 * $Desc$
 * @version    $Id$
 * @package    opalestate
 * @author     Opal  Team <info@wpopal.com >
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2019 wpopal.com. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license    GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * @website  http://www.wpopal.com
 * @support  http://www.wpopal.com/support/forum.html
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly

 * @class Opalestate_Favorite_Property: work as wishlist function
 * @version 1.0
class Opalestate_Favorite_Property{

	 * @var integer $userId
	protected $userId ; 

	 * Get instance of this object
	public static function get_instance(){
		static $_instance;
		if( !$_instance ){
			$_instance = new Opalestate_Favorite_Property();
		return $_instance;

	 * Constructor 
	public function __construct(){
 		add_shortcode( 'opalestate_favorite_button' , array( $this,  'favorite_button' ) );
 		add_shortcode( 'opalestate_user_favious_properties' , array( $this,  'favorite_properties' ) );
	 	 * Ajax action
		add_action( 'wp_ajax_opalestate_toggle_status', array($this,'toggle_status') );
		add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_opalestate_toggle_status', array($this,'toggle_status') );
		add_action( 'init',  array($this,'init') );

		// show content page in user dashboard
		add_filter( 'opalestate_user_content_favorite_page' , array( $this,  'favorite_properties' ) );

	 * Set values when user logined in system
	public function init(){

		global $current_user;
        $this->userId =  $current_user->ID;

	 * Allow set or remove favorite
	public function toggle_status(){

		if( isset($_POST['property_id']) ){
			$property_id = absint( $_POST['property_id'] ); 

			$items = (array)get_user_meta( $this->userId,  'opalestate_user_favorite', true );

 	    	$key = array_search( $property_id, $items);
 	    	if( $key != false || $key != '' ){
 	    	}else {
 	    		$items[] = $property_id;
 	    	// remove items emty 
 	    	foreach( $items as $key => $value ) {
 	    		if( empty($value) ) {
 	    			unset( $items[$key] );
 	    	update_user_meta( $this->userId,  'opalestate_user_favorite', $items );

		echo $this->favorite_button( array('property_id' => $property_id ) );


	 * render favorite button in loop
	public function favorite_button( $atts ){ 
		$atts['userId'] = $this->userId;
		if( !isset($atts['property_id']) ){
			$atts['property_id'] = get_the_ID();

		$items = (array)get_user_meta( $this->userId,  'opalestate_user_favorite', true );

 	    $key = array_search( $atts['property_id'], $items);
 	    $atts['existed'] = $key;

		echo opalestate_load_template_path( 'user/favorite-button' , $atts );
		$ouput = ob_get_contents();

		return $ouput;

	 * show all favorited properties with pagination.
	public function favorite_properties(){

		$paged = ( get_query_var('paged') == 0 ) ? 1 : get_query_var('paged');
		$per_page = 9;
		$items = (array)get_user_meta( $this->userId,  'opalestate_user_favorite', true );

		$args = array(
			'post_type'         => 'opalestate_property',
			'paged'				=> $paged,
			'posts_per_page'	=> $per_page,
			'post__in'			=> !empty($items) ? $items : array( 9999999 )
		$loop = new WP_Query( $args );

		return opalestate_load_template_path( 'user/favorite-properties' ,  array('loop' => $loop) );

