/* SpacedeckRoutes This module contains functions dealing with Routing and View Switching. */ var SpacedeckRoutes = { internal_route: function(path, on_success) { if(!this.router) { this.router = new RouteRecognizer(); this.router.add([ { path: "/spaces/:id", handler: function(params, on_success) { this.load_space(params.id, on_success); }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/confirm/:token", handler: function(params) { if (!this.logged_in) { this.redirect_to("/login"); } else { this.confirm_account(params.token); } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/password-confirm/:token", handler: function(params) { console.log(params.token); if (this.logged_in) { this.redirect_to("/spaces"); } else { this.reset_token = params.token; this.active_view = "password-confirm"; } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/password-reset", handler: function(params, test) { if (this.logged_in) { } else { this.active_view = "password-reset"; } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/accept/:membership_id", handler: function(params, test) { if (this.logged_in) { var invitation_token = get_query_param("code"); accept_invitation(params.membership_id, invitation_token , function(m) { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = "/spaces/"+m.space._id; }.bind(this), function(xhr) { smoke.alert("Error ("+xhr.status+")", function() { this.redirect_to("/spaces"); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } else { this.redirect_to("/login"); } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/signup", handler: function(params) { var invitation_token = get_query_param("code"); if (invitation_token) { this.invitation_token = invitation_token; } if (this.logged_in) { this.redirect_to("/spaces"); } else { this.active_view = "signup"; } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/login", handler: function(params) { if (this.logged_in) { if(this.invitation_token) { accept_invitation(this.accept_invitation, function(m) { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = "spaces/"+m.space_id; }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }); } else { this.redirect_to("/spaces"); } } else { this.active_view = "login"; token = get_query_param("code"); if (token) { this.login_with_token(token); } } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/logout", handler: function(params) { if (this.logged_in) { this.logout(function(m) { this.redirect_to("/login"); }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }); } else { this.redirect_to("/login"); } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/spaces", handler: function(params) { if (!this.logged_in) { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = "/login"; } else { if (this.logged_in && this.user.home_folder_id) { this.load_space(this.user.home_folder_id); } else { location.href = "/"; } } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/account", handler: function(params) { if (!this.logged_in) { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = "/"; } else { this.active_view = "account"; } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/team", handler: function(params) { if (!this.logged_in) { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = "/"; } else { this.active_view = "team"; this.load_team(); } }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/folders/:id", handler: function(params) { this.load_space(params.id, null, function(xhr) { // on_error console.log("couldn't load folder: "+xhr.status); this.redirect_to("/spaces", function(){}); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/", handler: function(params) { location.href = "/"; }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/terms", handler: function(params) { location.href = "/terms"; }.bind(this) } ]); this.router.add([ { path: "/privacy", handler: function(params) { location.href = "/privacy"; }.bind(this) } ]); } var foundRoute = this.router.recognize(path); if (foundRoute) { foundRoute[0].handler(foundRoute[0].params, on_success); } else { location.href = "/not_found"; } }, route: function() { window.onpopstate = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.internal_route(location.pathname); }.bind(this); $("body").on("click", "a", function(event) { // #hash if (event.currentTarget.hash && event.currentTarget.hash.length>1) return; console.log("clicked", event.currentTarget.pathname); // external link? if (event.currentTarget.host != location.host) return; // modifier keys? if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) return; // /t/ path if (event.currentTarget.pathname.match(/^\/t\//)) return; this.internal_route(event.currentTarget.pathname); history.pushState(null, null, event.currentTarget.pathname); event.preventDefault(); }.bind(this)); if (location.host!=ENV.webHost) { if (!subdomainTeam) { location.href = ENV.webEndpoint; return; } else { if(subdomainTeam.subdomain) { var realHost = (subdomainTeam.subdomain + "." + ENV.webHost); if (location.host != realHost) { location.href = realHost; return; } } else { location.href = ENV.webEndpoint; return; } } } if (this.logged_in) { if (this.user.team) { if (this.user.team.subdomain && this.user.team.subdomain.length > 0) { var realHost = (this.user.team.subdomain + "." + ENV.webHost); if (location.host != realHost) { location.href = location.protocol + "//" + realHost + location.pathname; return; } } } } this.internal_route(location.pathname); }, open_url: function(url) { window.open(url,'_blank'); }, redirect_to: function(path, on_success) { if (on_success) { this.internal_route(path, on_success); history.pushState(null, null, path); } else { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href = path; } }, link_to_parent_folder: function(space_id) { return "/folders/"+space_id; }, link_to_space: function(space) { return "/"+space.space_type+"s/"+space._id; } }