* $translateService = new apiTranslateService(...); * $languages = $translateService->languages; * */ class LanguagesServiceResource extends apiServiceResource { /** * List the source/target languages supported by the API (languages.list) * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. Valid optional parameters are listed below. * @opt_param string target the language and collation in which the localized results should be returned * @return LanguagesListResponse */ public function listLanguages($optParams = array()) { $params = array(); $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); $data = $this->__call('list', array($params)); if ($this->useObjects()) { return new LanguagesListResponse($data); } else { return $data; } } } /** * The "detections" collection of methods. * Typical usage is: * * $translateService = new apiTranslateService(...); * $detections = $translateService->detections; * */ class DetectionsServiceResource extends apiServiceResource { /** * Detect the language of text. (detections.list) * @param string $q The text to detect * @return DetectionsListResponse */ public function listDetections($q, $optParams = array()) { $params = array('q' => $q); $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); $data = $this->__call('list', array($params)); if ($this->useObjects()) { return new DetectionsListResponse($data); } else { return $data; } } } /** * The "translations" collection of methods. * Typical usage is: * * $translateService = new apiTranslateService(...); * $translations = $translateService->translations; * */ class TranslationsServiceResource extends apiServiceResource { /** * Returns text translations from one language to another. (translations.list) * @param string $q The text to translate * @param string $target The target language into which the text should be translated * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. Valid optional parameters are listed below. * @opt_param string source The source language of the text * @opt_param string format The format of the text * @opt_param string cid The customization id for translate * @return TranslationsListResponse */ public function listTranslations($q, $target, $optParams = array()) { $params = array('q' => $q, 'target' => $target); $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); $data = $this->__call('list', array($params)); if ($this->useObjects()) { return new TranslationsListResponse($data); } else { return $data; } } } /** * Service definition for Translate (v2). *

* Lets you translate text from one language to another *


* For more information about this service, see the * API Documentation *

* @author Google, Inc. */ class apiTranslateService extends apiService { public $languages; public $detections; public $translations; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the Translate service. * @param apiClient apiClient */ public function __construct(apiClient $apiClient) { $this->rpcPath = '/rpc'; $this->restBasePath = '/language/translate/'; $this->version = 'v2'; $this->serviceName = 'translate'; $apiClient->addService($this->serviceName, $this->version); $this->languages = new LanguagesServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'languages', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"parameters": {"target": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "language.languages.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "v2/languages", "response": {"$ref": "LanguagesListResponse"}}}}', true)); $this->detections = new DetectionsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'detections', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"parameters": {"q": {"repeated": true, "required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "language.detections.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "v2/detect", "response": {"$ref": "DetectionsListResponse"}}}}', true)); $this->translations = new TranslationsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'translations', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"parameters": {"q": {"repeated": true, "required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "source": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "cid": {"repeated": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "target": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "format": {"enum": ["html", "text"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "language.translations.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "v2", "response": {"$ref": "TranslationsListResponse"}}}}', true)); } } class DetectionsListResponse extends apiModel { protected $__detectionsType = 'DetectionsResourceItems'; protected $__detectionsDataType = 'array'; public $detections; public function setDetections(/* array(DetectionsResourceItems) */ $detections) { $this->assertIsArray($detections, 'DetectionsResourceItems', __METHOD__); $this->detections = $detections; } public function getDetections() { return $this->detections; } } class DetectionsResource extends apiModel { } class DetectionsResourceItems extends apiModel { public $isReliable; public $confidence; public $language; public function setIsReliable($isReliable) { $this->isReliable = $isReliable; } public function getIsReliable() { return $this->isReliable; } public function setConfidence($confidence) { $this->confidence = $confidence; } public function getConfidence() { return $this->confidence; } public function setLanguage($language) { $this->language = $language; } public function getLanguage() { return $this->language; } } class LanguagesListResponse extends apiModel { protected $__languagesType = 'LanguagesResource'; protected $__languagesDataType = 'array'; public $languages; public function setLanguages(/* array(LanguagesResource) */ $languages) { $this->assertIsArray($languages, 'LanguagesResource', __METHOD__); $this->languages = $languages; } public function getLanguages() { return $this->languages; } } class LanguagesResource extends apiModel { public $name; public $language; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setLanguage($language) { $this->language = $language; } public function getLanguage() { return $this->language; } } class TranslationsListResponse extends apiModel { protected $__translationsType = 'TranslationsResource'; protected $__translationsDataType = 'array'; public $translations; public function setTranslations(/* array(TranslationsResource) */ $translations) { $this->assertIsArray($translations, 'TranslationsResource', __METHOD__); $this->translations = $translations; } public function getTranslations() { return $this->translations; } } class TranslationsResource extends apiModel { public $detectedSourceLanguage; public $translatedText; public function setDetectedSourceLanguage($detectedSourceLanguage) { $this->detectedSourceLanguage = $detectedSourceLanguage; } public function getDetectedSourceLanguage() { return $this->detectedSourceLanguage; } public function setTranslatedText($translatedText) { $this->translatedText = $translatedText; } public function getTranslatedText() { return $this->translatedText; } }