2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

671 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* This file provides type definitions for use with the Flow type checker.
* An important caveat when using these definitions is that the types for
* `Iterable.Keyed`, `Iterable.Indexed`, `Seq.Keyed`, and so on are stubs.
* When referring to those types, you can get the proper definitions by
* importing the types `KeyedIterable`, `IndexedIterable`, `KeyedSeq`, etc.
* For example,
* import { Seq } from 'immutable'
* import type { IndexedIterable, IndexedSeq } from 'immutable'
* const someSeq: IndexedSeq<number> = Seq.Indexed.of(1, 2, 3)
* function takesASeq<T, TS: IndexedIterable<T>>(iter: TS): TS {
* return iter.butLast()
* }
* takesASeq(someSeq)
* @flow
* Alias for ECMAScript `Iterable` type, declared in
* https://github.com/facebook/flow/blob/master/lib/core.js
* Note that Immutable values implement the `ESIterable` interface.
type ESIterable<T> = $Iterable<T,void,void>;
declare class Iterable<K, V> extends _Iterable<K, V, typeof KeyedIterable, typeof IndexedIterable, typeof SetIterable> {}
declare class _Iterable<K, V, KI, II, SI> {
static Keyed: KI;
static Indexed: II;
static Set: SI;
static isIterable(maybeIterable: any): boolean;
static isKeyed(maybeKeyed: any): boolean;
static isIndexed(maybeIndexed: any): boolean;
static isAssociative(maybeAssociative: any): boolean;
static isOrdered(maybeOrdered: any): boolean;
equals(other: Iterable<K,V>): boolean;
hashCode(): number;
get(key: K): V;
get<V_>(key: K, notSetValue: V_): V|V_;
has(key: K): boolean;
includes(value: V): boolean;
contains(value: V): boolean;
first(): V;
last(): V;
getIn<T>(searchKeyPath: ESIterable<any>, notSetValue: T): T;
getIn<T>(searchKeyPath: ESIterable<any>): T;
hasIn(searchKeyPath: ESIterable<any>): boolean;
toJS(): any;
toArray(): V[];
toObject(): { [key: string]: V };
toMap(): Map<K,V>;
toOrderedMap(): Map<K,V>;
toSet(): Set<V>;
toOrderedSet(): Set<V>;
toList(): List<V>;
toStack(): Stack<V>;
toSeq(): Seq<K,V>;
toKeyedSeq(): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
toIndexedSeq(): IndexedSeq<V>;
toSetSeq(): SetSeq<V>;
keys(): Iterator<K>;
values(): Iterator<V>;
entries(): Iterator<[K,V]>;
keySeq(): IndexedSeq<K>;
valueSeq(): IndexedSeq<V>;
entrySeq(): IndexedSeq<[K,V]>;
reverse(): this;
sort(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): this;
comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): this;
grouper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => G,
context?: any
): KeyedSeq<G, this>;
sideEffect: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
context?: any
): number;
slice(begin?: number, end?: number): this;
rest(): this;
butLast(): this;
skip(amount: number): this;
skipLast(amount: number): this;
skipWhile(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): this;
skipUntil(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): this;
take(amount: number): this;
takeLast(amount: number): this;
takeWhile(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): this;
takeUntil(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): this;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/Iterable<any,any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/Iterable<any,any>;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any
): this;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any
): this;
reducer: (reduction: R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R,
initialReduction?: R,
context?: any,
): R;
reducer: (reduction: R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R,
initialReduction?: R,
context?: any,
): R;
every(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): boolean;
some(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): boolean;
join(separator?: string): string;
isEmpty(): boolean;
count(predicate?: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): number;
countBy<G>(grouper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => G, context?: any): Map<G,number>;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any,
): ?V;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context: any,
notSetValue: V_
): V|V_;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any,
): ?V;
predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed,
context: any,
notSetValue: V_
): V|V_;
findEntry(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed): ?[K,V];
findLastEntry(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed): ?[K,V];
findKey(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): ?K;
findLastKey(predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => mixed, context?: any): ?K;
keyOf(searchValue: V): ?K;
lastKeyOf(searchValue: V): ?K;
max(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V;
comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): V;
min(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V;
comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): V;
isSubset(iter: Iterable<any, V>): boolean;
isSubset(iter: ESIterable<V>): boolean;
isSuperset(iter: Iterable<any, V>): boolean;
isSuperset(iter: ESIterable<V>): boolean;
declare class KeyedIterable<K,V> extends Iterable<K,V> {
static <K,V>(iter?: ESIterable<[K,V]>): KeyedIterable<K,V>;
static <K,V>(obj?: { [key: K]: V }): KeyedIterable<K,V>;
@@iterator(): Iterator<[K,V]>;
toSeq(): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
flip(): /*this*/KeyedIterable<V,K>;
mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => K_,
context?: any
): /*this*/KeyedIterable<K_,V>;
mapper: (entry: [K,V], index: number, iter: this) => [K_,V_],
context?: any
): /*this*/KeyedIterable<K_,V_>;
concat(...iters: ESIterable<[K,V]>[]): this;
mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => V_,
context?: any
): /*this*/KeyedIterable<K,V_>;
flatMap<K_, V_>(
mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => ESIterable<[K_,V_]>,
context?: any
): /*this*/KeyedIterable<K_,V_>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/KeyedIterable<any,any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/KeyedIterable<any,any>;
declare class IndexedIterable<T> extends Iterable<number,T> {
static <T>(iter?: ESIterable<T>): IndexedIterable<T>;
@@iterator(): Iterator<T>;
toSeq(): IndexedSeq<T>;
fromEntrySeq<K,V>(): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
interpose(separator: T): this;
interleave(...iterables: ESIterable<T>[]): this;
index: number,
removeNum: number,
...values: T[]
): this;
a: ESIterable<A>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<[T,A]>;
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<[T,A,B]>;
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<[T,A,B,C]>;
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
d: ESIterable<D>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<[T,A,B,C,D]>;
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
d: ESIterable<D>,
e: ESIterable<E>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<[T,A,B,C,D,E]>;
zipper: (value: T, a: A) => R,
a: ESIterable<A>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<R>;
zipper: (value: T, a: A, b: B) => R,
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<R>;
zipper: (value: T, a: A, b: B, c: C) => R,
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<R>;
zipper: (value: T, a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => R,
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
d: ESIterable<D>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<R>;
zipper: (value: T, a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) => R,
a: ESIterable<A>,
b: ESIterable<B>,
c: ESIterable<C>,
d: ESIterable<D>,
e: ESIterable<E>,
$?: null
): IndexedIterable<R>;
indexOf(searchValue: T): number;
lastIndexOf(searchValue: T): number;
predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any
): number;
predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => mixed,
context?: any
): number;
concat(...iters: ESIterable<T>[]): this;
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => U,
context?: any
): /*this*/IndexedIterable<U>;
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => ESIterable<U>,
context?: any
): /*this*/IndexedIterable<U>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/IndexedIterable<any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/IndexedIterable<any>;
declare class SetIterable<T> extends Iterable<T,T> {
static <T>(iter?: ESIterable<T>): SetIterable<T>;
@@iterator(): Iterator<T>;
toSeq(): SetSeq<T>;
concat(...iters: ESIterable<T>[]): this;
// `map` and `flatMap` cannot be defined further up the hiearchy, because the
// implementation for `KeyedIterable` allows the value type to change without
// constraining the key type. That does not work for `SetIterable` - the value
// and key types *must* match.
mapper: (value: T, value: T, iter: this) => U,
context?: any
): /*this*/SetIterable<U>;
mapper: (value: T, value: T, iter: this) => ESIterable<U>,
context?: any
): /*this*/SetIterable<U>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/SetIterable<any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/SetIterable<any>;
declare class Collection<K,V> extends _Iterable<K,V, typeof KeyedCollection, typeof IndexedCollection, typeof SetCollection> {
size: number;
declare class KeyedCollection<K,V> extends Collection<K,V> mixins KeyedIterable<K,V> {
toSeq(): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
declare class IndexedCollection<T> extends Collection<number,T> mixins IndexedIterable<T> {
toSeq(): IndexedSeq<T>;
declare class SetCollection<T> extends Collection<T,T> mixins SetIterable<T> {
toSeq(): SetSeq<T>;
declare class Seq<K,V> extends _Iterable<K,V, typeof KeyedSeq, typeof IndexedSeq, typeof SetSeq> {
static <K,V>(iter: KeyedSeq<K,V>): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
static <T> (iter: SetSeq<T>): SetSeq<K,V>;
static <T> (iter?: ESIterable<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <K,V>(iter: { [key: K]: V }): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
static isSeq(maybeSeq: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): IndexedSeq<T>;
size: ?number;
cacheResult(): this;
toSeq(): this;
declare class KeyedSeq<K,V> extends Seq<K,V> mixins KeyedIterable<K,V> {
static <K,V>(iter?: ESIterable<[K,V]>): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
static <K,V>(iter?: { [key: K]: V }): KeyedSeq<K,V>;
declare class IndexedSeq<T> extends Seq<number,T> mixins IndexedIterable<T> {
static <T>(iter?: ESIterable<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): IndexedSeq<T>;
declare class SetSeq<T> extends Seq<T,T> mixins SetIterable<T> {
static <T>(iter?: ESIterable<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): SetSeq<T>;
declare class List<T> extends IndexedCollection<T> {
static (iterable?: ESIterable<T>): List<T>;
static isList(maybeList: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>;
set<U>(index: number, value: U): List<T|U>;
delete(index: number): this;
remove(index: number): this;
insert<U>(index: number, value: U): List<T|U>;
clear(): this;
push<U>(...values: U[]): List<T|U>;
pop(): this;
unshift<U>(...values: U[]): List<T|U>;
shift(): this;
update<U>(updater: (value: this) => List<U>): List<U>;
update<U>(index: number, updater: (value: T) => U): List<T|U>;
update<U>(index: number, notSetValue: U, updater: (value: T) => U): List<T|U>;
merge<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): List<T|U>;
merger: (previous: T, next: U, key: number) => V,
...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]
): List<T|U|V>;
mergeDeep<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): List<T|U>;
merger: (previous: T, next: U, key: number) => V,
...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]
): List<T|U|V>;
setSize(size: number): List<?T>;
setIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): List<T>;
deleteIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): this;
removeIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): this;
updateIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, notSetValue: any, value: any): List<T>;
updateIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): List<T>;
mergeIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, ...iterables: ESIterable<any>[]): List<T>;
mergeDeepIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, ...iterables: ESIterable<any>[]): List<T>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
asMutable(): this;
asImmutable(): this;
// Overrides that specialize return types
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => M,
context?: any
): List<M>;
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => ESIterable<M>,
context?: any
): List<M>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/List<any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/List<any>;
declare class Map<K,V> extends KeyedCollection<K,V> {
static <K, V>(): Map<K, V>;
static <V>(obj?: {[key: string]: V}): Map<string, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable?: ESIterable<[K,V]>): Map<K, V>;
static isMap(maybeMap: any): boolean;
set<K_, V_>(key: K_, value: V_): Map<K|K_, V|V_>;
delete(key: K): this;
remove(key: K): this;
clear(): this;
update<K_,V_>(updater: (value: this) => Map<K_,V_>): Map<K_,V_>;
update<V_>(key: K, updater: (value: V) => V_): Map<K,V|V_>;
update<V_>(key: K, notSetValue: V_, updater: (value: V) => V_): Map<K,V|V_>;
...iterables: (ESIterable<[K_,V_]> | { [key: K_]: V_ })[]
): Map<K|K_,V|V_>;
merger: (previous: V, next: W, key: number) => X,
...iterables: ESIterable<W>[]
): Map<K,V|W|X>;
...iterables: (ESIterable<[K_,V_]> | { [key: K_]: V_ })[]
): Map<K|K_,V|V_>;
merger: (previous: V, next: W, key: number) => X,
...iterables: ESIterable<W>[]
): Map<K,V|W|X>;
setIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): Map<K,V>;
deleteIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): this;
removeIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): this;
updateIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, notSetValue: any, value: any): Map<K,V>;
updateIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, value: any): Map<K,V>;
mergeIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, ...iterables: ESIterable<any>[]): Map<K,V>;
mergeDeepIn(keyPath: ESIterable<any>, ...iterables: ESIterable<any>[]): Map<K,V>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
asMutable(): this;
asImmutable(): this;
// Overrides that specialize return types
mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => V_,
context?: any
): Map<K,V_>;
mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => ESIterable<[K_,V_]>,
context?: any
): Map<K_,V_>;
flip(): Map<V,K>;
mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => K_,
context?: any
): Map<K_,V>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/Map<any,any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/Map<any,any>;
// OrderedMaps have nothing that Maps do not have. We do not need to override constructor & other statics
declare class OrderedMap<K,V> extends Map<K,V> {
static isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap: any): bool;
declare class Set<T> extends SetCollection<T> {
static <T>(iterable?: ESIterable<T>): Set<T>;
static isSet(maybeSet: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): Set<T>;
static fromKeys<T>(iter: ESIterable<[T,any]>): Set<T>;
static fromKeys(iter: { [key: string]: any }): Set<string>;
add<U>(value: U): Set<T|U>;
delete(value: T): this;
remove(value: T): this;
clear(): this;
union<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): Set<T|U>;
merge<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): Set<T|U>;
intersect<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): Set<T&U>;
subtract<U>(...iterables: ESIterable<U>[]): Set<T>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
asMutable(): this;
asImmutable(): this;
// Overrides that specialize return types
mapper: (value: T, value: T, iter: this) => M,
context?: any
): Set<M>;
mapper: (value: T, value: T, iter: this) => ESIterable<M>,
context?: any
): Set<M>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/Set<any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/Set<any>;
// OrderedSets have nothing that Sets do not have. We do not need to override constructor & other statics
declare class OrderedSet<T> extends Set<T> {
static isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet: any): bool;
declare class Stack<T> extends IndexedCollection<T> {
static <T>(iterable?: ESIterable<T>): Stack<T>;
static isStack(maybeStack: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): Stack<T>;
peek(): T;
clear(): this;
unshift<U>(...values: U[]): Stack<T|U>;
unshiftAll<U>(iter: ESIterable<U>): Stack<T|U>;
shift(): this;
push<U>(...values: U[]): Stack<T|U>;
pushAll<U>(iter: ESIterable<U>): Stack<T|U>;
pop(): this;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
asMutable(): this;
asImmutable(): this;
// Overrides that specialize return types
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => U,
context?: any
): Stack<U>;
mapper: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => ESIterable<U>,
context?: any
): Stack<U>;
flatten(depth?: number): /*this*/Stack<any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): /*this*/Stack<any>;
declare function Range(start?: number, end?: number, step?: number): IndexedSeq<number>;
declare function Repeat<T>(value: T, times?: number): IndexedSeq<T>;
//TODO: Once flow can extend normal Objects we can change this back to actually reflect Record behavior.
// For now fallback to any to not break existing Code
declare class Record<T: Object> {
static <T: Object>(spec: T, name?: string): /*T & Record<T>*/any;
get<A>(key: $Keys<T>): A;
set<A>(key: $Keys<T>, value: A): /*T & Record<T>*/this;
remove(key: $Keys<T>): /*T & Record<T>*/this;
declare function fromJS(json: any, reviver?: (k: any, v: Iterable<any,any>) => any): any;
declare function is(first: any, second: any): boolean;
export {
// These classes do not actually exist under these names. But it is useful to
// have the types available.