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2019-09-10 11:27:33 +07:00
* CMB2 Utilities
* @since 1.1.0
* @category WordPress_Plugin
* @package CMB2
* @author CMB2 team
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link https://cmb2.io
class CMB2_Utils {
* The WordPress ABSPATH constant.
* @var string
* @since 2.2.3
protected static $ABSPATH = ABSPATH;
* The url which is used to load local resources.
* @var string
* @since 2.0.0
protected static $url = '';
* Utility method that attempts to get an attachment's ID by it's url
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $img_url Attachment url.
* @return int|false Attachment ID or false
public static function image_id_from_url( $img_url ) {
$attachment_id = 0;
$dir = wp_upload_dir();
// Is URL in uploads directory?
if ( false === strpos( $img_url, $dir['baseurl'] . '/' ) ) {
return false;
$file = basename( $img_url );
$query_args = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'fields' => 'ids',
'meta_query' => array(
'value' => $file,
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => '_wp_attachment_metadata',
$query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
foreach ( $query->posts as $post_id ) {
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
$original_file = basename( $meta['file'] );
$cropped_image_files = isset( $meta['sizes'] ) ? wp_list_pluck( $meta['sizes'], 'file' ) : array();
if ( $original_file === $file || in_array( $file, $cropped_image_files ) ) {
$attachment_id = $post_id;
return 0 === $attachment_id ? false : $attachment_id;
* Utility method to get a combined list of default and custom registered image sizes
* @since 2.2.4
* @link http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18947
* @global array $_wp_additional_image_sizes
* @return array The image sizes
public static function get_available_image_sizes() {
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$default_image_sizes = array( 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large' );
foreach ( $default_image_sizes as $size ) {
$image_sizes[ $size ] = array(
'height' => intval( get_option( "{$size}_size_h" ) ),
'width' => intval( get_option( "{$size}_size_w" ) ),
'crop' => get_option( "{$size}_crop" ) ? get_option( "{$size}_crop" ) : false,
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) && count( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) ) {
$image_sizes = array_merge( $image_sizes, $_wp_additional_image_sizes );
return $image_sizes;
* Utility method to return the closest named size from an array of values
* Based off of WordPress's image_get_intermediate_size()
* If the size matches an existing size then it will be used. If there is no
* direct match, then the nearest image size larger than the specified size
* will be used. If nothing is found, then the function will return false.
* Uses get_available_image_sizes() to get all available sizes.
* @since 2.2.4
* @param array|string $size Image size. Accepts an array of width and height (in that order).
* @return false|string Named image size e.g. 'thumbnail'
public static function get_named_size( $size ) {
$data = array();
// Find the best match when '$size' is an array.
if ( is_array( $size ) ) {
$image_sizes = self::get_available_image_sizes();
$candidates = array();
foreach ( $image_sizes as $_size => $data ) {
// If there's an exact match to an existing image size, short circuit.
if ( $data['width'] == $size[0] && $data['height'] == $size[1] ) {
$candidates[ $data['width'] * $data['height'] ] = array( $_size, $data );
// If it's not an exact match, consider larger sizes with the same aspect ratio.
if ( $data['width'] >= $size[0] && $data['height'] >= $size[1] ) {
* To test for varying crops, we constrain the dimensions of the larger image
* to the dimensions of the smaller image and see if they match.
if ( $data['width'] > $size[0] ) {
$constrained_size = wp_constrain_dimensions( $data['width'], $data['height'], $size[0] );
$expected_size = array( $size[0], $size[1] );
} else {
$constrained_size = wp_constrain_dimensions( $size[0], $size[1], $data['width'] );
$expected_size = array( $data['width'], $data['height'] );
// If the image dimensions are within 1px of the expected size, we consider it a match.
$matched = ( abs( $constrained_size[0] - $expected_size[0] ) <= 1 && abs( $constrained_size[1] - $expected_size[1] ) <= 1 );
if ( $matched ) {
$candidates[ $data['width'] * $data['height'] ] = array( $_size, $data );
if ( ! empty( $candidates ) ) {
// Sort the array by size if we have more than one candidate.
if ( 1 < count( $candidates ) ) {
ksort( $candidates );
$data = array_shift( $candidates );
$data = $data[0];
} elseif ( ! empty( $image_sizes['thumbnail'] ) && $image_sizes['thumbnail']['width'] >= $size[0] && $image_sizes['thumbnail']['width'] >= $size[1] ) {
* When the size requested is smaller than the thumbnail dimensions, we
* fall back to the thumbnail size.
$data = 'thumbnail';
} else {
return false;
} elseif ( ! empty( $image_sizes[ $size ] ) ) {
$data = $size;
}// End if.
// If we still don't have a match at this point, return false.
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
return false;
return $data;
* Utility method that returns time string offset by timezone
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $tzstring Time string.
* @return string Offset time string
public static function timezone_offset( $tzstring ) {
$tz_offset = 0;
if ( ! empty( $tzstring ) && is_string( $tzstring ) ) {
if ( 'UTC' === substr( $tzstring, 0, 3 ) ) {
$tzstring = str_replace( array( ':15', ':30', ':45' ), array( '.25', '.5', '.75' ), $tzstring );
return intval( floatval( substr( $tzstring, 3 ) ) * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
try {
$date_time_zone_selected = new DateTimeZone( $tzstring );
$tz_offset = timezone_offset_get( $date_time_zone_selected, date_create() );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
self::log_if_debug( __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage() );
return $tz_offset;
* Utility method that returns a timezone string representing the default timezone for the site.
* Roughly copied from WordPress, as get_option('timezone_string') will return
* an empty string if no value has been set on the options page.
* A timezone string is required by the wp_timezone_choice() used by the
* select_timezone field.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return string Timezone string
public static function timezone_string() {
$current_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' );
$tzstring = get_option( 'timezone_string' );
// Remove old Etc mappings. Fallback to gmt_offset.
if ( false !== strpos( $tzstring, 'Etc/GMT' ) ) {
$tzstring = '';
if ( empty( $tzstring ) ) { // Create a UTC+- zone if no timezone string exists.
if ( 0 == $current_offset ) {
$tzstring = 'UTC+0';
} elseif ( $current_offset < 0 ) {
$tzstring = 'UTC' . $current_offset;
} else {
$tzstring = 'UTC+' . $current_offset;
return $tzstring;
* Returns a timestamp, first checking if value already is a timestamp.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param string|int $string Possible timestamp string.
* @return int Time stamp.
public static function make_valid_time_stamp( $string ) {
if ( ! $string ) {
return 0;
return self::is_valid_time_stamp( $string )
? (int) $string :
strtotime( (string) $string );
* Determine if a value is a valid timestamp
* @since 2.0.0
* @param mixed $timestamp Value to check.
* @return boolean Whether value is a valid timestamp
public static function is_valid_time_stamp( $timestamp ) {
return (string) (int) $timestamp === (string) $timestamp
&& $timestamp <= PHP_INT_MAX
&& $timestamp >= ~PHP_INT_MAX;
* Checks if a value is 'empty'. Still accepts 0.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return bool True or false
public static function isempty( $value ) {
return null === $value || '' === $value || false === $value || array() === $value;
* Checks if a value is not 'empty'. 0 doesn't count as empty.
* @since 2.2.2
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return bool True or false
public static function notempty( $value ) {
return null !== $value && '' !== $value && false !== $value && array() !== $value;
* Filters out empty values (not including 0).
* @since 2.2.2
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return array True or false.
public static function filter_empty( $value ) {
return array_filter( $value, array( __CLASS__, 'notempty' ) );
* Insert a single array item inside another array at a set position
* @since 2.0.2
* @param array $array Array to modify. Is passed by reference, and no return is needed. Passed by reference.
* @param array $new New array to insert.
* @param int $position Position in the main array to insert the new array.
public static function array_insert( &$array, $new, $position ) {
$before = array_slice( $array, 0, $position - 1 );
$after = array_diff_key( $array, $before );
$array = array_merge( $before, $new, $after );
* Defines the url which is used to load local resources.
* This may need to be filtered for local Window installations.
* If resources do not load, please check the wiki for details.
* @since 1.0.1
* @param string $path URL path.
* @return string URL to CMB2 resources
public static function url( $path = '' ) {
if ( self::$url ) {
return self::$url . $path;
$cmb2_url = self::get_url_from_dir( cmb2_dir() );
* Filter the CMB location url.
* @param string $cmb2_url Currently registered url.
self::$url = trailingslashit( apply_filters( 'cmb2_meta_box_url', $cmb2_url, CMB2_VERSION ) );
return self::$url . $path;
* Converts a system path to a URL
* @since 2.2.2
* @param string $dir Directory path to convert.
* @return string Converted URL.
public static function get_url_from_dir( $dir ) {
$dir = self::normalize_path( $dir );
// Let's test if We are in the plugins or mu-plugins dir.
$test_dir = trailingslashit( $dir ) . 'unneeded.php';
if (
0 === strpos( $test_dir, self::normalize_path( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) )
|| 0 === strpos( $test_dir, self::normalize_path( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) )
) {
// Ok, then use plugins_url, as it is more reliable.
return trailingslashit( plugins_url( '', $test_dir ) );
// Ok, now let's test if we are in the theme dir.
$theme_root = self::normalize_path( get_theme_root() );
if ( 0 === strpos( $dir, $theme_root ) ) {
// Ok, then use get_theme_root_uri.
return set_url_scheme(
untrailingslashit( $theme_root ),
untrailingslashit( get_theme_root_uri() ),
// Check to see if it's anywhere in the root directory.
$site_dir = self::get_normalized_abspath();
$site_url = trailingslashit( is_multisite() ? network_site_url() : site_url() );
$url = str_replace(
array( $site_dir, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ),
array( $site_url, WP_PLUGIN_URL ),
return set_url_scheme( $url );
* Get the normalized absolute path defined by WordPress.
* @since 2.2.6
* @return string Normalized absolute path.
protected static function get_normalized_abspath() {
return self::normalize_path( self::$ABSPATH );
* `wp_normalize_path` wrapper for back-compat. Normalize a filesystem path.
* On windows systems, replaces backslashes with forward slashes
* and forces upper-case drive letters.
* Allows for two leading slashes for Windows network shares, but
* ensures that all other duplicate slashes are reduced to a single.
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $path Path to normalize.
* @return string Normalized path.
protected static function normalize_path( $path ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wp_normalize_path' ) ) {
return wp_normalize_path( $path );
// Replace newer WP's version of wp_normalize_path.
$path = str_replace( '\\', '/', $path );
$path = preg_replace( '|(?<=.)/+|', '/', $path );
if ( ':' === substr( $path, 1, 1 ) ) {
$path = ucfirst( $path );
return $path;
* Get timestamp from text date
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $value Date value.
* @param string $date_format Expected date format.
* @return mixed Unix timestamp representing the date.
public static function get_timestamp_from_value( $value, $date_format ) {
$date_object = date_create_from_format( $date_format, $value );
return $date_object ? $date_object->setTime( 0, 0, 0 )->getTimeStamp() : strtotime( $value );
* Takes a php date() format string and returns a string formatted to suit for the date/time pickers
* It will work only with the following subset of date() options:
* Formats: d, l, j, z, m, F, n, y, and Y.
* A slight effort is made to deal with escaped characters.
* Other options are ignored, because they would either bring compatibility problems between PHP and JS, or
* bring even more translation troubles.
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $format PHP date format.
* @return string reformatted string
public static function php_to_js_dateformat( $format ) {
// order is relevant here, since the replacement will be done sequentially.
$supported_options = array(
'd' => 'dd', // Day, leading 0.
'j' => 'd', // Day, no 0.
'z' => 'o', // Day of the year, no leading zeroes.
// 'D' => 'D', // Day name short, not sure how it'll work with translations.
'l ' => 'DD ', // Day name full, idem before.
'l, ' => 'DD, ', // Day name full, idem before.
'm' => 'mm', // Month of the year, leading 0.
'n' => 'm', // Month of the year, no leading 0.
// 'M' => 'M', // Month, Short name.
'F ' => 'MM ', // Month, full name.
'F, ' => 'MM, ', // Month, full name.
'y' => 'y', // Year, two digit.
'Y' => 'yy', // Year, full.
'H' => 'HH', // Hour with leading 0 (24 hour).
'G' => 'H', // Hour with no leading 0 (24 hour).
'h' => 'hh', // Hour with leading 0 (12 hour).
'g' => 'h', // Hour with no leading 0 (12 hour).
'i' => 'mm', // Minute with leading 0.
's' => 'ss', // Second with leading 0.
'a' => 'tt', // am/pm.
'A' => 'TT', // AM/PM.
foreach ( $supported_options as $php => $js ) {
// replaces every instance of a supported option, but skips escaped characters.
$format = preg_replace( "~(?<!\\\\)$php~", $js, $format );
$supported_options = array(
'l' => 'DD', // Day name full, idem before.
'F' => 'MM', // Month, full name.
if ( isset( $supported_options[ $format ] ) ) {
$format = $supported_options[ $format ];
$format = preg_replace_callback( '~(?:\\\.)+~', array( __CLASS__, 'wrap_escaped_chars' ), $format );
return $format;
* Helper function for CMB_Utils::php_to_js_dateformat().
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $value Value to wrap/escape.
* @return string Modified value
public static function wrap_escaped_chars( $value ) {
return '&#39;' . str_replace( '\\', '', $value[0] ) . '&#39;';
* Send to debug.log if WP_DEBUG is defined and true
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $function Function name.
* @param int $line Line number.
* @param mixed $msg Message to output.
* @param mixed $debug Variable to print_r.
public static function log_if_debug( $function, $line, $msg, $debug = null ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
error_log( "In $function, $line:" . print_r( $msg, true ) . ( $debug ? print_r( $debug, true ) : '' ) );
* Determine a file's extension
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $file File url.
* @return string|false File extension or false
public static function get_file_ext( $file ) {
$parsed = parse_url( $file, PHP_URL_PATH );
return $parsed ? strtolower( pathinfo( $parsed, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) : false;
* Get the file name from a url
* @since 2.0.0
* @param string $value File url or path.
* @return string File name
public static function get_file_name_from_path( $value ) {
$parts = explode( '/', $value );
return is_array( $parts ) ? end( $parts ) : $value;
* Check if WP version is at least $version.
* @since 2.2.2
* @param string $version WP version string to compare.
* @return bool Result of comparison check.
public static function wp_at_least( $version ) {
return version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), $version, '>=' );
* Combines attributes into a string for a form element.
* @since 1.1.0
* @param array $attrs Attributes to concatenate.
* @param array $attr_exclude Attributes that should NOT be concatenated.
* @return string String of attributes for form element.
public static function concat_attrs( $attrs, $attr_exclude = array() ) {
$attr_exclude[] = 'rendered';
$attr_exclude[] = 'js_dependencies';
$attributes = '';
foreach ( $attrs as $attr => $val ) {
$excluded = in_array( $attr, (array) $attr_exclude, true );
$empty = false === $val && 'value' !== $attr;
if ( ! $excluded && ! $empty ) {
// if data attribute, use single quote wraps, else double.
$quotes = self::is_data_attribute( $attr ) ? "'" : '"';
$attributes .= sprintf( ' %1$s=%3$s%2$s%3$s', $attr, $val, $quotes );
return $attributes;
* Check if given attribute is a data attribute.
* @since 2.2.5
* @param string $att HTML attribute.
* @return boolean
public static function is_data_attribute( $att ) {
return 0 === stripos( $att, 'data-' );
* Ensures value is an array.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param mixed $value Value to ensure is array.
* @param array $default Default array. Defaults to empty array.
* @return array The array.
public static function ensure_array( $value, $default = array() ) {
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
return $default;
if ( is_array( $value ) || is_object( $value ) ) {
return (array) $value;
// Not sure anything would be non-scalar that is not an array or object?
if ( ! is_scalar( $value ) ) {
return $default;
return (array) $value;
* If number is numeric, normalize it with floatval or intval, depending on if decimal is found.
* @since 2.2.6
* @param mixed $value Value to normalize (if numeric).
* @return mixed Possibly normalized value.
public static function normalize_if_numeric( $value ) {
if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) {
$value = false !== strpos( $value, '.' ) ? floatval( $value ) : intval( $value );
return $value;
* Generates a 12 character unique hash from a string.
* @since 2.4.0
* @param string $string String to create a hash from.
* @return string
public static function generate_hash( $string ) {
return substr( base_convert( md5( $string ), 16, 32 ), 0, 12 );