# 2.1.3 * Drops deprecated gulp-util dependency (thanks @demurgos). * Replaces `new Buffer(x)` with `Buffer.from(x)` in newer Node environments. # 2.1.2 * Fixes an issue where gulp-cssnano was not passing on sourcemap errors and was crashing instead. # 2.1.1 * Added more keywords for easier discovery on npm. # 2.1.0 * Print a CssSyntaxError when the input CSS could not be parsed properly with PostCSS (thanks to @stelund). # 2.0.1 * Bump object-assign and vinyl-sourcemaps-apply to latest versions. # 2.0.0 * Upgrade to cssnano `3.0.0`. # 1.1.0 * Upgrade to cssnano `2.0.0`. * Bump other runtime dependencies. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.