import { async } from '../scheduler/async';
import { timeoutWith as higherOrder } from '../operators/timeoutWith';
/* tslint:enable:max-line-length */
* Errors if Observable does not emit a value in given time span, in case of which
* subscribes to the second Observable.
* It's a version of `timeout` operator that let's you specify fallback Observable.
* `timeoutWith` is a variation of `timeout` operator. It behaves exactly the same,
* still accepting as a first argument either a number or a Date, which control - respectively -
* when values of source Observable should be emitted or when it should complete.
* The only difference is that it accepts a second, required parameter. This parameter
* should be an Observable which will be subscribed when source Observable fails any timeout check.
* So whenever regular `timeout` would emit an error, `timeoutWith` will instead start re-emitting
* values from second Observable. Note that this fallback Observable is not checked for timeouts
* itself, so it can emit values and complete at arbitrary points in time. From the moment of a second
* subscription, Observable returned from `timeoutWith` simply mirrors fallback stream. When that
* stream completes, it completes as well.
* Scheduler, which in case of `timeout` is provided as as second argument, can be still provided
* here - as a third, optional parameter. It still is used to schedule timeout checks and -
* as a consequence - when second Observable will be subscribed, since subscription happens
* immediately after failing check.
* @example