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2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
'use strict';
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var assign = require('object.assign');
var date = require('value-or-function').date;
var Writable = require('readable-stream').Writable;
var constants = require('./constants');
function closeFd(propagatedErr, fd, callback) {
if (typeof fd !== 'number') {
return callback(propagatedErr);
fs.close(fd, onClosed);
function onClosed(closeErr) {
if (propagatedErr || closeErr) {
return callback(propagatedErr || closeErr);
function isValidUnixId(id) {
if (typeof id !== 'number') {
return false;
if (id < 0) {
return false;
return true;
function getFlags(options) {
var flags = !options.append ? 'w' : 'a';
if (!options.overwrite) {
flags += 'x';
return flags;
function isFatalOverwriteError(err, flags) {
if (!err) {
return false;
if (err.code === 'EEXIST' && flags[1] === 'x') {
// Handle scenario for file overwrite failures.
return false;
// Otherwise, this is a fatal error
return true;
function isFatalUnlinkError(err) {
if (!err || err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return false;
return true;
function getModeDiff(fsMode, vinylMode) {
var modeDiff = 0;
if (typeof vinylMode === 'number') {
modeDiff = (vinylMode ^ fsMode) & constants.MASK_MODE;
return modeDiff;
function getTimesDiff(fsStat, vinylStat) {
var mtime = date(vinylStat.mtime) || 0;
if (!mtime) {
var atime = date(vinylStat.atime) || 0;
if (+mtime === +fsStat.mtime &&
+atime === +fsStat.atime) {
if (!atime) {
atime = date(fsStat.atime) || undefined;
var timesDiff = {
mtime: vinylStat.mtime,
atime: atime,
return timesDiff;
function getOwnerDiff(fsStat, vinylStat) {
if (!isValidUnixId(vinylStat.uid) &&
!isValidUnixId(vinylStat.gid)) {
if ((!isValidUnixId(fsStat.uid) && !isValidUnixId(vinylStat.uid)) ||
(!isValidUnixId(fsStat.gid) && !isValidUnixId(vinylStat.gid))) {
var uid = fsStat.uid; // Default to current uid.
if (isValidUnixId(vinylStat.uid)) {
uid = vinylStat.uid;
var gid = fsStat.gid; // Default to current gid.
if (isValidUnixId(vinylStat.gid)) {
gid = vinylStat.gid;
if (uid === fsStat.uid &&
gid === fsStat.gid) {
var ownerDiff = {
uid: uid,
gid: gid,
return ownerDiff;
function isOwner(fsStat) {
var hasGetuid = (typeof process.getuid === 'function');
var hasGeteuid = (typeof process.geteuid === 'function');
// If we don't have either, assume we don't have permissions.
// This should only happen on Windows.
// Windows basically noops fchmod and errors on futimes called on directories.
if (!hasGeteuid && !hasGetuid) {
return false;
var uid;
if (hasGeteuid) {
uid = process.geteuid();
} else {
uid = process.getuid();
if (fsStat.uid !== uid && uid !== 0) {
return false;
return true;
function reflectStat(path, file, callback) {
// Set file.stat to the reflect current state on disk
fs.stat(path, onStat);
function onStat(statErr, stat) {
if (statErr) {
return callback(statErr);
file.stat = stat;
function reflectLinkStat(path, file, callback) {
// Set file.stat to the reflect current state on disk
fs.lstat(path, onLstat);
function onLstat(lstatErr, stat) {
if (lstatErr) {
return callback(lstatErr);
file.stat = stat;
function updateMetadata(fd, file, callback) {
fs.fstat(fd, onStat);
function onStat(statErr, stat) {
if (statErr) {
return callback(statErr);
// Check if mode needs to be updated
var modeDiff = getModeDiff(stat.mode, file.stat.mode);
// Check if atime/mtime need to be updated
var timesDiff = getTimesDiff(stat, file.stat);
// Check if uid/gid need to be updated
var ownerDiff = getOwnerDiff(stat, file.stat);
// Set file.stat to the reflect current state on disk
assign(file.stat, stat);
// Nothing to do
if (!modeDiff && !timesDiff && !ownerDiff) {
return callback();
// Check access, `futimes`, `fchmod` & `fchown` only work if we own
// the file, or if we are effectively root (`fchown` only when root).
if (!isOwner(stat)) {
return callback();
if (modeDiff) {
return mode();
if (timesDiff) {
return times();
function mode() {
var mode = stat.mode ^ modeDiff;
fs.fchmod(fd, mode, onFchmod);
function onFchmod(fchmodErr) {
if (!fchmodErr) {
file.stat.mode = mode;
if (timesDiff) {
return times(fchmodErr);
if (ownerDiff) {
return owner(fchmodErr);
function times(propagatedErr) {
fs.futimes(fd, timesDiff.atime, timesDiff.mtime, onFutimes);
function onFutimes(futimesErr) {
if (!futimesErr) {
file.stat.atime = timesDiff.atime;
file.stat.mtime = timesDiff.mtime;
if (ownerDiff) {
return owner(propagatedErr || futimesErr);
callback(propagatedErr || futimesErr);
function owner(propagatedErr) {
fs.fchown(fd, ownerDiff.uid, ownerDiff.gid, onFchown);
function onFchown(fchownErr) {
if (!fchownErr) {
file.stat.uid = ownerDiff.uid;
file.stat.gid = ownerDiff.gid;
callback(propagatedErr || fchownErr);
function symlink(srcPath, destPath, opts, callback) {
// Because fs.symlink does not allow atomic overwrite option with flags, we
// delete and recreate if the link already exists and overwrite is true.
if (opts.flags === 'w') {
// TODO What happens when we call unlink with windows junctions?
fs.unlink(destPath, onUnlink);
} else {
fs.symlink(srcPath, destPath, opts.type, onSymlink);
function onUnlink(unlinkErr) {
if (isFatalUnlinkError(unlinkErr)) {
return callback(unlinkErr);
fs.symlink(srcPath, destPath, opts.type, onSymlink);
function onSymlink(symlinkErr) {
if (isFatalOverwriteError(symlinkErr, opts.flags)) {
return callback(symlinkErr);
Custom writeFile implementation because we need access to the
file descriptor after the write is complete.
Most of the implementation taken from node core.
function writeFile(filepath, data, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
return callback(new TypeError('Data must be a Buffer'));
if (!options) {
options = {};
// Default the same as node
var mode = options.mode || constants.DEFAULT_FILE_MODE;
var flags = options.flags || 'w';
var position = APPEND_MODE_REGEXP.test(flags) ? null : 0;
fs.open(filepath, flags, mode, onOpen);
function onOpen(openErr, fd) {
if (openErr) {
return onComplete(openErr);
fs.write(fd, data, 0, data.length, position, onComplete);
function onComplete(writeErr) {
callback(writeErr, fd);
function createWriteStream(path, options, flush) {
return new WriteStream(path, options, flush);
// Taken from node core and altered to receive a flush function and simplified
// To be used for cleanup (like updating times/mode/etc)
function WriteStream(path, options, flush) {
// Not exposed so we can avoid the case where someone doesn't use `new`
if (typeof options === 'function') {
flush = options;
options = null;
options = options || {};
Writable.call(this, options);
this.flush = flush;
this.path = path;
this.mode = options.mode || constants.DEFAULT_FILE_MODE;
this.flags = options.flags || 'w';
// Used by node's `fs.WriteStream`
this.fd = null;
this.start = null;
// Dispose on finish.
this.once('finish', this.close);
util.inherits(WriteStream, Writable);
WriteStream.prototype.open = function() {
var self = this;
fs.open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, onOpen);
function onOpen(openErr, fd) {
if (openErr) {
self.emit('error', openErr);
self.fd = fd;
self.emit('open', fd);
// Use our `end` method since it is patched for flush
WriteStream.prototype.destroySoon = WriteStream.prototype.end;
WriteStream.prototype._destroy = function(err, cb) {
this.close(function(err2) {
cb(err || err2);
WriteStream.prototype.close = function(cb) {
var that = this;
if (cb) {
this.once('close', cb);
if (this.closed || typeof this.fd !== 'number') {
if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') {
this.once('open', closeOnOpen);
return process.nextTick(function() {
this.closed = true;
fs.close(this.fd, function(er) {
if (er) {
that.emit('error', er);
} else {
this.fd = null;
WriteStream.prototype._final = function(callback) {
if (typeof this.flush !== 'function') {
return callback();
this.flush(this.fd, callback);
function closeOnOpen() {
WriteStream.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {
var self = this;
// This is from node core but I have no idea how to get code coverage on it
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
return this.emit('error', new Error('Invalid data'));
if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') {
return this.once('open', onOpen);
fs.write(this.fd, data, 0, data.length, null, onWrite);
function onOpen() {
self._write(data, encoding, callback);
function onWrite(writeErr) {
if (writeErr) {
module.exports = {
closeFd: closeFd,
isValidUnixId: isValidUnixId,
getFlags: getFlags,
isFatalOverwriteError: isFatalOverwriteError,
isFatalUnlinkError: isFatalUnlinkError,
getModeDiff: getModeDiff,
getTimesDiff: getTimesDiff,
getOwnerDiff: getOwnerDiff,
isOwner: isOwner,
reflectStat: reflectStat,
reflectLinkStat: reflectLinkStat,
updateMetadata: updateMetadata,
symlink: symlink,
writeFile: writeFile,
createWriteStream: createWriteStream,