These can be accessed with /f vault <number>
Set a Faction's max vaults with /f setmaxvaults <faction> <number> - can be run from console so Buycraft can execute it.
* This is a not very tested implementation. Should be tested more in depth before being pushed to a release.
Functionality: /f ahome <target> - sends a player to their f home as long as they have an f home and are online.
Permission node is and given to factions.admin and factions.*
- Uses API in spigot to get world border
- Blocks faction claims that are outside the world border
Improved border detection
This is the updated border detection, this method is extremely accurate
and does not over partition claim space like before.
Takes the border and divides by two, and then converts the block
distance into a chunk distance.
Ex. Border = 100, Chunks = 6 vertically, 6 horizontally.
We get the absolute value difference between the center chunk and the
claim chunk, for both X and Z. We add both diffs, and if they are
greater than the limit, then we know the chunk is outside the border!
Gives the ability to see top Factions on the server sorted by certain criteria:
Balance: sorts by faction bank balance and all faction member balances.
Power: total power.
Land: total land claimed.
Online: members currently online.
Members: total members, online and offline.
Future criteria can be added of course.
The error was shown to a player when s/he tried to kick someone who
didn't belong to a faction, and incorrectly asserted that something had
"went wrong".
Larger servers tend to have join and leave messages disabled for the entire server. A few have requested to allow faction members to monitor join and leave messages of their own members.
Default max warps per faction is 5. It can be changed in the config.yml.
You can now use {warps} in the info board to show how many warps a faction has when you walk into their territory.
Only faction mods+ can set faction warps.