Note that the player cannot currently already be in another faction; if they are, you'll need to /f kick them first. Also note that if the faction isn't open (with no invitation required), the player isn't invited, and you don't have the factions.join.any permission or have admin bypass mode on, the attempt will also fail.
Also, added new log method which accepts arguments (like the msg method) and cleaned up /f permanent text a little.
New permission factions.powerboost which is required to use the above command. This permission is added to the factions.kit.mod permission kit.
example usage:
/f powerboost p Player1 1.5 (give player "Player1" a bonus of 1.5 power)
/f powerboost f SomeFaction -6 (give faction "SomeFaction" a penalty of -6 power)
Fix for a potential NPE in FPlayer autoLeaveOnInactivityRoutine.
Added CaptureThePoints and CombatTag to our softdepend list so they can potentially cancel Factions commands.
Also, a couple more minor bugfixes are included for /f home payment giving the wrong message, player/faction descriptions being wrong for console messages, and potential NPE in new faction admin promotion routine if faction was permanent with no current admin.
New permissions:
factions.admin.any - allows use of /f admin on any player in any faction
factions mod.any - allows use of /f mod on any player in any faction
factions.join.any - allows player to join any faction, bypassing invitation process for closed factions (the same as players with /f bypass enabled can do)
Note: for proper faction bank support in iCo5 and EssentialsEco, I recommend waiting for Vault 1.2.5 to be released which addresses faction account creation issues.
/f map now has a nifty faction name key (LexManos)
There are now War Zones; these work similar to Safe Zones, except PvP is enabled and monsters are not blocked (Brettflan)
Players now only regenerate power while actually online (Brettflan)
New command available to prevent power loss in specific worlds (Brettflan)
New command available to prevent faction land claims in specific worlds (doesn't affect safezone and warzone claims) (Brettflan)
New command to unclaim all safezone areas (Brettflan)
Players are now prevented from using /f home if an enemy is nearby, and the players isn't in a safezone or their own faction territory (Brettflan)
New option to make membership default to closed for newly created factions (Brettflan)
When an admin has bypass mode enabled (/f bypass), they can now unclaim any faction land they're standing on (Brettflan)