/* global tinymce, wpCookies, autosaveL10n, switchEditors */ // Back-compat window.opalestate_messages = function() { return true; }; /** * @summary Adds autosave to the window object on dom ready. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @param {jQuery} $ jQuery object. * @param {window} The window object. * */ ( function( $, window ) { /** * @summary Auto saves the post. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @returns {Object} * {{ * getPostData: getPostData, * getCompareString: getCompareString, * disableButtons: disableButtons, * enableButtons: enableButtons, * local: ({hasStorage, getSavedPostData, save, suspend, resume}|*), * server: ({tempBlockSave, triggerSave, postChanged, suspend, resume}|*)} * } * The object with all functions for autosave. */ function opalestate_messages() { var $document = $( document ); var $page = $( '#page-importer' ); /** * */ function trigger_send_messages(){ $( ".opalestate-message-form" ).on('submit', function(){ make_ajax( $( this ).serialize(), this ); return false; } ); } function toggle_submit_button ( submit ){ var _this = $('button[type="submit"]', submit ); if( $( _this ).attr('disabled') == "disabled" ){ $( _this ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); $(_this).find('i').remove( ); } else { $( _this ).attr('disabled','disabled'); $(_this).append( '' ); } }; function trigger_send_reply(){ $( ".opalestate-form-reply" ).on( "submit" , function(){ var message = $( 'textarea', this).val(); if( message ) { make_ajax_reply( $( this ).serialize(), this ); } return false; } ); } function make_ajax_reply( data, _this ){ $( '.opalestate-message-notify', _this ).remove(); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', dataType : 'json', url : opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data : 'action=send_email_contact_reply&' + data, success: function( response ) { if( response ) { var _class = response.status ? 'success' : 'danger'; // $( _this ).append('

'+ response.msg +'

'); if( response.status ){ $( 'textarea', _this ).val( "" ); var myToast = $.toast({ heading: response.heading, text: response.msg, icon: 'success', position: 'bottom-right', hideAfter: 3500, showHideTransition: 'fade' }); if ( response.data ){ var html = '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
' + response.data.message; html += '
'; html += '
'; $(".opalestate-read-message").append( html ); } } else { } } } }); } function load_message_reply(){ } function make_ajax ( data, _this ) { $( '.opalestate-message-notify', _this ).remove(); var action = $( _this ).data('action')? $( _this ).data('action') : 'send_email_contact'; console.log(action) toggle_submit_button( _this ); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', dataType : 'json', url : opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data : 'action='+action+'&' + data, success: function( response ) { if( response ) { var _class = response.status ? 'success' : 'danger'; $( _this ).append('

'+ response.msg +'

'); if( response.status ){ $( 'textarea', _this ).val( "" ); } toggle_submit_button( _this ); } }, error: function( response ) { console.log(response) } }); } function trigger_print_property() { $( '.js-print-property' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $( this ).data( 'id' ); var newWindown = window.open( '', 'Print!', 'width=800 ,height=850' ); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data: { 'action': 'opalestate_ajax_create_property_print', 'id': id, }, success: function ( data ) { newWindown.document.write( data ); newWindown.document.close(); newWindown.focus(); setTimeout( function () { newWindown.print(); }, 1000 ); } } ); } ); } function trigger_toggle_featured() { /// ajax set featured $( 'body' ).delegate( '.btn-toggle-featured', 'click', function () { var $this = $( this ); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data: 'property_id=' + $( this ).data( 'property-id' ) + '&action=opalestate_toggle_featured_property', // elements. dataType: 'json', success: function ( data ) { if ( data.status ) { $( '[data-id="property-toggle-featured-' + $this.data( 'property-id' ) + '"]' ) .removeClass( 'hide' ); $this.remove(); } else { alert( data.msg ); } } } ); return false; } ); } function trigger_view_gallery(){ $( 'body' ).delegate( '.opalestate-ajax-gallery', 'click', function () { var parent = $(this).parent(); var open_gallery = function ( parent ){ $(parent ).magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: 'a.gallery-item', gallery:{ enabled:true } }); $( 'a.gallery-item', parent ).trigger('click'); } if( $(".gallery-item", parent ).length <= 0 ){ var items = []; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data: 'property_id=' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) + '&action=opalestate_gallery_property', // elements. dataType: 'json', success: function ( data ) { if( data.gallery ){ for( var image in data.gallery ){ parent.append( '' ); } } open_gallery( parent ); } } ); } else { open_gallery( parent ); } return false; } ); } /** * @summary Sets the autosave time out. * * Wait for TinyMCE to initialize plus 1 second. for any external css to finish loading, * then save to the textarea before setting initialCompareString. * This avoids any insignificant differences between the initial textarea content and the content * extracted from the editor. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @returns {void} */ $document.on( '.opalestate-message-form', function( event, editor ) { }).ready( function() { trigger_send_messages(); trigger_send_reply(); trigger_print_property(); trigger_toggle_featured(); trigger_view_gallery(); }); return { }; } /** @namespace wp */ window.wp = window.wp || {}; window.wp.opalestate_messages = opalestate_messages(); }( jQuery, window ));