package wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.commands.base; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.Cache; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.objects.MessageResponse; import; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.util.RandomUtil; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; public class DiceRoll { private DiceRoll() { throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class"); } public static MessageResponse buildResponse(User author, String[] args) { LinkedHashMap dicesToRoll = new LinkedHashMap<>(); String diceRegex = "d\\d+"; String amountRegex = "\\d+"; Dice currentDice = null; int currentAmount; UUID lastPushedDice = null; int totalRolls = 0; for(String arg : args) { if(totalRolls > 200) { return new MessageResponse("Too many total rolls!", null); } if(arg.matches(amountRegex)) { currentAmount = Integer.parseInt(arg); if(currentDice == null) { currentDice = new Dice(6); } else { currentDice = new Dice(currentDice); } if(currentAmount > 100) { return new MessageResponse("Too many rolls (`" + currentAmount + "`)!", null); } lastPushedDice = currentDice.getUUID(); dicesToRoll.put(currentDice, currentAmount); totalRolls += currentAmount; } else if(arg.matches(diceRegex)) { int sides = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); if(sides > 10000) { return new MessageResponse("Too many sides (`" + sides + "`)!", null); } if(args.length == 1) { dicesToRoll.put(new Dice(sides), 1); totalRolls++; } else { if(currentDice != null) { if(lastPushedDice == null || !lastPushedDice.equals(currentDice.getUUID())) { dicesToRoll.put(currentDice, 1); lastPushedDice = currentDice.getUUID(); totalRolls++; } } currentDice = new Dice(sides); } } } if(lastPushedDice == null) { if(currentDice != null) { dicesToRoll.put(currentDice, 1); totalRolls++; } } else { if(!lastPushedDice.equals(currentDice.getUUID())) { dicesToRoll.put(new Dice(currentDice), 1); totalRolls++; } } LinkedList rolledDices = new LinkedList<>(); // in case no dice was specified (or invalid), roll a standard 6-sided dice. if(dicesToRoll.isEmpty()) { Dice standardDice = new Dice(6); dicesToRoll.put(standardDice, 1); totalRolls = 1; } for(Map.Entry entry : dicesToRoll.entrySet()) { Dice dice = entry.getKey(); Integer rollsToMake = entry.getValue(); for(int roll = 0; roll < rollsToMake; roll++) { dice.roll(); rolledDices.add(new Dice(dice)); } } EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder(); embedBuilder.setColor(Cache.getBotColor()); embedBuilder.setAuthor(author.getAsTag(), null, author.getAvatarUrl()); embedBuilder.setTitle("Dice Roll"); if(RandomUtil.isRandomOrgKeyValid()) embedBuilder.setFooter("Seed provided by"); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); int total = 0; int previousDiceSides = 0; for (Dice dice : rolledDices) { int diceSize = dice.getSides(); if (previousDiceSides != diceSize) { message.append("\nd").append(diceSize).append(": "); previousDiceSides = diceSize; } else if (previousDiceSides != 0) { message.append(", "); } message.append("`").append(dice.getValue()).append("`"); total += dice.getValue(); } // discord doesn't allow embed fields to be longer than 1024 and errors out if(message.length() > 1024) { return new MessageResponse("Too many rolls!", null); } embedBuilder.addField("\uD83C\uDFB2 Rolls", message.toString(), false); String rolls = totalRolls == 1 ? "roll" : "rolls"; embedBuilder.addField("✨ Total", totalRolls + " " + rolls + ": " + total, false); return new MessageResponse(null,; } }