Add player pronouns to cache #2

opened 2022-10-24 23:15:31 +02:00 by bea · 0 comments

Currently, every time we get a pronoun request from PAPI, we run multiple SQL queries to extract data from the database file. It's a local file, so the performance impact is not as big as a remote MySQL server, however, it's very badly optimized. We should create maps to link players to their pronouns in the Cache, so that the database becomes necessary only on server restarts and reloads.

Currently, every time we get a pronoun request from PAPI, we run multiple SQL queries to extract data from the database file. It's a local file, so the performance impact is not as big as a remote MySQL server, however, it's very badly optimized. We should create maps to link players to their pronouns in the Cache, so that the database becomes necessary only on server restarts and reloads.
bea added this to the WIP project 2022-10-24 23:15:31 +02:00
bea added the
label 2022-10-24 23:22:23 +02:00
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