2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

118 lines
3.2 KiB

var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var Immutable = require("immutable");
* Take Browsersync plugins and determine if
* any UI is provided by looking at data in the the
* modules package.json file
* @param plugins
* @returns {*}
module.exports = function (plugins) {
return require("immutable")
* Exclude the UI
.filter(function (plugin) {
return plugin.get("name") !== "UI";
* Attempt to retrieve a plugins package.json file
.map(function (plugin) {
var moduleName = plugin.getIn(["opts", "moduleName"]);
var pkg = {};
if (!moduleName) {
return plugin;
try {
pkg = require("immutable").fromJS(require(path.join(moduleName, "package.json")));
} catch (e) {
return plugin;
plugin = plugin.set("pkg", pkg);
return plugin.set("relpath", path.dirname(require.resolve(moduleName)));
* Try to load markup for each plugin
.map(function (plugin) {
if (!plugin.hasIn(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui"])) {
return plugin;
var markup = plugin.getIn(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui", "hooks", "markup"]);
if (markup) {
plugin = plugin.set("markup", fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(plugin.get("relpath"), markup), "utf8"));
return plugin;
* Load any template files for the plugin
.map(function (plugin) {
if (!plugin.hasIn(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui"])) {
return plugin;
return resolveIfPluginHas(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui", "hooks", "templates"], "templates", plugin);
* Try to load Client JS for each plugin
.map(function (plugin) {
if (!plugin.hasIn(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui"])) {
return plugin;
return resolveIfPluginHas(["pkg", "browser-sync:ui", "hooks", "client:js"], "client:js", plugin);
* If a plugin contains this option path, resolve/read the files
* @param {Array} optPath - How to access the collection
* @param {String} propName - Key for property access
* @param {Immutable.Map} plugin
* @returns {*}
function resolveIfPluginHas(optPath, propName, plugin) {
var opt = plugin.getIn(optPath);
if (opt.size) {
return plugin.set(
resolvePluginFiles(opt, plugin.get("relpath"))
return plugin;
* Read & store a file from a plugin
* @param {Array|Immutable.List} collection
* @param {String} relPath
* @returns {any}
function resolvePluginFiles (collection, relPath) {
return Immutable.fromJS(collection.reduce(function (all, item) {
var full = path.join(relPath, item);
if (fs.existsSync(full)) {
all[full] = fs.readFileSync(full, "utf8");
return all;
}, {}));