2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

476 lines
15 KiB

(function() {
var IMAGE_STYLES, Reloader, numberOfMatchingSegments, pathFromUrl, pathsMatch, pickBestMatch, splitUrl;
splitUrl = function(url) {
var comboSign, hash, index, params;
if ((index = url.indexOf('#')) >= 0) {
hash = url.slice(index);
url = url.slice(0, index);
} else {
hash = '';
comboSign = url.indexOf('??');
if (comboSign >= 0) {
if (comboSign + 1 !== url.lastIndexOf('?')) {
index = url.lastIndexOf('?');
} else {
index = url.indexOf('?');
if (index >= 0) {
params = url.slice(index);
url = url.slice(0, index);
} else {
params = '';
return {
url: url,
params: params,
hash: hash
pathFromUrl = function(url) {
var path;
url = splitUrl(url).url;
if (url.indexOf('file://') === 0) {
path = url.replace(/^file:\/\/(localhost)?/, '');
} else {
path = url.replace(/^([^:]+:)?\/\/([^:\/]+)(:\d*)?\//, '/');
return decodeURIComponent(path);
pickBestMatch = function(path, objects, pathFunc) {
var bestMatch, i, len1, object, score;
bestMatch = {
score: 0
for (i = 0, len1 = objects.length; i < len1; i++) {
object = objects[i];
score = numberOfMatchingSegments(path, pathFunc(object));
if (score > bestMatch.score) {
bestMatch = {
object: object,
score: score
if (bestMatch.score > 0) {
return bestMatch;
} else {
return null;
numberOfMatchingSegments = function(path1, path2) {
var comps1, comps2, eqCount, len;
path1 = path1.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase();
path2 = path2.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase();
if (path1 === path2) {
return 10000;
comps1 = path1.split('/').reverse();
comps2 = path2.split('/').reverse();
len = Math.min(comps1.length, comps2.length);
eqCount = 0;
while (eqCount < len && comps1[eqCount] === comps2[eqCount]) {
return eqCount;
pathsMatch = function(path1, path2) {
return numberOfMatchingSegments(path1, path2) > 0;
selector: 'background',
styleNames: ['backgroundImage']
}, {
selector: 'border',
styleNames: ['borderImage', 'webkitBorderImage', 'MozBorderImage']
exports.Reloader = Reloader = (function() {
function Reloader(window, console, Timer) {
this.window = window;
this.console = console;
this.Timer = Timer;
this.document = this.window.document;
this.importCacheWaitPeriod = 200;
this.plugins = [];
Reloader.prototype.addPlugin = function(plugin) {
return this.plugins.push(plugin);
Reloader.prototype.analyze = function(callback) {
return results;
Reloader.prototype.reload = function(path, options) {
var base, i, len1, plugin, ref;
this.options = options;
if ((base = this.options).stylesheetReloadTimeout == null) {
base.stylesheetReloadTimeout = 15000;
ref = this.plugins;
for (i = 0, len1 = ref.length; i < len1; i++) {
plugin = ref[i];
if (plugin.reload && plugin.reload(path, options)) {
if (options.liveCSS && path.match(/\.css(?:\.map)?$/i)) {
if (this.reloadStylesheet(path)) {
if (options.liveImg && path.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i)) {
if (options.isChromeExtension) {
return this.reloadPage();
Reloader.prototype.reloadPage = function() {
return this.window.document.location.reload();
Reloader.prototype.reloadChromeExtension = function() {
return this.window.chrome.runtime.reload();
Reloader.prototype.reloadImages = function(path) {
var expando, i, img, j, k, len1, len2, len3, len4, m, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, results1, selector, styleNames, styleSheet;
expando = this.generateUniqueString();
ref = this.document.images;
for (i = 0, len1 = ref.length; i < len1; i++) {
img = ref[i];
if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(img.src))) {
img.src = this.generateCacheBustUrl(img.src, expando);
if (this.document.querySelectorAll) {
for (j = 0, len2 = IMAGE_STYLES.length; j < len2; j++) {
ref1 = IMAGE_STYLES[j], selector = ref1.selector, styleNames = ref1.styleNames;
ref2 = this.document.querySelectorAll("[style*=" + selector + "]");
for (k = 0, len3 = ref2.length; k < len3; k++) {
img = ref2[k];
this.reloadStyleImages(img.style, styleNames, path, expando);
if (this.document.styleSheets) {
ref3 = this.document.styleSheets;
results1 = [];
for (m = 0, len4 = ref3.length; m < len4; m++) {
styleSheet = ref3[m];
results1.push(this.reloadStylesheetImages(styleSheet, path, expando));
return results1;
Reloader.prototype.reloadStylesheetImages = function(styleSheet, path, expando) {
var e, error, i, j, len1, len2, rule, rules, styleNames;
try {
rules = styleSheet != null ? styleSheet.cssRules : void 0;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
if (!rules) {
for (i = 0, len1 = rules.length; i < len1; i++) {
rule = rules[i];
switch (rule.type) {
this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule.styleSheet, path, expando);
for (j = 0, len2 = IMAGE_STYLES.length; j < len2; j++) {
styleNames = IMAGE_STYLES[j].styleNames;
this.reloadStyleImages(rule.style, styleNames, path, expando);
this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule, path, expando);
Reloader.prototype.reloadStyleImages = function(style, styleNames, path, expando) {
var i, len1, newValue, styleName, value;
for (i = 0, len1 = styleNames.length; i < len1; i++) {
styleName = styleNames[i];
value = style[styleName];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
newValue = value.replace(/\burl\s*\(([^)]*)\)/, (function(_this) {
return function(match, src) {
if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(src))) {
return "url(" + (_this.generateCacheBustUrl(src, expando)) + ")";
} else {
return match;
if (newValue !== value) {
style[styleName] = newValue;
Reloader.prototype.reloadStylesheet = function(path) {
var i, imported, j, k, len1, len2, len3, len4, link, links, m, match, ref, ref1, style;
links = (function() {
var i, len1, ref, results1;
ref = this.document.getElementsByTagName('link');
results1 = [];
for (i = 0, len1 = ref.length; i < len1; i++) {
link = ref[i];
if (link.rel.match(/^stylesheet$/i) && !link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) {
return results1;
imported = [];
ref = this.document.getElementsByTagName('style');
for (i = 0, len1 = ref.length; i < len1; i++) {
style = ref[i];
if (style.sheet) {
this.collectImportedStylesheets(style, style.sheet, imported);
for (j = 0, len2 = links.length; j < len2; j++) {
link = links[j];
this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, link.sheet, imported);
if (this.window.StyleFix && this.document.querySelectorAll) {
ref1 = this.document.querySelectorAll('style[data-href]');
for (k = 0, len3 = ref1.length; k < len3; k++) {
style = ref1[k];
this.console.log("LiveReload found " + links.length + " LINKed stylesheets, " + imported.length + " @imported stylesheets");
match = pickBestMatch(path, links.concat(imported), (function(_this) {
return function(l) {
return pathFromUrl(_this.linkHref(l));
if (match) {
if (match.object.rule) {
this.console.log("LiveReload is reloading imported stylesheet: " + match.object.href);
} else {
this.console.log("LiveReload is reloading stylesheet: " + (this.linkHref(match.object)));
} else {
if (this.options.reloadMissingCSS) {
this.console.log("LiveReload will reload all stylesheets because path '" + path + "' did not match any specific one. To disable this behavior, set 'options.reloadMissingCSS' to 'false'.");
for (m = 0, len4 = links.length; m < len4; m++) {
link = links[m];
} else {
this.console.log("LiveReload will not reload path '" + path + "' because the stylesheet was not found on the page and 'options.reloadMissingCSS' was set to 'false'.");
return true;
Reloader.prototype.collectImportedStylesheets = function(link, styleSheet, result) {
var e, error, i, index, len1, rule, rules;
try {
rules = styleSheet != null ? styleSheet.cssRules : void 0;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
if (rules && rules.length) {
for (index = i = 0, len1 = rules.length; i < len1; index = ++i) {
rule = rules[index];
switch (rule.type) {
link: link,
rule: rule,
index: index,
href: rule.href
this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, rule.styleSheet, result);
Reloader.prototype.waitUntilCssLoads = function(clone, func) {
var callbackExecuted, executeCallback, poll;
callbackExecuted = false;
executeCallback = (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (callbackExecuted) {
callbackExecuted = true;
return func();
clone.onload = (function(_this) {
return function() {
_this.console.log("LiveReload: the new stylesheet has finished loading");
_this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad = true;
return executeCallback();
if (!this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad) {
(poll = (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (clone.sheet) {
_this.console.log("LiveReload is polling until the new CSS finishes loading...");
return executeCallback();
} else {
return _this.Timer.start(50, poll);
return this.Timer.start(this.options.stylesheetReloadTimeout, executeCallback);
Reloader.prototype.linkHref = function(link) {
return link.href || link.getAttribute('data-href');
Reloader.prototype.reattachStylesheetLink = function(link) {
var clone, parent;
if (link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) {
link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true;
if (link.tagName === 'STYLE') {
clone = this.document.createElement('link');
clone.rel = 'stylesheet';
clone.media = link.media;
clone.disabled = link.disabled;
} else {
clone = link.cloneNode(false);
clone.href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(this.linkHref(link));
parent = link.parentNode;
if (parent.lastChild === link) {
} else {
parent.insertBefore(clone, link.nextSibling);
return this.waitUntilCssLoads(clone, (function(_this) {
return function() {
var additionalWaitingTime;
if (/AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
additionalWaitingTime = 5;
} else {
additionalWaitingTime = 200;
return _this.Timer.start(additionalWaitingTime, function() {
var ref;
if (!link.parentNode) {
clone.onreadystatechange = null;
return (ref = _this.window.StyleFix) != null ? ref.link(clone) : void 0;
Reloader.prototype.reattachImportedRule = function(arg) {
var href, index, link, media, newRule, parent, rule, tempLink;
rule = arg.rule, index = arg.index, link = arg.link;
parent = rule.parentStyleSheet;
href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(rule.href);
media = rule.media.length ? [].join.call(rule.media, ', ') : '';
newRule = "@import url(\"" + href + "\") " + media + ";";
rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href;
tempLink = this.document.createElement("link");
tempLink.rel = 'stylesheet';
tempLink.href = href;
tempLink.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true;
if (link.parentNode) {
link.parentNode.insertBefore(tempLink, link);
return this.Timer.start(this.importCacheWaitPeriod, (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (tempLink.parentNode) {
if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) {
parent.insertRule(newRule, index);
parent.deleteRule(index + 1);
rule = parent.cssRules[index];
rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href;
return _this.Timer.start(_this.importCacheWaitPeriod, function() {
if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) {
parent.insertRule(newRule, index);
return parent.deleteRule(index + 1);
Reloader.prototype.generateUniqueString = function() {
return 'livereload=' + Date.now();
Reloader.prototype.generateCacheBustUrl = function(url, expando) {
var hash, oldParams, originalUrl, params, ref;
if (expando == null) {
expando = this.generateUniqueString();
ref = splitUrl(url), url = ref.url, hash = ref.hash, oldParams = ref.params;
if (this.options.overrideURL) {
if (url.indexOf(this.options.serverURL) < 0) {
originalUrl = url;
url = this.options.serverURL + this.options.overrideURL + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
this.console.log("LiveReload is overriding source URL " + originalUrl + " with " + url);
params = oldParams.replace(/(\?|&)livereload=(\d+)/, function(match, sep) {
return "" + sep + expando;
if (params === oldParams) {
if (oldParams.length === 0) {
params = "?" + expando;
} else {
params = oldParams + "&" + expando;
return url + params + hash;
return Reloader;