/* SpacedeckAccount This module contains functions dealing with the spacedeck account. */ SpacedeckAccount = { data: { account_confirmed_sent: false, account_tab: 'invoices', password_change_error: null, feedback_text: "" }, methods: { show_account: function(user) { this.activate_dropdown('account'); this.load_subscription(); this.load_billing(); }, account_save_user_digest: function(val) { this.user.preferences.daily_digest = val; this.save_user(function(){ }); }, account_save_user_notifications: function(val) { this.user.preferences.email_notifications = val; this.save_user(function(){ }); }, save_user_email: function() { this.save_user(function() { }.bind(this)); }, save_user_language: function(lang) { localStorage.lang = lang; if (this.user.preferences) { this.user.preferences.language = lang; this.save_user(function() { window._spacedeck_location_change = true; location.href="/spaces"; }.bind(this)); } }, save_user: function(on_success) { if (this.user.email_changed) { this.user.confirmed_at = null; } window._spacedeck_location_change = true; save_user(this.user, function(user) { if (on_success) on_success(); else location.href="/spaces"; }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr) }); }, save_user_password: function(oldPass, newPass, newPassConfirm) { this.password_change_error = null; if (!oldPass) { this.password_change_error = "Current password required"; return; } if (!newPass || !newPassConfirm) { this.password_change_error = "New password/password confirmation required"; return; } if (newPass!=newPassConfirm) { this.password_change_error = "New Passwords do not match"; return; } if (newPass.length < 6) { this.password_change_error = "New Password to short"; return; } save_user_password(this.user, oldPass, newPass, function() { alert("OK. Password Changed."); this.password_change_current = ""; this.password_change_new = ""; this.password_change_new_confirmation = ""; }.bind(this), function(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 403) { this.password_change_error = "Old Password not correct"; } else { this.password_change_error = "Something went wrong. Please try again later."; } }.bind(this)); }, confirm_again: function() { resent_confirm_mail(this.user, function(re) { this.account_confirmed_sent = true; alert(__("confirm_again")); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); alert("Something went wrong, please try again."); }); }, confirm_account: function(token) { confirm_user(this.user, token, function(re) { smoke.alert(__("confirmed"), function() { this.redirect_to("/spaces"); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); alert(xhr.responseText); this.redirect_to("/spaces"); }.bind(this)); }, } }