2019-09-10 11:27:33 +07:00

795 lines
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Executable File

* Handles hooking CMB2 objects/fields into the WordPres REST API
* which can allow fields to be read and/or updated.
* @since 2.2.3
* @category WordPress_Plugin
* @package CMB2
* @author CMB2 team
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link https://cmb2.io
* @property-read read_fields Array of readable field objects.
* @property-read edit_fields Array of editable field objects.
* @property-read rest_read Whether CMB2 object is readable via the rest api.
* @property-read rest_edit Whether CMB2 object is editable via the rest api.
class CMB2_REST extends CMB2_Hookup_Base {
* The current CMB2 REST endpoint version
* @var string
* @since 2.2.3
const VERSION = '1';
* The CMB2 REST base namespace (v should always be followed by $version)
* @var string
* @since 2.2.3
const NAME_SPACE = 'cmb2/v1';
* @var CMB2 object
* @since 2.2.3
public $cmb;
* @var CMB2_REST[] objects
* @since 2.2.3
protected static $boxes = array();
* @var array Array of cmb ids for each type.
* @since 2.2.3
protected static $type_boxes = array(
'post' => array(),
'user' => array(),
'comment' => array(),
'term' => array(),
* Array of readable field objects.
* @var CMB2_Field[]
* @since 2.2.3
protected $read_fields = array();
* Array of editable field objects.
* @var CMB2_Field[]
* @since 2.2.3
protected $edit_fields = array();
* Whether CMB2 object is readable via the rest api.
* @var boolean
protected $rest_read = false;
* Whether CMB2 object is editable via the rest api.
* @var boolean
protected $rest_edit = false;
* A functionalized constructor, used for the hookup action callbacks.
* @since 2.2.6
* @param CMB2 $cmb The CMB2 object to hookup
* @return CMB2_Hookup_Base $hookup The hookup object.
public static function maybe_init_and_hookup( CMB2 $cmb ) {
if ( $cmb->prop( 'show_in_rest' ) && function_exists( 'rest_get_server' ) ) {
$hookup = new self( $cmb );
return $hookup->universal_hooks();
return false;
* Constructor
* @since 2.2.3
* @param CMB2 $cmb The CMB2 object to be registered for the API.
public function __construct( CMB2 $cmb ) {
$this->cmb = $cmb;
self::$boxes[ $cmb->cmb_id ] = $this;
$show_value = $this->cmb->prop( 'show_in_rest' );
$this->rest_read = self::is_readable( $show_value );
$this->rest_edit = self::is_editable( $show_value );
* Hooks to register on frontend and backend.
* @since 2.2.3
* @return void
public function universal_hooks() {
// hook up the CMB rest endpoint classes
$this->once( 'rest_api_init', array( __CLASS__, 'init_routes' ), 0 );
if ( function_exists( 'register_rest_field' ) ) {
$this->once( 'rest_api_init', array( __CLASS__, 'register_cmb2_fields' ), 50 );
add_filter( 'is_protected_meta', array( $this, 'is_protected_meta' ), 10, 3 );
return $this;
* Initiate the CMB2 Boxes and Fields routes
* @since 2.2.3
* @return void
public static function init_routes() {
$wp_rest_server = rest_get_server();
$boxes_controller = new CMB2_REST_Controller_Boxes( $wp_rest_server );
$fields_controller = new CMB2_REST_Controller_Fields( $wp_rest_server );
* Loop through REST boxes and call register_rest_field for each object type.
* @since 2.2.3
* @return void
public static function register_cmb2_fields() {
$alltypes = $taxonomies = array();
foreach ( self::$boxes as $cmb_id => $rest_box ) {
$types = array_flip( $rest_box->cmb->box_types( array( 'post' ) ) );
if ( isset( $types['user'] ) ) {
unset( $types['user'] );
self::$type_boxes['user'][ $cmb_id ] = $cmb_id;
if ( isset( $types['comment'] ) ) {
unset( $types['comment'] );
self::$type_boxes['comment'][ $cmb_id ] = $cmb_id;
if ( isset( $types['term'] ) ) {
unset( $types['term'] );
$taxonomies = array_merge(
CMB2_Utils::ensure_array( $rest_box->cmb->prop( 'taxonomies' ) )
self::$type_boxes['term'][ $cmb_id ] = $cmb_id;
if ( ! empty( $types ) ) {
$alltypes = array_merge( $alltypes, array_flip( $types ) );
self::$type_boxes['post'][ $cmb_id ] = $cmb_id;
$alltypes = array_unique( $alltypes );
if ( ! empty( $alltypes ) ) {
self::register_rest_field( $alltypes, 'post' );
if ( ! empty( self::$type_boxes['user'] ) ) {
self::register_rest_field( 'user', 'user' );
if ( ! empty( self::$type_boxes['comment'] ) ) {
self::register_rest_field( 'comment', 'comment' );
if ( ! empty( self::$type_boxes['term'] ) ) {
self::register_rest_field( $taxonomies, 'term' );
* Wrapper for register_rest_field.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string|array $object_types Object(s) the field is being registered
* to, "post"|"term"|"comment" etc.
* @param string $object_types Canonical object type for callbacks.
* @return void
protected static function register_rest_field( $object_types, $object_type ) {
register_rest_field( $object_types, 'cmb2', array(
'get_callback' => array( __CLASS__, "get_{$object_type}_rest_values" ),
'update_callback' => array( __CLASS__, "update_{$object_type}_rest_values" ),
'schema' => null, // @todo add schema
) );
* Setup readable and editable fields.
* @since 2.2.3
* @return void
protected function declare_read_edit_fields() {
foreach ( $this->cmb->prop( 'fields' ) as $field ) {
$show_in_rest = isset( $field['show_in_rest'] ) ? $field['show_in_rest'] : null;
if ( false === $show_in_rest ) {
if ( $this->can_read( $show_in_rest ) ) {
$this->read_fields[] = $field['id'];
if ( $this->can_edit( $show_in_rest ) ) {
$this->edit_fields[] = $field['id'];
* Determines if a field is readable based on it's show_in_rest value
* and the box's show_in_rest value.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param bool $show_in_rest Field's show_in_rest value. Default null.
* @return bool Whether field is readable.
protected function can_read( $show_in_rest ) {
// if 'null', then use default box value.
if ( null === $show_in_rest ) {
return $this->rest_read;
// Else check if the value represents readable.
return self::is_readable( $show_in_rest );
* Determines if a field is editable based on it's show_in_rest value
* and the box's show_in_rest value.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param bool $show_in_rest Field's show_in_rest value. Default null.
* @return bool Whether field is editable.
protected function can_edit( $show_in_rest ) {
// if 'null', then use default box value.
if ( null === $show_in_rest ) {
return $this->rest_edit;
// Else check if the value represents editable.
return self::is_editable( $show_in_rest );
* Handler for getting post custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $object The object data from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return mixed
public static function get_post_rest_values( $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::get_rest_values( $object, $request, $object_type, 'post' );
* Handler for getting user custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $object The object data from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return mixed
public static function get_user_rest_values( $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::get_rest_values( $object, $request, $object_type, 'user' );
* Handler for getting comment custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $object The object data from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return mixed
public static function get_comment_rest_values( $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::get_rest_values( $object, $request, $object_type, 'comment' );
* Handler for getting term custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $object The object data from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return mixed
public static function get_term_rest_values( $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::get_rest_values( $object, $request, $object_type, 'term' );
* Handler for getting custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $object The object data from the response
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @param string $main_object_type The cmb main object type
* @return mixed
protected static function get_rest_values( $object, $request, $object_type, $main_object_type = 'post' ) {
if ( ! isset( $object['id'] ) ) {
$values = array();
if ( ! empty( self::$type_boxes[ $main_object_type ] ) ) {
foreach ( self::$type_boxes[ $main_object_type ] as $cmb_id ) {
$rest_box = self::$boxes[ $cmb_id ];
foreach ( $rest_box->read_fields as $field_id ) {
$rest_box->cmb->object_id( $object['id'] );
$rest_box->cmb->object_type( $main_object_type );
$field = $rest_box->cmb->get_field( $field_id );
$field->object_id( $object['id'] );
$field->object_type( $main_object_type );
$values[ $cmb_id ][ $field->id( true ) ] = $field->get_data();
return $values;
* Handler for updating post custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $values The value of the field
* @param object $object The object from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return bool|int
public static function update_post_rest_values( $values, $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::update_rest_values( $values, $object, $request, $object_type, 'post' );
* Handler for updating user custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $values The value of the field
* @param object $object The object from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return bool|int
public static function update_user_rest_values( $values, $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::update_rest_values( $values, $object, $request, $object_type, 'user' );
* Handler for updating comment custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $values The value of the field
* @param object $object The object from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return bool|int
public static function update_comment_rest_values( $values, $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::update_rest_values( $values, $object, $request, $object_type, 'comment' );
* Handler for updating term custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $values The value of the field
* @param object $object The object from the response
* @param string $field_name Name of field
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @return bool|int
public static function update_term_rest_values( $values, $object, $field_name, $request, $object_type ) {
if ( 'cmb2' === $field_name ) {
return self::update_rest_values( $values, $object, $request, $object_type, 'term' );
* Handler for updating custom field data.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $values The value of the field
* @param object $object The object from the response
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Current request
* @param string $object_type The request object type
* @param string $main_object_type The cmb main object type
* @return bool|int
protected static function update_rest_values( $values, $object, $request, $object_type, $main_object_type = 'post' ) {
if ( empty( $values ) || ! is_array( $values ) ) {
$object_id = self::get_object_id( $object, $main_object_type );
if ( ! $object_id ) {
$updated = array();
if ( ! empty( self::$type_boxes[ $main_object_type ] ) ) {
foreach ( self::$type_boxes[ $main_object_type ] as $cmb_id ) {
$rest_box = self::$boxes[ $cmb_id ];
if ( ! array_key_exists( $cmb_id, $values ) ) {
$rest_box->cmb->object_id( $object_id );
$rest_box->cmb->object_type( $main_object_type );
$updated[ $cmb_id ] = $rest_box->sanitize_box_values( $values );
return $updated;
* Loop through box fields and sanitize the values.
* @since 2.2.o
* @param array $values Array of values being provided.
* @return array Array of updated/sanitized values.
public function sanitize_box_values( array $values ) {
$updated = array();
foreach ( $this->edit_fields as $field_id ) {
$updated[ $field_id ] = $this->sanitize_field_value( $values, $field_id );
return $updated;
* Handles returning a sanitized field value.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $values Array of values being provided.
* @param string $field_id The id of the field to update.
* @return mixed The results of saving/sanitizing a field value.
protected function sanitize_field_value( array $values, $field_id ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $field_id, $values[ $this->cmb->cmb_id ] ) ) {
$field = $this->cmb->get_field( $field_id );
if ( 'title' == $field->type() ) {
$field->object_id( $this->cmb->object_id() );
$field->object_type( $this->cmb->object_type() );
if ( 'group' == $field->type() ) {
return $this->sanitize_group_value( $values, $field );
return $field->save_field( $values[ $this->cmb->cmb_id ][ $field_id ] );
* Handles returning a sanitized group field value.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param array $values Array of values being provided.
* @param CMB2_Field $field CMB2_Field object.
* @return mixed The results of saving/sanitizing the group field value.
protected function sanitize_group_value( array $values, CMB2_Field $field ) {
$fields = $field->fields();
if ( empty( $fields ) ) {
$this->cmb->data_to_save[ $field->_id() ] = $values[ $this->cmb->cmb_id ][ $field->_id() ];
return $this->cmb->save_group_field( $field );
* Filter whether a meta key is protected.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param bool $protected Whether the key is protected. Default false.
* @param string $meta_key Meta key.
* @param string $meta_type Meta type.
public function is_protected_meta( $protected, $meta_key, $meta_type ) {
if ( $this->field_can_edit( $meta_key ) ) {
return false;
return $protected;
protected static function get_object_id( $object, $object_type = 'post' ) {
switch ( $object_type ) {
case 'user':
case 'post':
if ( isset( $object->ID ) ) {
return intval( $object->ID );
case 'comment':
if ( isset( $object->comment_ID ) ) {
return intval( $object->comment_ID );
case 'term':
if ( is_array( $object ) && isset( $object['term_id'] ) ) {
return intval( $object['term_id'] );
} elseif ( isset( $object->term_id ) ) {
return intval( $object->term_id );
return 0;
* Checks if a given field can be read.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string|CMB2_Field $field_id Field ID or CMB2_Field object.
* @param boolean $return_object Whether to return the Field object.
* @return mixed False if field can't be read or true|CMB2_Field object.
public function field_can_read( $field_id, $return_object = false ) {
return $this->field_can( 'read_fields', $field_id, $return_object );
* Checks if a given field can be edited.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string|CMB2_Field $field_id Field ID or CMB2_Field object.
* @param boolean $return_object Whether to return the Field object.
* @return mixed False if field can't be edited or true|CMB2_Field object.
public function field_can_edit( $field_id, $return_object = false ) {
return $this->field_can( 'edit_fields', $field_id, $return_object );
* Checks if a given field can be read or edited.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string $type Whether we are checking for read or edit fields.
* @param string|CMB2_Field $field_id Field ID or CMB2_Field object.
* @param boolean $return_object Whether to return the Field object.
* @return mixed False if field can't be read or edited or true|CMB2_Field object.
protected function field_can( $type = 'read_fields', $field_id, $return_object = false ) {
if ( ! in_array( $field_id instanceof CMB2_Field ? $field_id->id() : $field_id, $this->{$type}, true ) ) {
return false;
return $return_object ? $this->cmb->get_field( $field_id ) : true;
* Get a CMB2_REST instance object from the registry by a CMB2 id.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string $cmb_id CMB2 config id
* @return CMB2_REST|false The CMB2_REST object or false.
public static function get_rest_box( $cmb_id ) {
return isset( self::$boxes[ $cmb_id ] ) ? self::$boxes[ $cmb_id ] : false;
* Remove a CMB2_REST instance object from the registry.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param string $cmb_id A CMB2 instance id.
public static function remove( $cmb_id ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $cmb_id, self::$boxes ) ) {
unset( self::$boxes[ $cmb_id ] );
* Retrieve all CMB2_REST instances from the registry.
* @since 2.2.3
* @return CMB2[] Array of all registered CMB2_REST instances.
public static function get_all() {
return self::$boxes;
* Checks if given value is readable.
* Value is considered readable if it is not empty and if it does not match the editable blacklist.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return boolean Whether value is considered readable.
public static function is_readable( $value ) {
return ! empty( $value ) && ! in_array( $value, array(
), true );
* Checks if given value is editable.
* Value is considered editable if matches the editable whitelist.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return boolean Whether value is considered editable.
public static function is_editable( $value ) {
return in_array( $value, array(
), true );
* Magic getter for our object.
* @param string $field
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if the field is invalid.
* @return mixed
public function __get( $field ) {
switch ( $field ) {
case 'read_fields':
case 'edit_fields':
case 'rest_read':
case 'rest_edit':
return $this->{$field};
throw new Exception( 'Invalid ' . __CLASS__ . ' property: ' . $field );