_help": "If someone else is presenting this Space, the other members automatically follow the presentation. Switch following on or off with this button.",
"export": "export"