package wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.util; import org.random.util.RandomOrgRandom; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.Cache; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.datasources.ConfigurationEntry; import; import java.util.Random; public class RandomUtil { private RandomUtil() { throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class"); } // the Random instance that we should always use when looking for an RNG based thing. // the seed is updated periodically, if the integration is enabled. private static Random randomInstance = new SecureRandom(); /** * Returns a random integer picked in a range. * * @param min the minimum value (inclusive) * @param max the maximum value (inclusive) * @return a random number in range [min; max] */ public static int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) { if(min == max) return min; // dumbass if(min > max) // swap em { min = min - max; max = min + max; min = max - min; } // find our range of randomness (eg. 5 -> 8 = 4), add +1 since we want to be inclusive at both sides int difference = (max - min) + 1; // find a number between 0 and our range (eg. 5 -> 8 = 0 -> 3) int randomTemp = getRandom().nextInt(difference); // add the minimum value, so we are sure to be in the original range (0->5, 1->6, 2->7, 3->8) return randomTemp + min; } public static Random getRandom() { return randomInstance; } public static void initRandomOrg() { /* we use the instance to generate 160 random bytes. then, we're feeding those 160 bytes as a seed for a SecureRandom. this is preferred to calling the RandomOrgRandom directly every time, because it has to query the api and (1) takes a long time, especially with big dice rolls, and (2) you'd run in the limits extremely quickly if the bot was run publicly for everyone to use. */ String apiKey = Cache.getRandomOrgApiKey(); RandomOrgRandom randomOrg = new RandomOrgRandom(apiKey); byte[] randomBytes = new byte[160]; randomOrg.nextBytes(randomBytes); randomInstance = new SecureRandom(randomBytes); } public static boolean isRandomOrgKeyValid() { String apiKey = Cache.getRandomOrgApiKey(); return apiKey != null && !apiKey.isEmpty() && !apiKey.equals(ConfigurationEntry.RANDOM_ORG_API_KEY.getDefaultValue()); } }