<?php /** * OpalEstate_Send_Email_Admin_New_Submitted * * @package opalestate * @author Opal Team <info@wpopal.com > */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * @class OpalEstate_Send_Email_Admin_New_Submitted * * @version 1.0 */ class OpalEstate_Send_Email_Admin_New_Submitted extends OpalEstate_Abstract_Email_Template { /** * Send Email */ public function get_subject() { $d = esc_html__( 'You received a new submission: {property_name} from {user_mail}', 'opalestate-pro' ); $s = opalestate_get_option( 'admin_newproperty_email_subject', $d ); return $this->replace_tags( $s ); } /** * get collection of key and value base on tags which using to replace custom tags */ public function set_pros( $property_id, $user_id ) { $property = get_post( $property_id ); $user = get_userdata( $property->post_author ); $email = get_user_meta( $property->post_author, OPALESTATE_USER_PROFILE_PREFIX . 'email', true ); $email = $email ? $email : $user->data->user_email; $this->args = [ 'receiver_email' => $email, 'user_mail' => $email, 'user_name' => $user->display_name, 'submitted_date' => $property->post_date, 'property_name' => $property->post_title, 'property_link' => get_permalink( $property_id ), 'property_edit_link' => get_edit_post_link( $property_id ), 'current_time' => date_i18n( opalestate_email_date_format() ), ]; return $this->args; } /** * Send Email */ public function get_content_template() { $body = opalestate_get_option( 'admin_newproperty_email_body', self::get_default_template() ); return $body; } /** * Send Email */ public static function get_default_template() { return trim( preg_replace( '/\t+/', '', ' You’ve received a submission from: {user_name}, <br> You can review it by follow this link: {property_edit_link} <em>This message was sent by {site_link} on {current_time}.</em>' ) ); } /** * Send Email */ public function to_email() { return $this->from_email(); } /** * Send Email */ public function cc_email() { return $this->args ['sender_email']; } /** * Send Email */ public function get_body() { return parent::get_body(); } }