var test = require('tape'); var shimmedKeys = require('../index.js'); var is = require('is'); var keys = require('../shim.js'); var forEach = require('foreach'); var indexOf = require('indexof'); var obj = { "str": "boz", "obj": {}, "arr": [], "bool": true, "num": 42, "aNull": null, "undef": undefined }; var objKeys = ['str', 'obj', 'arr', 'bool', 'num', 'aNull', 'undef']; test('exports a function', function (t) { if (Object.keys) { t.equal(Object.keys, shimmedKeys, 'Object.keys is supported and exported'); } else { t.equal(keys, shimmedKeys, 'Object.keys is not supported; shim is exported'); } t.end(); }); test('working with actual shim', function (t) { t.notEqual(Object.keys, keys, 'keys shim is not native Object.keys'); t.end(); }); test('works with an object literal', function (t) { var theKeys = keys(obj); t.equal(is.array(theKeys), true, 'returns an array'); t.deepEqual(theKeys, objKeys, 'Object has expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('works with an array', function (t) { var arr = [1, 2, 3]; var theKeys = keys(arr); t.equal(is.array(theKeys), true, 'returns an array'); t.deepEqual(theKeys, ['0', '1', '2'], 'Array has expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('works with a function', function (t) { var foo = function () {}; foo.a = true; t.doesNotThrow(function () { return keys(foo); }, 'does not throw an error'); t.deepEqual(keys(foo), ['a'], 'returns expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('returns names which are own properties', function (t) { forEach(keys(obj), function (name) { t.equal(obj.hasOwnProperty(name), true, name + ' should be returned'); }); t.end(); }); test('returns names which are enumerable', function (t) { var k, loopedValues = []; for (k in obj) { loopedValues.push(k); } forEach(keys(obj), function (name) { t.notEqual(indexOf(loopedValues, name), -1, name + ' is not enumerable'); }); t.end(); }); test('throws an error for a non-object', function (t) { t.throws( function () { return keys(42); }, new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'), 'throws on a non-object' ); t.end(); }); test('works with an object instance', function (t) { var Prototype = function () {}; = true; var obj = new Prototype(); = true; var theKeys = keys(obj); t.equal(is.array(theKeys), true, 'returns an array'); t.deepEqual(theKeys, ['bar'], 'Instance has expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('works in iOS 5 mobile Safari', function (t) { var Foo = function () {}; Foo.a = function () {}; // the bug is keys(Foo) => ['a', 'prototype'] instead of ['a'] t.deepEqual(keys(Foo), ['a'], 'has expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('works in environments with the dontEnum bug (IE < 9)', function (t) { var Foo = function () {}; Foo.prototype.a = function () {}; // the bug is keys(Foo.prototype) => ['a', 'constructor'] instead of ['a'] t.deepEqual(keys(Foo.prototype), ['a'], 'has expected keys'); t.end(); }); test('shadowed properties', function (t) { var shadowedProps = [ 'dummyControlProp', /* just to be sure */ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; shadowedProps.sort(); var shadowedObject = {}; forEach(shadowedProps, function (value, index) { shadowedObject[value] = index; }); var shadowedObjectKeys = keys(shadowedObject); shadowedObjectKeys.sort(); t.deepEqual(shadowedObjectKeys, shadowedProps, 'troublesome shadowed properties are keys of object literals'); t.end(); });