var expect = require('chai').expect, objectPath = require('./index.js'); function getTestObj() { return { a: 'b', b: { c: [], d: ['a', 'b'], e: [{},{f: 'g'}], f: 'i' } }; } describe('get', function() { it('should return the value under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'a'))'b'); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['a']))'b'); }); it('should work with number path', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj.b.d, 0))'a'); expect(objectPath.get(obj.b, 0)) 0); }); it('should return the value under deep object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'b.f'))'i'); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['b','f']))'i'); }); it('should return the value under array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'b.d.0'))'a'); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['b','d',0]))'a'); }); it('should return the value under array deep', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'b.e.1.f'))'g'); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['b','e',1,'f']))'g'); }); it('should return undefined for missing values under object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'a.b')).to.not.exist; expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['a','b'])).to.not.exist; }); it('should return undefined for missing values under array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.get(obj, 'b.d.5')).to.not.exist; expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['b','d','5'])).to.not.exist; }); it('should return the value under integer-like key', function() { var obj = { '1a': 'foo' }; expect(objectPath.get(obj, '1a'))'foo'); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['1a']))'foo'); }); it('should return the default value when the key doesnt exist', function() { var obj = { '1a': 'foo' }; expect(objectPath.get(obj, '1b', null)); expect(objectPath.get(obj, ['1b'], null)); }); it('should return the default value when path is empty', function() { var obj = { '1a': 'foo' }; expect(objectPath.get(obj, '', null)){ '1a': 'foo' }); expect(objectPath.get(obj, [])){ '1a': 'foo' }); expect(objectPath.get({ }, ['1'])); }); it('should skip non own properties with isEmpty', function(){ var Base = function(enabled){ }; Base.prototype = { one: { two: true } }; var Extended = function(){, true); }; Extended.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype); var extended = new Extended(); expect(objectPath.get(extended, ['one','two'])); extended.enabled = true; expect(objectPath.get(extended, 'enabled')); }); }); describe('set', function() { it('should set value under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, 'c', {m: 'o'}); expect(obj)'c.m', 'o'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['c'], {m: 'o'}); expect(obj)'c.m', 'o'); }); it('should set value using number path', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj.b.d, 0, 'o'); expect(obj)'b.d.0', 'o'); }); it('should set value under deep object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, 'b.c', 'o'); expect(obj)'b.c', 'o'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['b','c'], 'o'); expect(obj)'b.c', 'o'); }); it('should set value under array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, 'b.e.1.g', 'f'); expect(obj)'b.e.1.g', 'f'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['b','e',1,'g'], 'f'); expect(obj)'b.e.1.g', 'f'); }); it('should create intermediate objects', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, 'c.d.e.f', 'l'); expect(obj)'c.d.e.f', 'l'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['c','d','e','f'], 'l'); expect(obj)'c.d.e.f', 'l'); }); it('should create intermediate arrays', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, 'c.0.1.m', 'l'); expect(obj.c)'array'); expect(obj.c[0])'array'); expect(obj)'c.0.1.m', 'l'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['c','0', 1,'m'], 'l'); expect(obj.c)'object'); expect(obj.c[0])'array'); expect(obj)'c.0.1.m', 'l'); }); it('should set value under integer-like key', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, '1a', 'foo'); expect(obj)'1a', 'foo'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.set(obj, ['1a'], 'foo'); expect(obj)'1a', 'foo'); }); it('should set value under empty array', function() { var obj = []; objectPath.set(obj, [0], 'foo'); expect(obj[0])'foo'); obj = []; objectPath.set(obj, '0', 'foo'); expect(obj[0])'foo'); }); }); describe('push', function() { it('should push value to existing array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.push(obj, 'b.c', 'l'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'l'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.push(obj, ['b','c'], 'l'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'l'); }); it('should push value to new array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.push(obj, 'b.h', 'l'); expect(obj)'b.h.0', 'l'); obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.push(obj, ['b','h'], 'l'); expect(obj)'b.h.0', 'l'); }); it('should push value to existing array using number path', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.push(obj.b.e, 0, 'l'); expect(obj)'b.e.0.0', 'l'); }); }); describe('ensureExists', function() { it('should create the path if it does not exists', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var oldVal = objectPath.ensureExists(obj, 'b.g.1.l', 'test'); expect(oldVal).to.not.exist; expect(obj)'b.g.1.l', 'test'); oldVal = objectPath.ensureExists(obj, 'b.g.1.l', 'test1'); expect(oldVal)'test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.l', 'test'); }); it('should return the object if path is empty', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.ensureExists(obj, [], 'test'))'a', 'b'); }); it('Issue #26', function() { var any = {}; objectPath.ensureExists(any, ['1','1'], {}); expect(any)'object'); expect(any[1])'object'); expect(any[1][1])'object'); }); }); describe('coalesce', function(){ it('should return the first non-undefined value', function(){ var obj = { should: {have: 'prop'} }; expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, [ 'doesnt.exist', ['might','not','exist'], 'should.have' ])).to.equal('prop'); }); it('should work with falsy values (null, 0, \'\', false)', function(){ var obj = { is: { false: false, null: null, empty: '', zero: 0 } }; expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, [ 'doesnt.exist', '' ])).to.equal(0); expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, [ 'doesnt.exist', 'is.false' ])).to.equal(false); expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, [ 'doesnt.exist', 'is.null' ])).to.equal(null); expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, [ 'doesnt.exist', 'is.empty' ])).to.equal(''); }); it('returns defaultValue if no paths found', function(){ var obj = { doesnt: 'matter' }; expect(objectPath.coalesce(obj, ['some.inexistant','path',['on','object']], 'false')).to.equal('false'); }); }); describe('empty', function(){ it('should ignore invalid arguments safely', function(){ var obj = {}; expect(objectPath.empty()).to.equal(void 0); expect(objectPath.empty(obj, 'path')).to.equal(void 0); expect(objectPath.empty(obj, '')).to.equal(obj); obj.path = true; expect(objectPath.empty(obj, 'inexistant')).to.equal(obj); }); it('should empty each path according to their types', function(){ function Instance(){ this.notOwn = true; } /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ Instance.prototype.test = function(){}; /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ Instance.prototype.arr = []; var obj = { string: 'some string', array: ['some','array',[1,2,3]], number: 21, boolean: true, object: { some:'property', sub: { 'property': true } }, instance: new Instance() }; /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ obj['function'] = function(){}; objectPath.empty(obj, ['array','2']); expect(obj.array[2]).to.deep.equal([]); objectPath.empty(obj, 'object.sub'); expect(obj.object.sub).to.deep.equal({}); objectPath.empty(obj, 'instance.test'); expect(obj.instance.test).to.equal(null); expect(Instance.prototype.test)'function'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'string'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'number'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'boolean'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'function'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'array'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'object'); objectPath.empty(obj, 'instance'); expect(obj.string).to.equal(''); expect(obj.array).to.deep.equal([]); expect(obj.number).to.equal(0); expect(obj.boolean).to.equal(false); expect(obj.object).to.deep.equal({}); expect(obj.instance.notOwn)'undefined'); expect(obj.instance.arr)'array'); expect(obj['function']).to.equal(null); }); }); describe('del', function(){ it('should return undefined on empty object', function(){ expect(objectPath.del({}, 'a')).to.equal(void 0); }); it('should work with number path', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.del(obj.b.d, 1); expect(obj.b.d).to.deep.equal(['a']); }); it('should delete deep paths', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.del(obj)); objectPath.set(obj, 'b.g.1.0', 'test'); objectPath.set(obj, 'b.g.1.1', 'test'); objectPath.set(obj, '', 'test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0','test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.1','test'); expect(obj)'','test'); objectPath.del(obj, ''); expect(obj)''); expect(obj)'b.h'); objectPath.del(obj, 'b.g.1.1'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.1'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0','test'); objectPath.del(obj, ['b','g','1','0']); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0'); expect(obj)'b.g.1'); expect(objectPath.del(obj, ['b']))'b.g'); expect(obj){'a':'b'}); }); it('should remove items from existing array', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.del(obj, 'b.d.0'); expect(obj.b.d).to.have.length(1); expect(obj.b.d)['b']); objectPath.del(obj, 'b.d.0'); expect(obj.b.d).to.have.length(0); expect(obj.b.d)[]); }); it('should skip undefined paths', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.del(obj, 'do.not.exist')); expect(objectPath.del(obj, 'a.c'))'b'); }); }); describe('insert', function(){ it('should insert value into existing array', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.insert(obj, 'b.c', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.c.1'); }); it('should create intermediary array', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.insert(obj, 'b.c.0', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.c.0.0', 'asdf'); }); it('should insert in another index', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); objectPath.insert(obj, 'b.d', 'asdf', 1); expect(obj)'b.d.1', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.d.0', 'a'); expect(obj)'b.d.2', 'b'); }); it('should handle sparse array', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); obj.b.d = new Array(4); obj.b.d[0] = 'a'; obj.b.d[1] = 'b'; objectPath.insert(obj, 'b.d', 'asdf', 3); expect(obj.b.d).to.have.members([ 'a', 'b', , , 'asdf' ]); }); }); describe('has', function () { it('should return false for empty object', function () { expect(objectPath.has({}, 'a')); }); it('should return false for empty path', function () { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj, '')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, [])); expect(objectPath.has(obj, [''])); }); it('should test under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'a')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['a'])); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'z')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['z'])); }); it('should work with number path', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj.b.d, 0)); expect(objectPath.has(obj.b, 0)); expect(objectPath.has(obj.b.d, 10)); expect(objectPath.has(obj.b, 10)); }); it('should test under deep object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'b.f')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['b','f'])); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'b.g')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['b','g'])); }); it('should test value under array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'b.d.0')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['b','d',0])); }); it('should test the value under array deep', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'b.e.1.f')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['b','e',1,'f'])); expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'b.e.1.f.g.h.i')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['b','e',1,'f','g','h','i'])); }); it('should test the value under integer-like key', function() { var obj = { '1a': 'foo' }; expect(objectPath.has(obj, '1a')); expect(objectPath.has(obj, ['1a'])); }); it('should distinct nonexistent key and key = undefined', function() { var obj = {}; expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'key')); obj.key = undefined; expect(objectPath.has(obj, 'key')); }); }); describe('bind object', function () { // just get one scenario from each feature, so whole functionality is proxied well it('should return the value under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); expect(model.get('a'))'b'); expect(model.get(['a']))'b'); }); it('should set value under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); model.set('c', {m: 'o'}); expect(obj)'c.m', 'o'); obj = getTestObj(); model = objectPath(obj); model.set(['c'], {m: 'o'}); expect(obj)'c.m', 'o'); }); it('should push value to existing array', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); model.push('b.c', 'l'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'l'); obj = getTestObj(); model = objectPath(obj); model.push(['b','c'], 'l'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'l'); }); it('should create the path if it does not exists', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); var oldVal = model.ensureExists('b.g.1.l', 'test'); expect(oldVal).to.not.exist; expect(obj)'b.g.1.l', 'test'); oldVal = model.ensureExists('b.g.1.l', 'test1'); expect(oldVal)'test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.l', 'test'); }); it('should return the first non-undefined value', function(){ var obj = { should: {have: 'prop'} }; var model = objectPath(obj); expect(model.coalesce([ 'doesnt.exist', ['might','not','exist'], 'should.have' ])).to.equal('prop'); }); it('should empty each path according to their types', function(){ function Instance(){ this.notOwn = true; } /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ Instance.prototype.test = function(){}; /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ Instance.prototype.arr = []; var obj = { string: 'some string', array: ['some','array',[1,2,3]], number: 21, boolean: true, object: { some:'property', sub: { 'property': true } }, instance: new Instance() }; /*istanbul ignore next: not part of code */ obj['function'] = function(){}; var model = objectPath(obj); model.empty(['array','2']); expect(obj.array[2]).to.deep.equal([]); model.empty('object.sub'); expect(obj.object.sub).to.deep.equal({}); model.empty('instance.test'); expect(obj.instance.test).to.equal(null); expect(Instance.prototype.test)'function'); model.empty('string'); model.empty('number'); model.empty('boolean'); model.empty('function'); model.empty('array'); model.empty('object'); model.empty('instance'); expect(obj.string).to.equal(''); expect(obj.array).to.deep.equal([]); expect(obj.number).to.equal(0); expect(obj.boolean).to.equal(false); expect(obj.object).to.deep.equal({}); expect(obj.instance.notOwn)'undefined'); expect(obj.instance.arr)'array'); expect(obj['function']).to.equal(null); }); it('should delete deep paths', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); expect(model.del()); model.set('b.g.1.0', 'test'); model.set('b.g.1.1', 'test'); model.set('', 'test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0','test'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.1','test'); expect(obj)'','test'); model.del(''); expect(obj)''); expect(obj)'b.h'); model.del('b.g.1.1'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.1'); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0','test'); model.del(['b','g','1','0']); expect(obj)'b.g.1.0'); expect(obj)'b.g.1'); expect(model.del(['b']))'b.g'); expect(obj){'a':'b'}); }); it('should insert value into existing array', function(){ var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); model.insert('b.c', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.c.0', 'asdf'); expect(obj)'b.c.1'); }); it('should test under shallow object', function() { var obj = getTestObj(); var model = objectPath(obj); expect(model.has('a')); expect(model.has(['a'])); expect(model.has('z')); expect(model.has(['z'])); }); });