{{!-- Scripts Begin --}} {{#is "post"}} {{/is}} {{!-- TODO: REMOVE ON PRODUCTION! --}} {{!-- Scripts End --}} {{!-- Begin Page-specific code --}} {{#is "post"}} {{/is}} {{#is "index"}} {{@site.title}} {{/is}} {{# is "post, page, tag"}} {{meta_title}} – {{@site.title}} {{/is}} {{!-- End Page-specific code --}} {{ghost_head}} {{!-- Outputs important meta data and settings, should always be in --}} {{> "navbar-primary"}} {{> "policy-popup"}} {{!-- Todo: maybe we shouldn't include the whole HTML in every page (hidden) and then show it via JS, but instead only inject it when needed via JS. This is because search engines might scan the policy popup too. --}} {{{body}}} {{!-- All content gets inserted here, index.hbs, post.hbs, etc --}} {{!-- --}} {{ghost_foot}} {{!-- Outputs important scripts - should always be included before closing body tag --}}