.property-date{ display: inline-block; } .entry-summary-tabs{ margin-top: 62px; } .property-meta { flex-basis: 100%; } .property-types-list, .property-categories-list { display: inline-block; margin-right: $padding-base; } .property-address { display: inline-block; margin-top: 12px; margin-right: $padding-base; .property-view-map { i { color: $body-color; } a { margin-right: 4px; } } } .box-inner-summary{ padding: $grid-gutter-width; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ padding: $grid-gutter-width 0; } } .opalestate-box{ padding-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ padding: $grid-gutter-width; border: 1px solid $border-color; } .opalestate_property{ &:last-of-type{ margin-bottom: 0; } } } .opalestate-sidebar-box{ margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ padding: $grid-gutter-width; border: 1px solid $border-color; } @media screen and (max-width:768px){ margin-top: $grid-gutter-width; } } .property-information{ ul.list-info { padding:0; margin-bottom: 0; li { list-style: none; h6 { margin-bottom: 0; flex: 1; color: $body-color; } a{ color: inherit; } &:not(:last-child){ div[class*="property-label-"]{ border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; } } } div[class*="property-label-"]{ padding: 4px 0; overflow: hidden; display: flex; align-items: center; h6{ line-height: 1; } i{ width: $font-size-base; margin-right: $padding-base; } } } } // Amenity .property-amenities, .property-facilities { .list-group-item-text { line-height: 23px; margin-top: 21px; i { margin-right: 2px; } div[class*="col-"]{ line-height: 40px; } div.active { i { color: $secondary; } } } } .property-amenities{ img{ width: 15px; margin-right: 5px; } } // Attachments .property-attachments{ i{ font-size:36px; margin-right: $padding-base; float:left; } a{ vertical-align: top; line-height: 1; display: block; text-transform: capitalize; padding-bottom:5px; } .list-group-item-text{ margin-top: 36px; } } //Single Property Map .google-map-tabs{ .opalestate-tab-head{ margin: 0; background: transparent; } position: relative; .tab-item { &.active,&:hover { background-color: $primary; color: $white; } border: none; padding: 5px 10px; margin-right: 10px; color: $white; background-color: $secondary; font-weight: $font-weight-base; } .opalestate-tab-wrap{ position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 50px; z-index: 2; } } /// near by #property-search-places { bottom: 25px; left: 10px; position: absolute; z-index: 1; .btn-map-search { cursor: pointer; background-color: $white; text-align: center; @include square(40px); position: relative; i { display: block; line-height: 40px; &.fa-hospital-o { color: #b3e180; } &.fa-plus-square { color: #ec8f73; } &.fa-graduation-cap { color: #8fbfe4; } &.fa-shopping-basket { color: #9d4cfa; } &.fa-subway { color: #fabd47; } &.fa-bank { color: #6eadfb; } } em{ background:$primary; margin-left: 10px; font-size: 10px; color:#FFF; padding: 1px 3px; } span { width: 0; display: block; visibility: hidden; @include transition(.35s); position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 0; background-color: $white; line-height: 40px; padding: 0 10px; z-index: -1; @include opacity(0); font-size: 12px; } &:hover, &.active { span { visibility: visible; width: 200px; left: 100%; z-index: 1; @include opacity(1); } } } } /// agent .agent-sidebar{ @media screen and (min-width:992px){ margin-top: -286px; } } .single-agent{ margin-top: $grid-gutter-width; } .agent-address-map{ border-top: none; } //agency profile .agency-preview{ display: none; } .property-agency-contact{ @media screen and (max-width:1024px){ margin-top: $grid-gutter-width; } p{ margin-bottom: 0; } .entry-title{ margin-bottom: 6px; } .opalestate-social-icons{ margin: 0 0 0 $padding-base; [class^="opalestate-social-"]{ margin: 4px 0 0; } } .agency-top-meta{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; padding-bottom: 12px; margin-bottom: 20px; position: relative; } .agency-top-meta,.agency-excerpt{ &::before{ content: ""; @media screen and (max-width:1024px){ width: 100%; left: 0; right: auto; } width: calc( 100% + #{$grid-gutter-width}); height: 1px; background-color: $border-color; bottom: 0; position: absolute; right: -$grid-gutter-width; } } .agency-top-info{ flex: 1; } .agency-excerpt{ padding-bottom: 20px; margin-bottom: 13px; position: relative; } } /** * Single property */ .opalestate-box-content{ margin: $grid-gutter-width 0 0; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ margin: $grid-gutter-width*2 0 0; } } .opalestate-rows { .opal-row { display: flex; flex-flow: wrap; } } .outbox-title{ margin-bottom: $padding-base; display: inline-block; line-height: 1; } .property-single-info{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-end; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: 50px; } .group-items{ display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ flex: 1; } .entry-title{ margin-bottom: 0; } .property-status{ position: relative; display: flex; top: 0; left: 0; li{ line-height: 14px; } span{ margin-bottom: 0; } } } //Swiper .swiper-container{ [class*="swiper-button-"]{ display: block; color: $secondary; width: 62px; height: 62px; text-align: center; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); transition: all .5s ease-in-out; background-size: 10px 20px; opacity: 0; &:hover{ background-color: $white; } } .swiper-button-next{ right: -62px; } .swiper-button-prev{ left: -62px; } &:hover{ [class*="swiper-button-"]{ opacity: 1; } .swiper-button-next{ right: 20px; } .swiper-button-prev{ left: 20px; } } } .swiper-button-next, .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-prev, .swiper-button-prev, .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-next { background-image: none !important; } .swiper-button-prev i, .swiper-button-next i { font-size: 20px; padding: 20px 0; } .swiper-pagination{ display: none !important; } .opalestate-single-property { &.opalestate_property{ border: none; } .owl-thumb-wrapper{ padding-top: 10px; .owl-item:not(:last-of-type){ padding-right: 10px; } } .entry-summary{ @media screen and (min-width:768px){ border: 1px solid $border-color; padding-bottom: 40px; } } .property-meta-list{ border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; padding: $grid-gutter-width $grid-gutter-width 0; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ padding: $grid-gutter-width 0 0; border:none; } i{ color: $secondary; } li:not(:last-child){ margin-right: $grid-gutter-width; } } .entry-content{ @media screen and (min-width:768px){ padding: $grid-gutter-width $grid-gutter-width 0; } } .box-heading{ line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 16px; } } //Print single property .opalestate-single-property--print{ .table-responsive{ table{ tr{ td:last-child,th:last-child{ display: none; } } } } .opalestate-tab-head{ display: none; } .opalestate-tab-content, .plan-name{ display: block; } } //Single Layout 2 .opalestate-single-property--version-2{ .entry-summary{ border: none; padding-bottom: 0; } .single-property-sidebar{ .opalestate-box-content{ &:first-of-type{ margin-top: 0; } } } } .opalestate-tab-content{ .opalestate-box-content{ &:first-of-type{ margin-top: 28px; } } } .property-tab-content{ @media screen and (min-width:768px){ border: 1px solid $border-color; } } //Single Layout 3 .opalestate-single-property--version-3{ .property-single-info{ margin-bottom: 0; display: block; } .single-price-content{ .property-price{ text-align: left; margin-bottom: 7px; span{ display: inline; } } } } //Single Layout 5 .opalestate-single-property--version-5{ .property-single-info{ margin-bottom: 0; display: block; } .single-price-content{ .property-price{ text-align: left; margin-bottom: 7px; span{ display: inline; } } } } //yelp nearby .opalestate-yelp-bussines_wrapper{ &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; } } .opalestate-yelp-unit{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; } } .opalestate-yelp-title{ line-height: 1; padding-bottom: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; } .opalestate-yelp-icon{ display: none; width: $font-size-base; margin-right: $padding-base; } .opalestate-yelp-category{ display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0; line-height: 1; } .opalestate-yelp-unit__name{ line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 9px; margin-right: $padding-base; } .opalestate-yelp-unit-distance{ display: none; line-height: 1; margin: 10px 0; } .opalestate-yelp-unit__info{ flex: 1; } .opalestate-yelp-unit__address{ line-height: 1; } .opalestate-yelp-unit__avatar{ width: 50px; height: 50px; margin-right: 20px; img{ width: 100%; height: 100%; } } .opalestate-yelp-unit__ratings{ .opalestate-rating__stars{ margin-left: auto; span{ &::before{ color: #d32323; } } } } //walkscores .walkscores-logo{ float: right; line-height: 24px; margin-bottom: $padding-base; } .walk_details{ display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; } } .text-holder{ flex: 1; h6{ margin-bottom: 0; } } .number-holder{ margin-right: 10px; } .scores-label{ margin-bottom: 0; line-height: 24px; width: 60px; height: 60px; text-align: center; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid $primary; color: $primary; } .walk-more-details{ text-transform: capitalize; } .single-price-content{ .property-price { padding-top: 17px; span{ line-height: 1; } @media screen and (min-width:768px){ text-align: right; .property-regular-price,.property-saleprice{ font-size: 36px; } .property-regular-price.has-saleprice{ font-size: 24px; } .property-before-price-label,.property-price-label{ display: block; } } .property-price-label { margin-top: 12px; } .property-before-price-label{ margin-bottom: 12px; } } .call-to-price{ font-size: 18px; font-weight: 500; color: $headings-color; } } .property-meta-top{ line-height: 52px; .property-meta-top__list{ margin-bottom: 0; align-items: center; .property-meta-top__button{ width: 52px; text-align: center; margin-right: 0; } } .list-inline__print{ span{ display: none; } } .list-inline__sku{ @media screen and (max-width:767px){ flex-basis: 100%; } } @media screen and (min-width:768px) { border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; padding-left: $grid-gutter-width; .property-meta-top__list{ justify-content: flex-end; li:first-child:not(.property-meta-top__button){ flex: 1; } } .property-meta-top__button{ border-left: 1px solid $border-color; } } } .property-sku{ font-weight: $headings-font-weight; color: $headings-color; } //Reviews .opalestate-reviews{ padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; .comment-form-comment{ margin-bottom: 10px; } #respond{ padding: 0; } } .opalestate-rating-percent__item{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin: 11px 0; &:last-of-type{ margin-bottom: 0; } &:first-of-type{ margin-top: 0; } } .opalestate-rating-percent__label{ line-height: 1; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 0; } .opalestate-process-bar{ display: flex; height: 5px; overflow: hidden; font-size: 13px; background-color: #eeeeee; flex: 1; } .opalestate-process-bar__item{ text-align: center; background-color: $primary; } .opalestate-process-text{ display: block; line-height: 1; margin-left: 17px; width: 34px; } .opalestate-rating-header{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 500; margin-bottom: 58px; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; } & > div{ padding-bottom: 26px; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ flex-basis: 100%; padding: 30px 0 0; border: none; } } } .opalestate-rating-percent{ padding-right: $grid-gutter-width; flex-basis: 38%; border-right: 1px solid $border-color; padding-top: $grid-gutter-width; } .opalestate-overall{ padding-left: $grid-gutter-width; flex-basis: 62%; padding-top: 25px; } .opalestate-overall__info{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-bottom: 21px; } .opalestate-overall__point{ margin-right: 40px; .point-number{ margin-bottom: 0; line-height: 1; color: $primary; } } .opalestate-overall__star{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; flex: 1; .opalestate-overall__heading{ flex-basis: 100%; margin-bottom: 11px; } .opalestate-rating, .opalestate-overall__rating-count{ margin-right: 5px; } } .opalestate-overall-features{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .opalestate-overall-features__item{ line-height: 1; &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-right: 53px; } } .opalestate-overall-features__label{ margin-bottom: 0; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 11px; } .opalestate-overall-features__percent{ color: $headings-color; } .commentlist{ padding: 0; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-top: 58px; > li{ padding-bottom: 22px; display: block; &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; } } } .opalestate-noreviews{ margin-bottom: 25px; } .comment_container{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; p{ margin-bottom: 0; } .avatar{ width: 50px; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 28px; } .comment-text{ flex: 1; } .meta{ margin-bottom: $padding-base; line-height: 1; } .opalestate-rating{ display: inline-block; } } .opalestate-review__ratings{ margin-bottom: 31px; } .opalestate-review__author{ font-weight: 500; color: $headings-color; } .comment-form-rating{ display: inline-block; @media screen and (min-width:480px) { width: 33.3333%; } } //Virtual 360 .property-360-virtual-session{ iframe{ width: 100%; min-height: 500px; display: block; } } //video .property-video-session{ iframe{ @media screen and (min-width:768px) { width: 100%; min-height: 400px; } display: block; height: auto; } } /* * Preview layout */ .property-preview-custom-size { position:relative; overflow: hidden; height: 580px; .property-preview-map, .opalestate-tab-content, iframe { height: 100%; width: 100%; border: none; } } .property-preview{ .swiper-pagination-images{ margin-top: 10px; } } .property-preview-street-map{ height: 100%; } .property-abs-info { position:absolute; padding:$padding-base; bottom:10%; left:9%; background:$white; z-index:99 } .gallery-metro-preview { display:flex; height: 100%; a { display:block; width:100%; height:100%; background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center center; } .no-image { background-color:$primary; } span { display:block; background-color:#000; width:100%; height:100%; @include opacity(0.7); color:#FFF; position:relative; em { } } .metro-big { width:50%; } .metro-group-small { width:50%; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; } .metro-small { width:33%; height:auto; text-align: center; } } //Mark Picture .opalestate-swiper-wrap { position:relative; } .swiper-slide { .thumb-nav { width:100%; height:100px; background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center } } .property-mark-pics-preview{ .property-heading-top{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } .property-single-info{ margin-bottom: 46px; } .property-thumbnail{ position: relative; &::before{ content: ""; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); transition: all .5s ease-in-out; } } .entry-title, a, .property-single-info, .property-price > span:first-child{ color: $white; } } //Apartment .property-apartments-session{ padding-top: 6px; } .table-responsive{ overflow-x: auto; min-height: 0.01%; table{ table-layout: unset; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 0; th{ padding: 14px 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: $border-color; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; font-weight: 500; } td{ border:none; padding: 12px 3px 10px; } tbody{ tr:nth-of-type(2n+2){ background-color: #f8f8f8; } } } @media screen and (max-width: 767px){ width: 100%; margin-bottom: 15px; overflow-y: hidden; border: 1px solid $border-color; position: relative; z-index: 30; table{ width: 730px; } } } //single agency .agency-box-top{ .agency-grid-style{ .agency-info{ border-bottom: none; } } } .opalestate_single_agency{ padding-bottom: $grid-gutter-width; }