2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

190 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File

* RTLCSS https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss
* Framework for transforming Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from Left-To-Right (LTR) to Right-To-Left (RTL).
* Copyright 2017 Mohammad Younes.
* Licensed under MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
* */
'use strict'
var postcss = require('postcss')
var state = require('./state.js')
var config = require('./config.js')
var util = require('./util.js')
module.exports = postcss.plugin('rtlcss', function (options, plugins, hooks) {
var configuration = config.configure(options, plugins, hooks)
var context = {
// provides access to postcss
'postcss': postcss,
// provides access to the current configuration
'config': configuration,
// provides access to utilities object
'util': util.configure(configuration)
return function (css, result) {
var flipped = 0
var toBeRenamed = {}
context.config.hooks.pre(css, postcss)
css.walk(function (node) {
var prevent = false
state.walk(function (current) {
// check if current directive is expecting this node
if (!current.metadata.blacklist && current.directive.expect[node.type]) {
// perform action and prevent further processing if result equals true
if (current.directive.begin(node, current.metadata, context)) {
prevent = true
// if should end? end it.
if (current.metadata.end && current.directive.end(node, current.metadata, context)) {
if (prevent === false) {
switch (node.type) {
case 'atrule':
// @rules requires url flipping only
if (context.config.processUrls === true || context.config.processUrls.atrule === true) {
var params = context.util.applyStringMap(node.params, true)
node.params = params
case 'comment':
state.parse(node, result, function (current) {
var push = true
if (current.directive === null) {
current.preserve = !context.config.clean
context.util.each(context.config.plugins, function (plugin) {
var blacklist = context.config.blacklist[plugin.name]
if (blacklist && blacklist[current.metadata.name] === true) {
current.metadata.blacklist = true
if (current.metadata.end) {
push = false
if (current.metadata.begin) {
result.warn('directive "' + plugin.name + '.' + current.metadata.name + '" is blacklisted.', {node: current.source})
// break each
return false
current.directive = plugin.directives.control[current.metadata.name]
if (current.directive) {
// break each
return false
if (current.directive) {
if (!current.metadata.begin && current.metadata.end) {
if (current.directive.end(node, current.metadata, context)) {
push = false
} else if (current.directive.expect.self && current.directive.begin(node, current.metadata, context)) {
if (current.metadata.end && current.directive.end(node, current.metadata, context)) {
push = false
} else if (!current.metadata.blacklist) {
push = false
result.warn('unsupported directive "' + current.metadata.name + '".', {node: current.source})
return push
case 'decl':
// if broken by a matching value directive .. break
if (!context.util.each(context.config.plugins,
function (plugin) {
return context.util.each(plugin.directives.value, function (directive) {
if (node.raws.value && node.raws.value.raw) {
var expr = context.util.regexDirective(directive.name)
if (expr.test(node.raws.value.raw)) {
expr.lastIndex = 0
if (directive.action(node, expr, context)) {
if (context.config.clean) {
node.value = node.raws.value.raw = context.util.trimDirective(node.raws.value.raw)
// break
return false
})) break
// loop over all plugins/property processors
context.util.each(context.config.plugins, function (plugin) {
return context.util.each(plugin.processors, function (directive) {
if (node.prop.match(directive.expr)) {
var raw = node.raws.value && node.raws.value.raw ? node.raws.value.raw : node.value
var state = context.util.saveComments(raw)
var pair = directive.action(node.prop, state.value, context)
state.value = pair.value
pair.value = context.util.restoreComments(state)
if (pair.prop !== node.prop || pair.value !== raw) {
node.prop = pair.prop
node.value = pair.value
// match found, break
return false
// if last decl, apply auto rename
// decl. may be found inside @rules
if (context.config.autoRename && !flipped && node.parent.type === 'rule' && context.util.isLastOfType(node)) {
var renamed = context.util.applyStringMap(node.parent.selector)
if (context.config.autoRenameStrict === true) {
var pair = toBeRenamed[renamed]
if (pair) {
pair.selector = node.parent.selector
node.parent.selector = renamed
} else {
toBeRenamed[node.parent.selector] = node.parent
} else {
node.parent.selector = renamed
case 'rule':
// new rule, reset flipped decl count to zero
flipped = 0
state.walk(function (item) {
result.warn('unclosed directive "' + item.metadata.name + '".', {node: item.source})
Object.keys(toBeRenamed).forEach(function (key) {
result.warn('renaming skipped due to lack of a matching pair.', {node: toBeRenamed[key]})
context.config.hooks.post(css, postcss)
* Creates a new RTLCSS instance, process the input and return its result.
* @param {String} css A string containing input CSS.
* @param {Object} options An object containing RTLCSS settings.
* @param {Object|Array} plugins An array containing a list of RTLCSS plugins or a single RTLCSS plugin.
* @param {Object} hooks An object containing pre/post hooks.
* @returns {String} A string contining the RTLed css.
module.exports.process = function (css, options, plugins, hooks) {
return postcss([this(options, plugins, hooks)]).process(css).css
* Creates a new instance of RTLCSS using the passed configuration object
* @param {Object} config An object containing RTLCSS options, plugins and hooks.
* @returns {Object} A new RTLCSS instance.
module.exports.configure = function (config) {
config = config || {}
return postcss([this(config.options, config.plugins, config.hooks)])