Class MemoryFPlayer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FPlayer, EconomyParticipator, RelationParticipator
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class MemoryFPlayer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements FPlayer
    Logged in players always have exactly one FPlayer instance. Logged out players may or may not have an FPlayer instance. They will always have one if they are part of a faction. This is because only players with a faction are saved to disk (in order to not waste disk space). The FPlayer is linked to a minecraft player using the player name. The same instance is always returned for the same player. This means you can use the == operator. No .equals method necessary.
    • Field Detail

      • inVault

        public boolean inVault
      • commandCooldown

        protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Long> commandCooldown
      • factionId

        protected java.lang.String factionId
      • role

        protected Role role
      • title

        protected java.lang.String title
      • power

        protected double power
      • powerBoost

        protected double powerBoost
      • lastPowerUpdateTime

        protected long lastPowerUpdateTime
      • millisPassed

        protected long millisPassed
      • lastLoginTime

        protected long lastLoginTime
      • ignoreAllianceChat

        protected boolean ignoreAllianceChat
      • id

        protected java.lang.String id
      • name

        protected java.lang.String name
      • monitorJoins

        protected boolean monitorJoins
      • spyingChat

        protected boolean spyingChat
      • showScoreboard

        protected boolean showScoreboard
      • warmupTask

        protected int warmupTask
      • isAdminBypassing

        protected boolean isAdminBypassing
      • kills

        protected int kills
      • deaths

        protected int deaths
      • willAutoLeave

        protected boolean willAutoLeave
      • mapHeight

        protected int mapHeight
      • isFlying

        protected boolean isFlying
      • enteringPassword

        protected boolean enteringPassword
      • enteringPasswordWarp

        protected java.lang.String enteringPasswordWarp
      • lastStoodAt

        protected transient FLocation lastStoodAt
      • mapAutoUpdating

        protected transient boolean mapAutoUpdating
      • autoClaimFor

        protected transient Faction autoClaimFor
      • autoSafeZoneEnabled

        protected transient boolean autoSafeZoneEnabled
      • autoWarZoneEnabled

        protected transient boolean autoWarZoneEnabled
      • loginPvpDisabled

        protected transient boolean loginPvpDisabled
      • lastFrostwalkerMessage

        protected transient long lastFrostwalkerMessage
      • shouldTakeFallDamage

        protected transient boolean shouldTakeFallDamage
      • isStealthEnabled

        protected boolean isStealthEnabled
      • notificationsEnabled

        protected boolean notificationsEnabled
      • isAlt

        protected boolean isAlt
      • inspectMode

        boolean inspectMode
    • Constructor Detail

      • MemoryFPlayer

        public MemoryFPlayer()
      • MemoryFPlayer

        public MemoryFPlayer​(java.lang.String id)