Lorenzo Dellacà da155c7d7e Lots of changes
- add tags.hbs
- add home.hbs, copy of index.hbs
- change <h1> global font size
 make some animations faster
- make post title & footer background black instead of animated gradient
- make "services" link in navbar white instead of animated gradient
- move some css classes to screen.css to allow tags.hbs accessing them
- fix policy popup being covered (issue #001)
- fix policy popup style
- fig kg-bookmark thumbnail image
- add PT Serif font
- add category and posted date under post title
- move big post cards to post-card-big.hbs, so both index, home and tags can access it
- mode post post cards style to new post-card-style.css file
- update page.hbs, now rendering correctly and including content
- add "l" size to package.json, to allow more high-res images
2020-08-18 15:30:35 +02:00

18 lines
801 B

<article class="{{post_class}}">
<a class="post-card_main" href="{{url}}">
<img class="post-card_feature-image" src="{{img_url feature_image size="m"}}" />
<header class="post-card_header">
<p class="post-card_meta"><span class="post-card_tag">{{primary_tag.name}}</span>
• <time class="post-date" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">{{date format="DD MMMM YYYY"}}</time></p>
<section class="post-card_excerpt">
<p>{{excerpt words="26"}}</p>
<footer class="post-card_footer">
{{#if primary_author.profile_image}}<img class="post-card_author-image" src="{{img_url primary_author.profile_image size="xxs"}}" alt="Author image" />{{/if}}