16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
f29bba29d5 Added to default "territoryEnemyDenyCommands": /home, /sethome, and /spawn 2011-08-05 03:51:35 -05:00
68e1313776 New "peaceful" status for factions which can only be set by server admins/moderators. Members of peaceful factions cannot deal or receive PvP damage (unless in a war zone which has friendly fire enabled), cannot claim land from another faction and likewise can't have their land claimed, and cannot be considered as ally or enemy of any other faction. Faction admins and moderators of peaceful factions can enable/disable all explosions inside their faction's territory at will. The main purpose of this is to provide a way for more peaceful players who don't want to take part in faction wars (or just want to take a break from them) to still have fun on the server. It is also meant to allow groups of players to make protected buildings, monuments, grand constructions, and so forth without having to worry about another faction destroying them.
New conf.json settings:
"peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP" (default true) prevents PvP damage for anyone inside a peaceful faction's territory
"peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters" (default false) provides protection against monsters spawning or attacking inside a peaceful faction's territory
"peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss" (default true) which keeps members of peaceful factions from suffering power loss when they die.

New commands:
/f peaceful [faction tag] - toggle the indicated faction's "peaceful" status
/f noboom - enable/disable explosions inside your faction's territory; only available to faction admin and faction moderators for peaceful factions

New permission nodes:
factions.setPeaceful - ability to use the /f peaceful command (admins)
factions.peacefulExplosionToggle - ability to use /f noboom (everyone)
2011-08-05 03:50:47 -05:00
4ad9829fd4 Removing /f worldnoclaim and /f worldnopowerloss commands; they're redundant now that you can use /f config worldsnoclaim [world name] and /f config worldsnopowerloss [world name] respectively to set those options. Also removing factions.worldOptions permission node since it was only used for those commands. 2011-08-04 02:35:48 -05:00
523d3216c5 /f config [setting] [value] command now accepts setting names which are inside quotation marks, to prevent confusion since they're also in quotation marks in conf.json 2011-08-04 02:27:58 -05:00
2900bf372f changed findFactions() method to try matching faction tags before trying to match player names, instead of the other way around 2011-08-03 21:49:11 -05:00
a38267fe74 Error handling for user entering non-integer value for radius of safeclaim and warclaim, along with usage info 2011-08-03 15:38:54 -05:00
2154b89005 Added basic support for iConomy, where most Factions commands can be made to cost (or give) money. For claiming land, there are some extra features. Each additional land claimed by default costs more than the last, with the multiplier being configurable. For example, the first claim might cost $30, the 2nd $45, the third $60, and so forth. When land is claimed from a weakened faction, there is a configurable bonus amount of money deducted from the cost of claiming the land, as an incentive; this number can be changed to a negative value to instead make it cost more to claim such land. When land is unclaimed, a configurable percentage of the cost of claiming the land can be refunded (defaults to 70% of the cost). The total value of a faction's claimed land is now shown in the info given by /f who [faction tag], along with the depreciated (refund) value. 2011-08-01 18:05:01 -05:00
508f953ce9 Faction admins can now mark already claimed areas as owned by specific faction members. Ownership can include multiple members. New command /f owner *[player name], to set/remove ownership. This command is only available to the faction admin and optionally the faction moderators. If no player name is specified, it will either set ownership to the player running the command (if no owner is currently set) or completely clear ownership of the territory. New command /f ownerlist, to view a list of owners for the current area. Only works inside your own faction's territory. New conf.json options "ownedAreasEnabled", "ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet", "ownedAreaModeratorsBypass", "ownedAreaDenyBuild", "ownedAreaProtectMaterials", and "ownedAreaDenyUseage" (all defaulting to true) to determine whether faction moderators can set or bypass ownership (faction admin always can), and what sort of protection these owned areas have against normal members of the faction (members other than the owner(s), faction admin, and probably faction moderators). New conf.json option "ownedAreasLimitPerFaction" to limit how many owned areas can be set. New permission node "factions.ownershipBypass" which allows a player to bypass ownership protection, but only within the person's own faction.
various little tweaks and improvements to other code
moderate speed boost to FLocation code
made commandDisable permissions work for any command alias of a command, instead of just the first one
2011-07-30 20:17:00 -05:00
Olof Larsson
6e9fd72612 Soon to be used JarLoader. 2011-07-27 22:56:45 +02:00
080ea3363b New command /f power [player name] to check either your own power (if no name is specified) or another player's power (if a player name is specified). The ability for a player to view their own power is based on the standard factions.participate permission, but to check the power of other players, the new permission node factions.viewAnyPower needs to be granted. If you aren't using a Permissions plugin (instead defaulting to the built-in Bukkit permission system), the factions.viewAnyPower permission is granted by default. Otherwise, you'll need to configure your Permissions plugin to grant the new permission as needed. 2011-07-25 13:16:14 -05:00
b97eaf175e When adding relational colored faction tags to chat, Factions now pays better attention to whether the recipient list has been altered by another plugin 2011-07-24 17:38:58 -05:00
c818ddff99 New command /f config [setting] [value] which can be used to change any conf.json setting. This is mainly for people who have trouble editing the file manually, for whatever reason. It even fixes any capitalization errors, and saves the conf.json file immediately after an option is changed. Can be run by player or from server console. Uses new permission node "factions.config". 2011-07-22 07:25:12 -05:00
1e9c83decc New permission nodes to disable any command, factions.disableCommand.<command>, along with factions.disableCommand.none node which forcibly makes none disabled (for * permission users or similar); for <command>, you must use the first command alias given in the /f help information (for example, "show" instead of "who" for that particular command) 2011-07-20 16:22:54 -05:00
5b73ebc456 New conf.json option "homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory" (default true). If disabled, players will no longer be able to teleport to their faction home while close to an enemy even if they are in their own territory 2011-07-20 15:45:36 -05:00
66bc427454 Added optional faction tag entry to /f sethome command to set the home of any faction, which is only allowed if the user has adminBypass permission 2011-07-20 15:42:51 -05:00
Olof Larsson
8aefae5679 changed namespace to com.massivecraft 2011-07-18 22:06:02 +02:00