package wtf.beatrice.hidekobot; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.datasource.ConfigurationSource; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.datasource.DatabaseSource; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.listeners.MessageCommandListener; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.listeners.MessageLogger; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.listeners.SlashCommandListener; import wtf.beatrice.hidekobot.util.Logger; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class Cache { private static final Logger logger = new Logger(Cache.class); private static ConfigurationSource configurationSource = null; private static DatabaseSource databaseSource = null; private static boolean verbose = false; private static MessageLogger verbosityLogger; private static final long botMaintainerId = 979809420714332260L; private final static String expiryTimestampFormat = "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; // note: discord sets interactions' expiry time to 15 minutes by default, so we can't go higher than that. private final static long expiryTimeSeconds = 15L; // used to count e.g. uptime private static LocalDateTime startupTime; private final static String execPath = System.getProperty("user.dir"); private static final String botVersion = "0.3.2"; // we should probably find a way to make this consistent with Maven private static final String botName = "Hideko"; private static SlashCommandListener slashCommandListener = null; private static MessageCommandListener messageCommandListener = null; private final static String defaultInviteLink = ""; private static String botApplicationId = ""; // discord api returns a broken image if you don't use specific sizes (powers of 2), so we limit it to these private static final int[] supportedAvatarResolutions = { 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 }; /** * Get an array of all the Discord-supported avatar resolutions. * Discord's API returns a broken image if you don't use specific sizes (powers of 2). * * @return array of supported resolutions. */ public static int[] getSupportedAvatarResolutions() { return supportedAvatarResolutions; } /** * Checks if the bot has been started with the verbose argument. * * @return a boolean which is true if the bot is in verbose-mode */ public static boolean isVerbose() { return verbose; } /** * Set the bot's verbosity status at runtime. * This also registers or unregisters the message-logger listener. * * @param v the verbosity boolean value */ public static void setVerbose(boolean v) { verbose = v; if(v) { if(verbosityLogger == null) { verbosityLogger = new MessageLogger(); } HidekoBot.getAPI().addEventListener(verbosityLogger); } else { if(verbosityLogger != null) { HidekoBot.getAPI().removeEventListener(verbosityLogger); verbosityLogger = null; } } } /** * Get the bot owner's profile id. * * @return a long of the account's id */ public static long getBotOwnerId() { return configurationSource == null ? 0L : (Long) configurationSource.getConfigValue("bot-owner-id"); } /** * Get the bot's token. * * @return a String of the bot's token. */ public static String getBotToken() { return configurationSource == null ? null : (String) configurationSource.getConfigValue("bot-token"); } /** * Get the bot maintainer's profile id. * * @return a long of the account's id */ public static long getBotMaintainerId() { return botMaintainerId; } /** * Set the bot's application id. * * @param id the bot's application id */ public static void setBotApplicationId(String id) { botApplicationId = id; } /** * Get the bot's application id * * @return a string of the bot's application id */ public static String getBotApplicationId() { return botApplicationId; } /** * Function to generate an invite link for the bot * * @return a string containing the invite link */ public static String getInviteUrl() { return defaultInviteLink.replace("%userid%", botApplicationId); } /** * Set the already fully-initialized DatabaseSource instance, ready to be accessed and used. * * @param databaseSourceInstance the fully-initialized DatabaseSource instance. */ public static void setDatabaseSourceInstance(DatabaseSource databaseSourceInstance) { databaseSource = databaseSourceInstance; } /** * Get the fully-initialized DatabaseSource instance, ready to be used. * * @return the DatabaseSource instance. */ public static @Nullable DatabaseSource getDatabaseSource() { return databaseSource; } /** * Get the DateTimeFormatter string for parsing the expired messages timestamp. * * @return the String of the DateTimeFormatter format. */ public static String getExpiryTimestampFormat(){ return expiryTimestampFormat; } /** * Get the amount of seconds after which a message expires. * * @return long value of the expiry seconds. */ public static long getExpiryTimeSeconds() { return expiryTimeSeconds; } public static String getBotName() { return botName; }; /** * Get the bot's version. * * @return a String of the bot version. */ public static String getBotVersion() { return botVersion; } /** * Get the bot's global color. * * @return the Color object. */ public static Color getBotColor() { Color defaultColor = Color.PINK; if(configurationSource == null) return defaultColor; String colorName = (String) configurationSource.getConfigValue("bot-color"); Color color = null; try { Field field = Color.class.getField(colorName); color = (Color)field.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log("Unknown color: " + colorName); } return color == null ? defaultColor : color; } //todo javadocs public static void setSlashCommandListener(SlashCommandListener commandListener) { slashCommandListener = commandListener; } public static SlashCommandListener getSlashCommandListener() { return slashCommandListener; } public static void setMessageCommandListener(MessageCommandListener commandListener) { messageCommandListener = commandListener; } public static MessageCommandListener getMessageCommandListener() { return messageCommandListener; } /** * Set the bot's startup time. Generally only used at boot time. * * @param time a LocalDateTime of the startup moment. */ public static void setStartupTime(LocalDateTime time) { startupTime = time; } /** * Get the time of when the bot was started up. * * @return a LocalDateTime object of the startup instant. */ public static LocalDateTime getStartupTime() { return startupTime; } public static String getFullHeartBeatLink() { return configurationSource == null ? null : (String) configurationSource.getConfigValue("heartbeat-link"); } //todo javadocs public static String getExecPath() { return execPath; } /*private static ConfigurationSource getConfigurationSource() { return configurationSource; }*/ public static void setConfigurationSource(ConfigurationSource configurationSource) { Cache.configurationSource = configurationSource; } }