<?php /** * Handles hooking CMB2 forms/metaboxes into the post/attachement/user screens * and handles hooking in and saving those fields. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @category WordPress_Plugin * @package CMB2 * @author CMB2 team * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link https://cmb2.io */ class CMB2_hookup extends CMB2_Hookup_Base { /** * Only allow JS registration once * * @var bool * @since 2.0.7 */ protected static $js_registration_done = false; /** * Only allow CSS registration once * * @var bool * @since 2.0.7 */ protected static $css_registration_done = false; /** * CMB taxonomies array for term meta * * @var array * @since 2.2.0 */ protected $taxonomies = array(); /** * Custom field columns. * * @var array * @since 2.2.2 */ protected $columns = array(); /** * Array of CMB2_Options_Hookup instances if options page metabox. * * @var CMB2_Options_Hookup[]|null * @since 2.2.5 */ protected $options_hookup = null; /** * A functionalized constructor, used for the hookup action callbacks. * * @since 2.2.6 * * @param CMB2 $cmb The CMB2 object to hookup. * * @return CMB2_Hookup_Base $hookup The hookup object. */ public static function maybe_init_and_hookup( CMB2 $cmb ) { if ( $cmb->prop( 'hookup' ) ) { $hookup = new self( $cmb ); // Hook in the hookup... how meta. return $hookup->universal_hooks(); } return false; } public function universal_hooks() { foreach ( get_class_methods( 'CMB2_Show_Filters' ) as $filter ) { add_filter( 'cmb2_show_on', array( 'CMB2_Show_Filters', $filter ), 10, 3 ); } if ( is_admin() ) { // Register our scripts and styles for cmb. $this->once( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'register_scripts' ), 8 ); $this->once( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'do_scripts' ) ); $this->maybe_enqueue_column_display_styles(); switch ( $this->object_type ) { case 'post': return $this->post_hooks(); case 'comment': return $this->comment_hooks(); case 'user': return $this->user_hooks(); case 'term': return $this->term_hooks(); case 'options-page': return $this->options_page_hooks(); } } return $this; } public function post_hooks() { // Fetch the context we set in our call. $context = $this->cmb->prop( 'context' ) ? $this->cmb->prop( 'context' ) : 'normal'; // Call the proper hook based on the context provided. switch ( $context ) { case 'form_top': add_action( 'edit_form_top', array( $this, 'add_context_metaboxes' ) ); break; case 'before_permalink': add_action( 'edit_form_before_permalink', array( $this, 'add_context_metaboxes' ) ); break; case 'after_title': add_action( 'edit_form_after_title', array( $this, 'add_context_metaboxes' ) ); break; case 'after_editor': add_action( 'edit_form_after_editor', array( $this, 'add_context_metaboxes' ) ); break; default: add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_metaboxes' ) ); } add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'remove_default_tax_metaboxes' ) ); add_action( 'add_attachment', array( $this, 'save_post' ) ); add_action( 'edit_attachment', array( $this, 'save_post' ) ); add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ), 10, 2 ); if ( $this->cmb->has_columns ) { foreach ( $this->cmb->box_types() as $post_type ) { add_filter( "manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns", array( $this, 'register_column_headers' ) ); add_action( "manage_{$post_type}_posts_custom_column", array( $this, 'column_display' ), 10, 2 ); } } return $this; } public function comment_hooks() { add_action( 'add_meta_boxes_comment', array( $this, 'add_metaboxes' ) ); add_action( 'edit_comment', array( $this, 'save_comment' ) ); if ( $this->cmb->has_columns ) { add_filter( 'manage_edit-comments_columns', array( $this, 'register_column_headers' ) ); add_action( 'manage_comments_custom_column', array( $this, 'column_display' ), 10, 3 ); } return $this; } public function user_hooks() { $priority = $this->get_priority(); add_action( 'show_user_profile', array( $this, 'user_metabox' ), $priority ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile', array( $this, 'user_metabox' ), $priority ); add_action( 'user_new_form', array( $this, 'user_new_metabox' ), $priority ); add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( $this, 'save_user' ) ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array( $this, 'save_user' ) ); add_action( 'user_register', array( $this, 'save_user' ) ); if ( $this->cmb->has_columns ) { add_filter( 'manage_users_columns', array( $this, 'register_column_headers' ) ); add_filter( 'manage_users_custom_column', array( $this, 'return_column_display' ), 10, 3 ); } return $this; } public function term_hooks() { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_term_meta' ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'Term Metadata is a WordPress 4.4+ feature. Please upgrade your WordPress install.', 'cmb2' ) ); } if ( ! $this->cmb->prop( 'taxonomies' ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'Term metaboxes configuration requires a "taxonomies" parameter.', 'cmb2' ) ); } $this->taxonomies = (array) $this->cmb->prop( 'taxonomies' ); $show_on_term_add = $this->cmb->prop( 'new_term_section' ); $priority = $this->get_priority( 8 ); foreach ( $this->taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { // Display our form data. add_action( "{$taxonomy}_edit_form", array( $this, 'term_metabox' ), $priority, 2 ); $show_on_add = is_array( $show_on_term_add ) ? in_array( $taxonomy, $show_on_term_add ) : (bool) $show_on_term_add; /** * Filter to determine if the term's fields should show in the "Add term" section. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $cmb_id, is the metabox id. * * @param bool $show_on_add Default is the value of the new_term_section cmb parameter. * @param object $cmb The CMB2 instance */ $show_on_add = apply_filters( "cmb2_show_on_term_add_form_{$this->cmb->cmb_id}", $show_on_add, $this->cmb ); // Display form in add-new section (unless specified not to). if ( $show_on_add ) { add_action( "{$taxonomy}_add_form_fields", array( $this, 'term_metabox' ), $priority, 2 ); } if ( $this->cmb->has_columns ) { add_filter( "manage_edit-{$taxonomy}_columns", array( $this, 'register_column_headers' ) ); add_filter( "manage_{$taxonomy}_custom_column", array( $this, 'return_column_display' ), 10, 3 ); } } add_action( 'created_term', array( $this, 'save_term' ), 10, 3 ); add_action( 'edited_terms', array( $this, 'save_term' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'delete_term', array( $this, 'delete_term' ), 10, 3 ); return $this; } public function options_page_hooks() { $option_keys = $this->cmb->options_page_keys(); if ( ! empty( $option_keys ) ) { foreach ( $option_keys as $option_key ) { $this->options_hookup[ $option_key ] = new CMB2_Options_Hookup( $this->cmb, $option_key ); $this->options_hookup[ $option_key ]->hooks(); } } return $this; } /** * Registers styles for CMB2 * * @since 2.0.7 */ protected static function register_styles() { if ( self::$css_registration_done ) { return; } // Only use minified files if SCRIPT_DEBUG is off. $min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; $front = is_admin() ? '' : '-front'; $rtl = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : ''; /** * Filters the registered style dependencies for the cmb2 stylesheet. * * @param array $dependencies The registered style dependencies for the cmb2 stylesheet. */ $dependencies = apply_filters( 'cmb2_style_dependencies', array() ); wp_register_style( 'cmb2-styles', CMB2_Utils::url( "css/cmb2{$front}{$rtl}{$min}.css" ), $dependencies ); wp_register_style( 'cmb2-display-styles', CMB2_Utils::url( "css/cmb2-display{$rtl}{$min}.css" ), $dependencies ); self::$css_registration_done = true; } /** * Registers scripts for CMB2 * * @since 2.0.7 */ protected static function register_js() { if ( self::$js_registration_done ) { return; } $hook = is_admin() ? 'admin_footer' : 'wp_footer'; add_action( $hook, array( 'CMB2_JS', 'enqueue' ), 8 ); self::$js_registration_done = true; } /** * Registers scripts and styles for CMB2 * * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function register_scripts() { self::register_styles(); self::register_js(); } /** * Enqueues scripts and styles for CMB2 in admin_head. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $hook Current hook for the admin page. */ public function do_scripts( $hook ) { $hooks = array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php', 'page-new.php', 'page.php', 'comment.php', 'edit-tags.php', 'term.php', 'user-new.php', 'profile.php', 'user-edit.php', ); // only pre-enqueue our scripts/styles on the proper pages // show_form_for_type will have us covered if we miss something here. if ( in_array( $hook, $hooks, true ) ) { if ( $this->cmb->prop( 'cmb_styles' ) ) { self::enqueue_cmb_css(); } if ( $this->cmb->prop( 'enqueue_js' ) ) { self::enqueue_cmb_js(); } } } /** * Register the CMB2 field column headers. * * @since 2.2.2 * * @param array $columns Array of columns available for the admin page. */ public function register_column_headers( $columns ) { $fields = $this->cmb->prop( 'fields' ); foreach ( $fields as $key => $field ) { if ( ! isset( $field['column'] ) ) { continue; } $column = $field['column']; if ( false === $column['position'] ) { $columns[ $field['id'] ] = $column['name']; } else { $before = array_slice( $columns, 0, absint( $column['position'] ) ); $before[ $field['id'] ] = $column['name']; $columns = $before + $columns; } $column['field'] = $field; $this->columns[ $field['id'] ] = $column; } return $columns; } /** * The CMB2 field column display output. * * @since 2.2.2 * * @param string $column_name Current column name. * @param mixed $object_id Current object ID. */ public function column_display( $column_name, $object_id ) { if ( isset( $this->columns[ $column_name ] ) ) { $field = new CMB2_Field( array( 'field_args' => $this->columns[ $column_name ]['field'], 'object_type' => $this->object_type, 'object_id' => $this->cmb->object_id( $object_id ), 'cmb_id' => $this->cmb->cmb_id, ) ); $this->cmb->get_field( $field )->render_column(); } } /** * Returns the column display. * * @since 2.2.2 */ public function return_column_display( $empty, $custom_column, $object_id ) { ob_start(); $this->column_display( $custom_column, $object_id ); $column = ob_get_clean(); return $column ? $column : $empty; } /** * Output the CMB2 box/fields in an alternate context (not in a standard metabox area). * * @since 2.2.4 */ public function add_context_metaboxes() { if ( ! $this->show_on() ) { return; } $page = get_current_screen()->id; foreach ( $this->cmb->box_types() as $object_type ) { $screen = convert_to_screen( $object_type ); // If we're on the right post-type/object... if ( isset( $screen->id ) && $screen->id === $page ) { // Show the box. $this->output_context_metabox(); } } } /** * Output the CMB2 box/fields in an alternate context (not in a standard metabox area). * * @since 2.2.4 */ public function output_context_metabox() { $title = $this->cmb->prop( 'title' ); /* * To keep from outputting the open/close markup, do not include * a 'title' property in your metabox registration array. * * To output the fields 'naked' (without a postbox wrapper/style), then * add a `'remove_box_wrap' => true` to your metabox registration array. */ $add_wrap = ! empty( $title ) || ! $this->cmb->prop( 'remove_box_wrap' ); $add_handle = $add_wrap && ! empty( $title ); // Open the context-box wrap. $this->context_box_title_markup_open( $add_handle ); // Show the form fields. $this->cmb->show_form(); // Close the context-box wrap. $this->context_box_title_markup_close( $add_handle ); } /** * Output the opening markup for a context box. * * @since 2.2.4 * @param bool $add_handle Whether to add the metabox handle and opening div for .inside. */ public function context_box_title_markup_open( $add_handle = true ) { $title = $this->cmb->prop( 'title' ); $page = get_current_screen()->id; add_filter( "postbox_classes_{$page}_{$this->cmb->cmb_id}", array( $this, 'postbox_classes' ) ); echo '<div id="' . $this->cmb->cmb_id . '" class="' . postbox_classes( $this->cmb->cmb_id, $page ) . '">' . "\n"; if ( $add_handle ) { echo '<button type="button" class="handlediv button-link" aria-expanded="true">'; echo '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Toggle panel: %s' ), $title ) . '</span>'; echo '<span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span>'; echo '</button>'; echo '<h2 class="hndle"><span>' . esc_attr( $title ) . '</span></h2>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="inside">' . "\n"; } } /** * Output the closing markup for a context box. * * @since 2.2.4 * @param bool $add_inside_close Whether to add closing div for .inside. */ public function context_box_title_markup_close( $add_inside_close = true ) { // Load the closing divs for a title box. if ( $add_inside_close ) { echo '</div>' . "\n"; // .inside } echo '</div>' . "\n"; // .context-box } /** * Add metaboxes (to 'post' or 'comment' object types) * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function add_metaboxes() { if ( ! $this->show_on() ) { return; } /* * To keep from registering an actual post-screen metabox, * omit the 'title' property from the metabox registration array. * * (WordPress will not display metaboxes without titles anyway) * * This is a good solution if you want to handle outputting your * metaboxes/fields elsewhere in the post-screen. */ if ( ! $this->cmb->prop( 'title' ) ) { return; } $page = get_current_screen()->id; add_filter( "postbox_classes_{$page}_{$this->cmb->cmb_id}", array( $this, 'postbox_classes' ) ); foreach ( $this->cmb->box_types() as $object_type ) { add_meta_box( $this->cmb->cmb_id, $this->cmb->prop( 'title' ), array( $this, 'metabox_callback' ), $object_type, $this->cmb->prop( 'context' ), $this->cmb->prop( 'priority' ), $this->cmb->prop( 'mb_callback_args' ) ); } } /** * Remove the specified default taxonomy metaboxes for a post-type. * * @since 2.2.3 * */ public function remove_default_tax_metaboxes() { $to_remove = array_filter( (array) $this->cmb->tax_metaboxes_to_remove, 'taxonomy_exists' ); if ( empty( $to_remove ) ) { return; } foreach ( $this->cmb->box_types() as $post_type ) { foreach ( $to_remove as $taxonomy ) { $mb_id = is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ? "{$taxonomy}div" : "tagsdiv-{$taxonomy}"; remove_meta_box( $mb_id, $post_type, 'side' ); } } } /** * Modify metabox postbox classes. * * @since 2.2.4 * @param array $classes Array of classes. * @return array Modified array of classes */ public function postbox_classes( $classes ) { if ( $this->cmb->prop( 'closed' ) && ! in_array( 'closed', $classes ) ) { $classes[] = 'closed'; } if ( $this->cmb->is_alternate_context_box() ) { $classes = $this->alternate_context_postbox_classes( $classes ); } else { $classes[] = 'cmb2-postbox'; } return $classes; } /** * Modify metabox altnernate context postbox classes. * * @since 2.2.4 * @param array $classes Array of classes. * @return array Modified array of classes */ protected function alternate_context_postbox_classes( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'context-box'; $classes[] = 'context-' . $this->cmb->prop( 'context' ) . '-box'; if ( in_array( $this->cmb->cmb_id, get_hidden_meta_boxes( get_current_screen() ) ) ) { $classes[] = 'hide-if-js'; } $add_wrap = $this->cmb->prop( 'title' ) || ! $this->cmb->prop( 'remove_box_wrap' ); if ( $add_wrap ) { $classes[] = 'cmb2-postbox postbox'; } else { $classes[] = 'cmb2-no-box-wrap'; } return $classes; } /** * Display metaboxes for a post or comment object. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function metabox_callback() { $object_id = 'comment' == $this->object_type ? get_comment_ID() : get_the_ID(); $this->cmb->show_form( $object_id, $this->object_type ); } /** * Display metaboxes for new user page. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param mixed $section User section metabox. */ public function user_new_metabox( $section ) { if ( $section == $this->cmb->prop( 'new_user_section' ) ) { $object_id = $this->cmb->object_id(); $this->cmb->object_id( isset( $_REQUEST['user_id'] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST['user_id'] ) : $object_id ); $this->user_metabox(); } } /** * Display metaboxes for a user object. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function user_metabox() { $this->show_form_for_type( 'user' ); } /** * Display metaboxes for a taxonomy term object. * * @since 2.2.0 */ public function term_metabox() { $this->show_form_for_type( 'term' ); } /** * Display metaboxes for an object type. * * @since 2.2.0 * @param string $type Object type. * @return void */ public function show_form_for_type( $type ) { if ( $type != $this->object_type ) { return; } if ( ! $this->show_on() ) { return; } if ( $this->cmb->prop( 'cmb_styles' ) ) { self::enqueue_cmb_css(); } if ( $this->cmb->prop( 'enqueue_js' ) ) { self::enqueue_cmb_js(); } $this->cmb->show_form( 0, $type ); } /** * Determines if metabox should be shown in current context. * * @since 2.0.0 * @return bool Whether metabox should be added/shown. */ public function show_on() { // If metabox is requesting to be conditionally shown. $show = $this->cmb->should_show(); /** * Filter to determine if metabox should show. Default is true. * * @param array $show Default is true, show the metabox. * @param mixed $meta_box_args Array of the metabox arguments. * @param mixed $cmb The CMB2 instance. */ $show = (bool) apply_filters( 'cmb2_show_on', $show, $this->cmb->meta_box, $this->cmb ); return $show; } /** * Get the CMB priority property set to numeric hook priority. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param integer $default Default display hook priority. * @return integer Hook priority. */ public function get_priority( $default = 10 ) { $priority = $this->cmb->prop( 'priority' ); if ( ! is_numeric( $priority ) ) { switch ( $priority ) { case 'high': $priority = 5; break; case 'low': $priority = 20; break; default: $priority = $default; break; } } return $priority; } /** * Save data from post metabox * * @since 1.0.0 * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param mixed $post Post object. * @return void */ public function save_post( $post_id, $post = false ) { $post_type = $post ? $post->post_type : get_post_type( $post_id ); $do_not_pass_go = ( ! $this->can_save( $post_type ) // Check user editing permissions. || ( 'page' == $post_type && ! current_user_can( 'edit_page', $post_id ) ) || ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) ); if ( $do_not_pass_go ) { return; } $this->cmb->save_fields( $post_id, 'post', $_POST ); } /** * Save data from comment metabox. * * @since 2.0.9 * @param int $comment_id Comment ID. * @return void */ public function save_comment( $comment_id ) { $can_edit = current_user_can( 'moderate_comments', $comment_id ); if ( $this->can_save( get_comment_type( $comment_id ) ) && $can_edit ) { $this->cmb->save_fields( $comment_id, 'comment', $_POST ); } } /** * Save data from user fields. * * @since 1.0.x * @param int $user_id User ID. * @return void */ public function save_user( $user_id ) { // check permissions. if ( $this->can_save( 'user' ) ) { $this->cmb->save_fields( $user_id, 'user', $_POST ); } } /** * Save data from term fields * * @since 2.2.0 * @param int $term_id Term ID. * @param int $tt_id Term Taxonomy ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy. * @return void */ public function save_term( $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy = '' ) { $taxonomy = $taxonomy ? $taxonomy : $tt_id; // check permissions. if ( $this->taxonomy_can_save( $taxonomy ) && $this->can_save( 'term' ) ) { $this->cmb->save_fields( $term_id, 'term', $_POST ); } } /** * Delete term meta when a term is deleted. * * @since 2.2.0 * @param int $term_id Term ID. * @param int $tt_id Term Taxonomy ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy. * @return void */ public function delete_term( $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy = '' ) { if ( $this->taxonomy_can_save( $taxonomy ) ) { $data_to_delete = array(); foreach ( $this->cmb->prop( 'fields' ) as $field ) { $data_to_delete[ $field['id'] ] = ''; } $this->cmb->save_fields( $term_id, 'term', $data_to_delete ); } } /** * Determines if the current object is able to be saved. * * @since 2.0.9 * @param string $type Current object type. * @return bool Whether object can be saved. */ public function can_save( $type = '' ) { $can_save = ( $this->cmb->prop( 'save_fields' ) // check nonce. && isset( $_POST[ $this->cmb->nonce() ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ $this->cmb->nonce() ], $this->cmb->nonce() ) // check if autosave. && ! ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) // get the metabox types & compare it to this type. && ( $type && in_array( $type, $this->cmb->box_types() ) ) // Don't do updates during a switch-to-blog instance. && ! ( is_multisite() && ms_is_switched() ) ); /** * Filter to determine if metabox is allowed to save. * * @param bool $can_save Whether the current metabox can save. * @param object $cmb The CMB2 instance. */ return apply_filters( 'cmb2_can_save', $can_save, $this->cmb ); } /** * Determine if taxonomy of term being modified is cmb2-editable. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy of term being modified. * @return bool Whether taxonomy is editable. */ public function taxonomy_can_save( $taxonomy ) { if ( empty( $this->taxonomies ) || ! in_array( $taxonomy, $this->taxonomies ) ) { return false; } $taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); // Can the user edit this term? if ( ! isset( $taxonomy_object->cap ) || ! current_user_can( $taxonomy_object->cap->edit_terms ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Enqueues the 'cmb2-display-styles' if the conditions match (has columns, on the right page, etc). * * @since */ protected function maybe_enqueue_column_display_styles() { global $pagenow; if ( $pagenow && $this->cmb->has_columns && $this->cmb->prop( 'cmb_styles' ) && in_array( $pagenow, array( 'edit.php', 'users.php', 'edit-comments.php', 'edit-tags.php' ), 1 ) ) { self::enqueue_cmb_css( 'cmb2-display-styles' ); } } /** * Includes CMB2 styles. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $handle CSS handle. * @return mixed */ public static function enqueue_cmb_css( $handle = 'cmb2-styles' ) { /** * Filter to determine if CMB2'S css should be enqueued. * * @param bool $enqueue_css Default is true. */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'cmb2_enqueue_css', true ) ) { return false; } self::register_styles(); /* * White list the options as this method can be used as a hook callback * and have a different argument passed. */ return wp_enqueue_style( 'cmb2-display-styles' === $handle ? $handle : 'cmb2-styles' ); } /** * Includes CMB2 JS. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function enqueue_cmb_js() { /** * Filter to determine if CMB2'S JS should be enqueued. * * @param bool $enqueue_js Default is true. */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'cmb2_enqueue_js', true ) ) { return false; } self::register_js(); return true; } }