Lorenzo DellacĂ  eb6304aab2 completed transitioning from static HTML&CSS-only website to Ghost CMS.
next step is to readapt the style to be more "content-friendly".
2020-08-12 15:03:22 +02:00

37 lines
1007 B

{{!< default}}
<div class="main" id="vantajs">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="mind-content">
<!-- Vanta.JS Scripts to make the background cool, but disabled on mobile -->
if(window.screen.width > 800)
document.write('<script src="{{asset "js/three.r95.min.js"}}"><\/script>' +
'<script src="{{asset "js/vanta.net.min.js"}}"><\/script>' +
'<script>' +
'el: "#vantajs",'+
'color: 0x3fd5ff,'+
'backgroundColor: 0x190f2b,'+
'mouseControls: true,'+
'touchControls: true,'+
'minHeight: 200.00,'+
'minWidth: 200.00,'+
'scale: 1.00,'+
'scaleMobile: 1.00'+