;(function ($, settings) {
    "use strict";

    if (window.Opalestate === undefined) {
        window.Opalestate = {};

     * GooglemapSearch
    var GooglemapSingle = Opalestate.GooglemapSingle = function ( data , id ) {

             * Create Google Map In Single Property Only
            var initializePropertyMap = function ( data , id ){

                var propertyMarkerInfo = data; 
                var enable  = true ;
                var url     = propertyMarkerInfo.icon;   
                var size    = new google.maps.Size( 42, 57 );

                var allMarkers = []; 
                var setMapOnAll = function (markers, map) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
                        markers[i].setMap( map );
                // retina
                if( window.devicePixelRatio > 1.5 ) {
                    if ( propertyMarkerInfo.retinaIcon ) {
                        url = propertyMarkerInfo.retinaIcon;
                        size = new google.maps.Size( 83, 113 );
                var propertyLocation = new google.maps.LatLng( propertyMarkerInfo.latitude, propertyMarkerInfo.longitude );
                var propertyMapOptions = {
                    center: propertyLocation,
                    zoom: 15,
                    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
                    scrollwheel: false
                var propertyMap = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( id ), propertyMapOptions );


                var  createMarker = function ( position, icon ) {
                    var image   = {
                        url: icon,
                        size: size,
                        scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 32, 57 ),
                        origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 ),
                        anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 56 )

                    var _marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                        map: propertyMap,
                        position: position,
                        icon: image
                    return _marker; 

                var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

                createMarker( propertyLocation, url ); 

                 *  Places near with actived types 
                if( enable ){
                    var $navs = $("#"+id).parent().find( '.property-search-places' );
                    $(' .btn-map-search', $navs ).unbind('click').bind( 'click', function(){
                        var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService( propertyMap ) ;
                        var type = $(this).data('type');
                        var $this = $(this).parent();

                        var icon   = {
                            url:  opalesateJS.mapiconurl+$(this).data('icon'),
                             scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 28, 28 ),
                             anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 16 ),
                             origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 )

                        if( !allMarkers[type] || allMarkers[type].length <= 0 ){
                            var markers = [] ;
                            var bounds    = propertyMap.getBounds();
                            var $this =  $(this);

                                    location: propertyLocation,
                                    radius: 2000,
                                    bounds: bounds,
                                    type: type
                            },  callbackNearBy);

                            function callbackNearBy(results, status) {
                                if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                                    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {

                                    $('span',$this).append( $('<em class="nearby-counter">'+markers.length+'</em>') );
                                    allMarkers[type] = markers;

                            function abc(){
                                if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                                    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
                                        var place = results[i];
                                        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                                            map: propertyMap,
                                            position: place.geometry.location,
                                            icon: icon,
                                            visible: true

                                        marker.setMap( propertyMap  );

                                        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

                                            infowindow.setContent( place.name );

                                            infowindow.open(propertyMap, this);

                                        markers.push( marker );
                                    $('span',$this).append( $('<em class="nearby-counter">'+markers.length+'</em>') );
                                    allMarkers[type] = markers;
                                    //console.log( place );

                            function createMarkerNearBy(place) {
                                var placeLoc = place.geometry.location;
                                var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                                    map: propertyMap,
                                    position: place.geometry.location,
                                    icon: icon,
                                    visible: true

                                marker.setMap( propertyMap  );

                                google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
                                    infowindow.open(propertyMap, this);

                                markers.push( marker );
                        }else {
                           for( var i=0 ; i < allMarkers[type].length; i++ ){
                                 allMarkers[type][i].setMap( null  ); 
                           allMarkers[type] = [];

                    } );
            initializePropertyMap( data , id );  

    var GoogleMapSearch =  Opalestate.GooglemapSingle = function ( data ) { 
        var initializePropertiesMap = function ( properties ) {
            // Properties Array
            var mapOptions = {
                zoom: 12,
                maxZoom: 16,
                scrollwheel: false,
                 mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
                panControl: false,
                zoomControl: true,
                mapTypeControl: false,
                scaleControl: false,
                streetViewControl: true,
                overviewMapControl: false,
                zoomControlOptions: {
                    style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL,
                    position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP
                streetViewControlOptions: {
                    position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP

            var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( "opalestate-map-preview" ), mapOptions );

            var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

            // Loop to generate marker and infowindow based on properties array
            var markers = new Array();

            for ( var i=0; i < properties.length; i++ ) {

                // console.log( properties[i] );
                var url = properties[i].icon;
                var size = new google.maps.Size( 42, 57 );
                if( window.devicePixelRatio > 1.5 ) {
                    if ( properties[i].retinaIcon ) {
                        url = properties[i].retinaIcon;
                        size = new google.maps.Size( 83, 113 );

                var image = {
                    url: url,
                    size: size,
                    scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 30, 51 ),
                    origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 ),
                    anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 56 )

                markers[i] = new google.maps.Marker({
                    position: new google.maps.LatLng( properties[i].lat, properties[i].lng ),
                    map: map,
                    icon: image,
                    title: properties[i].title,
                    animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
                    visible: true

                bounds.extend( markers[i].getPosition() );

                var boxText = document.createElement( "div" );
                var pricelabel = '';

                if( properties[i].pricelabel ){
                     pricelabel = ' / ' + properties[i].pricelabel;

                // console.log( properties[i] );
                boxText.className = 'map-info-preview media';

                var meta = '<ul class="list-inline property-meta-list">';
                if( properties[i].metas ){
                    for ( var x in properties[i].metas ){
                        var m = properties[i].metas[x]; 
                        meta += '<li><i class="icon-property-'+x+'"></i>' + m.value +'<span class="label-property">' + m.label + '</span></li>'
                meta    += '</ul>';
                boxText.innerHTML = '<div class="media-top"><a class="thumb-link" href="' + properties[i].url + '">' +
                                        '<img class="prop-thumb" src="' + properties[i].thumb + '" alt="' + properties[i].title + '"/>' +
                                        '</a>'+ properties[i].status +'</div>' +
                                        '<div class="info-container media-body">' +
                                        '<h5 class="prop-title"><a class="title-link" href="' + properties[i].url + '">' + properties[i].title +
                                        '</a></h5><p class="prop-address"><em>' + properties[i].address + '</em></p><p><span class="price text-primary">' + properties[i].pricehtml + pricelabel +
                                        '</span></p>'+meta+'</div>'+'<div class="arrow-down"></div>';

                var myOptions = {
                    content: boxText,
                    disableAutoPan: true,
                    maxWidth: 0,
                    alignBottom: true,
                    pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size( -122, -48 ),
                    zIndex: null,
                    closeBoxMargin: "0 0 -16px -16px",
                    closeBoxURL: opalesateJS.mapiconurl+"close.png",
                    infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size( 1, 1 ),
                    isHidden: false,
                    pane: "floatPane",
                    enableEventPropagation: false

                var ib = new InfoBox( myOptions );
                attachInfoBoxToMarker( map, markers[i], ib, i );

            var last = null ;

            $('body').delegate( '[data-related="map"]', 'mouseenter', function(){    
                if( $(this).hasClass('map-active') ){
                    return true;
                var i = $(this).data( 'id' );
                $( '[data-related="map"]' ).removeClass( 'map-active' );
                $(this).addClass( 'active' );
                map.setZoom( 65536 );//  alert( scale );

                if(  markers[i] ){
                    var marker =  markers[i]; 
                    google.maps.event.trigger( markers[i], 'click' );

                    var scale = Math.pow( 2, map.getZoom() );
                    var offsety = ( (100/scale) || 0 );
                    var projection = map.getProjection();
                    var markerPosition = marker.getPosition();
                    var markerScreenPosition = projection.fromLatLngToPoint( markerPosition );
                    var pointHalfScreenAbove = new google.maps.Point( markerScreenPosition.x, markerScreenPosition.y - offsety );
                    var aboveMarkerLatLng = projection.fromPointToLatLng( pointHalfScreenAbove );
                    map.setZoom( scale );
                    map.setCenter( aboveMarkerLatLng );

                return false;

            /* Marker Clusters */
            var markerClustererOptions = {
                ignoreHidden: true,
                maxZoom: 14,
                styles: [{
                    textColor: '#000000',
                    url: opalesateJS.mapiconurl+"cluster-icon.png",
                    height: 51,
                    width: 30

            var markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer( map, markers, markerClustererOptions );


            function attachInfoBoxToMarker( map, marker, infoBox , i ){ 

                google.maps.event.addListener( marker, 'click', function(){
                    if( $( '[data-related="map"]' ).filter('[data-id="'+i+'"]').length > 0 ){ 
                        var $m = $( '[data-related="map"]' ).filter('[data-id="'+i+'"]'); 
                        $( '[data-related="map"]' ).removeClass( 'map-active' );

                    if( last != null ){
                    var scale = Math.pow( 2, map.getZoom() );
                    var offsety = ( (100/scale) || 0 );
                    var projection = map.getProjection();
                    var markerPosition = marker.getPosition();
                    var markerScreenPosition = projection.fromLatLngToPoint( markerPosition );
                    var pointHalfScreenAbove = new google.maps.Point( markerScreenPosition.x, markerScreenPosition.y - offsety );
                    var aboveMarkerLatLng = projection.fromPointToLatLng( pointHalfScreenAbove );
                    map.setCenter( aboveMarkerLatLng );
                    infoBox.open( map, marker );
                    last = infoBox; 
        initializePropertiesMap( data );  

    $(document).ready(function () {

        function initialize_property_street_view( data , id ){

            var propertyMarkerInfo = data;

            var propertyLocation = new google.maps.LatLng( propertyMarkerInfo.latitude, propertyMarkerInfo.longitude );

             * Street View
            var panoramaOptions = {
                position: propertyLocation,
                pov: {
                    heading: 34,
                    pitch: 10
            var panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama( document.getElementById( id ), panoramaOptions);
             google.maps.event.trigger(panorama, 'resize');

        $( ".property-preview-map").each( function(){
             new GooglemapSingle(   $(this).data() , $(this).attr('id') );
        } );
        $( ".tab-google-street-view-btn") .click( function(){
            $( ".property-preview-street-map").hide();
            $( ".property-preview-street-map").each( function(){

                var d = $(this).data() ; 
                var i = $(this).attr('id') ;
                initialize_property_street_view( d , i );
            } );
            $( ".property-preview-street-map").show( 100 );
        } ); 
        // auto set height for split google map
        $( '.split-maps-container' ).each( function() {  
            $( "#opalestate-map-preview ").height( $(window).height() );
        } ); 

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // search 
         // show google maps 
        // update google maps
        var updatePreviewGoogleMap = function( url ) {
            if( $('#opalestate-map-preview').length > 0 ) {
                    type: 'GET',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl,
                    data:  url,
                    success: function(data) {
                       new GoogleMapSearch( data );
        if( $('#opalestate-map-preview').length > 0 ||  $( '.opalesate-properties-results').length > 0 ) {
            var currentLocation = location.search.substr(1)+"&action=opalestate_ajx_get_properties&paged="+$('#opalestate-map-preview').data('page');
            updatePreviewGoogleMap( currentLocation );
        // update results
        function updatePropertiesResults( data ){  
            $( '.opalesate-properties-results').append( $('<div class="opalestate-loading"></div>') );
                type: "GET",
                url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl,
                data: data+"&action=opalestate_render_get_properties" ,
                success: function( response ) {  
                if( response ){    

                        $( '.opalesate-properties-results' ).html( response );
                    $( '.opalesate-properties-results .opalestate-loading').remove(); 
                    $('.opalestate-sortable select').select2( {
                        width: '100%',
                        minimumResultsForSearch: -1
                    } );

        function updatePropertiesByParseringHtml( newurl ){ 
            $( '.opalesate-properties-results .opalesate-archive-bottom').append( $('<div class="opalestate-loading"></div>') );
                    type: "GET",
                    url: newurl,
                    dataType : 'html',
                    cache: false,
                    success: function( data ) {  
                        if( data ){   
                            $( '.opalesate-properties-results' ).html( $(data).find('.opalesate-properties-results').html()  );
                            $('.opalestate-sortable select').select2( {
                                width: '100%',
                                minimumResultsForSearch: -1
                            } );
                      //  $( '.opalesate-properties-results .opalestate-loading').remove();
        $('form.opalestate-search-form').submit( function ( ){  
             if(  $('#opalestate-map-preview').length  >  0 ) {     
                if( $(".opalesate-properties-results") && $(".opalesate-properties-results").data('mode')  == 'html' ) {
                    var $form = $(this);
                    if (history.pushState) {
                        var ps = $form.serialize(); 
                        var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?'+ ps;
                        updatePropertiesByParseringHtml( newurl );
                } else {
                     updatePropertiesResults( $(this).serialize() ); 

                return false; 
            return true; 
        } );

        $( '.ajax-search-form form.opalestate-search-form' ).each( function(){
            var $form = $(this);
            $( '.ajax-change select', this ).change( function(){
                if (history.pushState) {
                    var ps = $form.serialize(); 
                    var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?'+ ps;
                return false;
            } );
        } );

        // // Sortable Change // // 
        $("body").delegate( '#opalestate-sortable-form select', 'change',  function(){
            var ps = '';
            if( $('form.opalestate-search-form').length > 0 ) {
                var $form =$('form.opalestate-search-form');
                var ps = $form.serialize()+"&opalsortable="+$(this).val()+"&display="+$(".display-mode a.active").data('mode'); 

            if( $(".opalesate-properties-results") && ps ) {
                if (history.pushState) {
                    var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?'+ ps;
                    updatePropertiesByParseringHtml( newurl );
            }  else {
        } );
        // display mode 
        $( "body" ).delegate( ".display-mode a", 'click', function() { 
            if( $(".opalesate-properties-results").length > 0 ){
                var newurl = $(this).attr('href');
                updatePropertiesByParseringHtml( newurl );  
                return false;
        } );
        // check any estate search form is enabled /////////////////
        if(  $('#opalestate-map-preview').length  >  0 ) {
            $( "body" ).delegate( "form.opalestate-search-form select", "change", function () {
                var params = $( "form.opalestate-search-form" ).serialize();
                var url =  "action=opalestate_ajx_get_properties&"+params; 

                updatePreviewGoogleMap( url ); 
                return true; 
            } );

            $( "body" ).delegate( "form.opalestate-search-form input", "change", function () { 
                if( $(this).hasClass("ranger-geo_radius")  ){
                    return false; 

                var params = $( "form.opalestate-search-form" ).serialize();
                var url =  "action=opalestate_ajx_get_properties&"+params; 
                updatePreviewGoogleMap( url ); 
            } );
            /////////// ///////

    } ); 
//// //////
(function( $ ) {
    'use strict';

    $(document).ready(function () { 
       $( '.opalestate-search-opal-map' ).each( function() {
             initializeMapAdressSearch( $(this) );
    } );    

    function initializeMapAdressSearch( mapInstance ) {
        var searchInput = mapInstance.find( '.opal-map-search' );
        // Search
        var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( searchInput[0] );
        // autocomplete.bindTo( 'bounds', map );
        var latitude = mapInstance.find( '.opal-map-latitude' );
        var longitude = mapInstance.find( '.opal-map-longitude' );

         google.maps.event.addListener( autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
            var place = autocomplete.getPlace();

            if ( ! place.geometry ) {

            if( place.geometry.location.lat() ){
            } else {

            latitude.val( place.geometry.location.lat() );
            longitude.val( place.geometry.location.lng() );

        $( ".map-remove", mapInstance ).click( function() {
            latitude.val(  "" );
            longitude.val( "" );
        } );

        $( searchInput ).keypress( function( event ) {
            if ( 13 === event.keyCode ) {


})( jQuery );