
174 lines
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Executable File

* CMB Taxonomy base field type
* @since 2.2.2
* @category WordPress_Plugin
* @package CMB2
* @author CMB2 team
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link https://cmb2.io
abstract class CMB2_Type_Taxonomy_Base extends CMB2_Type_Multi_Base {
* Parent term ID when looping hierarchical terms.
* @var integer|null
protected $parent = null;
* Checks if we can get a post object, and if so, uses `get_the_terms` which utilizes caching.
* @since 1.0.2
* @return mixed Array of terms on success
public function get_object_terms() {
switch ( $this->field->object_type ) {
case 'options-page':
case 'term':
return $this->options_terms();
case 'post':
// WP caches internally so it's better to use
return get_the_terms( $this->field->object_id, $this->field->args( 'taxonomy' ) );
return $this->non_post_object_terms();
* Gets the term objects for the terms stored via options boxes.
* @since 2.2.4
* @return mixed Array of terms on success
public function options_terms() {
if ( empty( $this->field->value ) ) {
return array();
$terms = (array) $this->field->value;
foreach ( $terms as $index => $term ) {
$terms[ $index ] = get_term_by( 'slug', $term, $this->field->args( 'taxonomy' ) );
return $terms;
* For non-post objects, wraps the call to wp_get_object_terms with transient caching.
* @since 2.2.4
* @return mixed Array of terms on success
public function non_post_object_terms() {
$object_id = $this->field->object_id;
$taxonomy = $this->field->args( 'taxonomy' );
$cache_key = "cmb-cache-{$taxonomy}-{$object_id}";
// Check cache
$cached = get_transient( $cache_key );
if ( ! $cached ) {
$cached = wp_get_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy );
// Do our own (minimal) caching. Long enough for a page-load.
set_transient( $cache_key, $cached, 60 );
return $cached;
* Wrapper for `get_terms` to account for changes in WP 4.6 where taxonomy is expected
* as part of the arguments.
* @since 2.2.2
* @return mixed Array of terms on success
public function get_terms() {
$args = array(
'taxonomy' => $this->field->args( 'taxonomy' ),
'hide_empty' => false,
if ( null !== $this->parent ) {
$args['parent'] = $this->parent;
$args = wp_parse_args( $this->field->prop( 'query_args', array() ), $args );
return CMB2_Utils::wp_at_least( '4.5.0' )
? get_terms( $args )
: get_terms( $this->field->args( 'taxonomy' ), http_build_query( $args ) );
protected function no_terms_result( $error, $tag = 'li' ) {
if ( is_wp_error( $error ) ) {
$message = $error->get_error_message();
$data = 'data-error="' . esc_attr( $error->get_error_code() ) . '"';
} else {
$message = $this->_text( 'no_terms_text', esc_html__( 'No terms', 'opalestate-pro' ) );
$data = '';
$this->field->args['select_all_button'] = false;
return sprintf( '<%3$s><label %1$s>%2$s</label></%3$s>', $data, esc_html( $message ), $tag );
public function get_object_term_or_default() {
$saved_terms = $this->get_object_terms();
return is_wp_error( $saved_terms ) || empty( $saved_terms )
? $this->field->get_default()
: array_shift( $saved_terms )->slug;
* Takes a list of all tax terms and outputs.
* @since 2.2.5
* @param array $all_terms Array of all terms.
* @param array|string $saved Array of terms set to the object, or single term slug.
* @return string List of terms.
protected function loop_terms( $all_terms, $saved_terms ) {
return '';
* Build children hierarchy.
* @param object $parent_term The parent term object.
* @param array|string $saved Array of terms set to the object, or single term slug.
* @return string List of terms.
protected function build_children( $parent_term, $saved ) {
if ( empty( $parent_term->term_id ) ) {
return '';
$this->parent = $parent_term->term_id;
$terms = $this->get_terms();
$options = '';
if ( ! empty( $terms ) && is_array( $terms ) ) {
$options = '<li class="cmb2-indented-hierarchy"><ul>';
$options .= $this->loop_terms( $terms, $saved );
$options .= '</ul></li>';
return $options;