2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00

365 lines
6.3 KiB

"title":"console.time and console.timeEnd",
"description":"Functions for measuring performance",
"title":"MDN Web Docs - Console.time"
"notes":"`console.time()` starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes. You give each timer a unique name, and may have up to 10,000 timers running on a given page. When you call `console.timeEnd()` with the same name, the browser will output the time, in milliseconds, that elapsed since the timer was started. These functions are not always available in `workers`. For example, in Firefox, they are available from version `38`. More on using the `console` on mobile devices, see [here](https://caniuse.com/#feat=console-basic). ",