*/ class apiP12Signer extends apiSigner { // OpenSSL private key resource private $privateKey; // Creates a new signer from a .p12 file. function __construct($p12file, $password) { if (!function_exists('openssl_x509_read')) { throw new Exception( 'The Google PHP API library needs the openssl PHP extension'); } // This throws on error // $p12 = file get contents($p12file); $p12 = wp_remote_get($p12file); $certs = array(); if (!openssl_pkcs12_read($p12, $certs, $password)) { throw new apiAuthException("Unable to parse $p12file. " . "Is this a .p12 file? Is the password correct? OpenSSL error: " . openssl_error_string()); } // TODO(beaton): is this part of the contract for the openssl_pkcs12_read // method? What happens if there are multiple private keys? Do we care? if (!array_key_exists("pkey", $certs) || !$certs["pkey"]) { throw new apiAuthException("No private key found in p12 file $p12file"); } $this->privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($certs["pkey"]); if (!$this->privateKey) { throw new apiAuthException("Unable to load private key in $p12file"); } } function __destruct() { if ($this->privateKey) { openssl_pkey_free($this->privateKey); } } function sign($data) { if (!openssl_sign($data, $signature, $this->privateKey, "sha256")) { throw new apiAuthException("Unable to sign data"); } return $signature; } }