2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

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Description Extracts a base path from a node-glob instance
Node Version >= 0.10


The module is a function that takes in a node-glob instance and returns a string. Basically it just gives you everything before any globbing/matching happens.

var glob2base = require('glob2base');
var glob = require('glob');

// js/
glob2base(new glob.Glob('js/**/*.js'));

// css/test/
glob2base(new glob.Glob('css/test/{a,b}/*.css'));

// pages/whatever/
glob2base(new glob.Glob('pages/whatever/index.html'));

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