2019-09-10 11:27:33 +07:00

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Executable File

* WordPress session managment.
* Standardizes WordPress session data using database-backed options for storage.
* for storing user session information.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Session
* @since 3.6.0
* WordPress Session class for managing user session data.
* @package WordPress
* @since 3.6.0
class WP_Session implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable {
* Internal data collection.
* @var array
private $container;
* ID of the current session.
* @var string
private $session_id;
* Unix timestamp when session expires.
* @var int
private $expires;
* Singleton instance.
* @var bool|WP_Session
private static $instance = false;
* Retrieve the current session instance.
* @param bool $session_id Session ID from which to populate data.
* @return bool|WP_Session
public static function get_instance() {
if ( ! self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* Default constructor.
* Will rebuild the session collection from the given session ID if it exists. Otherwise, will
* create a new session with that ID.
* @param $session_id
* @uses apply_filters Calls `wp_session_expiration` to determine how long until sessions expire.
private function __construct() {
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[WP_SESSION_COOKIE] ) ) {
$this->session_id = stripslashes( $_COOKIE[WP_SESSION_COOKIE] );
} else {
$this->session_id = $this->generate_id();
$this->expires = time() + intval( apply_filters( 'wp_session_expiration', 24 * 60 ) );
setcookie( WP_SESSION_COOKIE, $this->session_id, $this->expires, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
* Generate a cryptographically strong unique ID for the session token.
* @return string
private function generate_id() {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php';
$hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, false );
return md5( $hasher->get_random_bytes( 32 ) );
* Read data from a transient for the current session.
* Automatically resets the expiration time for the session transient to some time in the future.
* @return array
private function read_data() {
$this->container = get_option( "_wp_session_{$this->session_id}", array() );
return $this->container;
* Write the data from the current session to the data storage system.
public function write_data() {
$session_list = get_option( '_wp_session_list', array() );
update_option( "_wp_session_{$this->session_id}", $this->container );
private function touch_session() {
$session_list = get_option( '_wp_session_list', array() );
$session_list[ $this->session_id ] = $this->expires;
foreach( $session_list as $id => $expires ) {
if ( time() > $this->expires ) {
delete_option( "_wp_session_{$id}" );
unset( $session_list[$id] );
update_option( '_wp_session_list', $session_list );
* Output the current container contents as a JSON-encoded string.
* @return string
public function json_out() {
return json_encode( $this->container );
* Decodes a JSON string and, if the object is an array, overwrites the session container with its contents.
* @param string $data
* @return bool
public function json_in( $data ) {
$array = json_decode( $data );
if ( is_array( $array ) ) {
$this->container = $array;
return true;
return false;
* Regenerate the current session's ID.
* @param bool $delete_old Flag whether or not to delete the old session data from the server.
public function regenerate_id( $delete_old = false ) {
if ( $delete_old ) {
delete_option( "_wp_session_{$this->session_id}" );
$session_list = get_option( '_wp_session_list', array() );
unset ($session_list[ $this->session_id ] );
update_option( '_wp_session_list', $session_list );
$this->session_id = $this->generate_id();
setcookie( WP_SESSION_COOKIE, $this->session_id, time() + $this->expires, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
* Check if a session has been initialized.
* @return bool
public function session_started() {
return !!self::$instance;
* Return the read-only cache expiration value.
* @return int
public function cache_expiration() {
return $this->expires;
* Flushes all session variables.
public function reset() {
$this->container = array();
/* ArrayAccess Implementation */
* Whether a offset exists
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetexists.php
* @param mixed $offset An offset to check for.
* @return boolean true on success or false on failure.
public function offsetExists( $offset ) {
return isset( $this->container[ $offset ]) ;
* Offset to retrieve
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetget.php
* @param mixed $offset The offset to retrieve.
* @return mixed Can return all value types.
public function offsetGet( $offset ) {
return isset( $this->container[ $offset ] ) ? $this->container[ $offset ] : null;
* Offset to set
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetset.php
* @param mixed $offset The offset to assign the value to.
* @param mixed $value The value to set.
* @return void
public function offsetSet( $offset, $value ) {
if ( is_null( $offset ) ) {
$this->container[] = $value;
} else {
$this->container[ $offset ] = $value;
* Offset to unset
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetunset.php
* @param mixed $offset The offset to unset.
* @return void
public function offsetUnset( $offset ) {
unset( $this->container[ $offset ] );
/* Iterator Implementation */
* Current position of the array.
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php
* @return mixed
public function current() {
return current( $this->container );
* Key of the current element.
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php
* @return mixed
public function key() {
return key( $this->container );
* Move the internal point of the container array to the next item
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php
* @return void
public function next() {
next( $this->container );
* Rewind the internal point of the container array.
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php
* @return void
public function rewind() {
reset( $this->container );
* Is the current key valid?
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php
* @return bool
public function valid() {
return $this->offsetExists( $this->key() );
/* Countable Implementation */
* Get the count of elements in the container array.
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/countable.count.php
* @return int
public function count() {
return count( $this->container );