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2019-09-10 11:27:33 +07:00
* Controls the behaviours of custom metabox fields.
* @author CMB2 team
* @see https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2
* Custom jQuery for Custom Metaboxes and Fields
window.CMB2 = window.CMB2 || {};
(function(window, document, $, cmb, undefined){
'use strict';
// localization strings
var l10n = window.cmb2_l10;
var setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
var $document;
var $id = function( selector ) {
return $( document.getElementById( selector ) );
var defaults = {
idNumber : false,
repeatEls : 'input:not([type="button"],[id^=filelist]),select,textarea,.cmb2-media-status',
noEmpty : 'input:not([type="button"]):not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]),textarea',
repeatUpdate : 'input:not([type="button"]),select,textarea,label',
styleBreakPoint : 450,
mediaHandlers : {},
defaults : {
time_picker : l10n.defaults.time_picker,
date_picker : l10n.defaults.date_picker,
color_picker : l10n.defaults.color_picker || {},
code_editor : l10n.defaults.code_editor,
media : {
frames : {},
cmb.init = function() {
$document = $( document );
// Setup the CMB2 object defaults.
$.extend( cmb, defaults );
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_pre_init' );
var $metabox = cmb.metabox();
var $repeatGroup = $metabox.find('.cmb-repeatable-group');
// Init time/date/color pickers
cmb.initPickers( $metabox.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-timepicker'), $metabox.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-datepicker'), $metabox.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-colorpicker') );
// Init code editors.
cmb.initCodeEditors( $metabox.find( '.cmb2-textarea-code:not(.disable-codemirror)' ) );
// Insert toggle button into DOM wherever there is multicheck. credit: Genesis Framework
$( '<p><span class="button-secondary cmb-multicheck-toggle">' + l10n.strings.check_toggle + '</span></p>' ).insertBefore( '.cmb2-checkbox-list:not(.no-select-all)' );
// Make File List drag/drop sortable:
// Make Repeatable fields drag/drop sortable:
.on( 'change', '.cmb2_upload_file', function() {
cmb.media.field = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
$id( cmb.media.field + '_id' ).val('');
// Media/file management
.on( 'click', '.cmb-multicheck-toggle', cmb.toggleCheckBoxes )
.on( 'click', '.cmb2-upload-button', cmb.handleMedia )
.on( 'click', '.cmb-attach-list li, .cmb2-media-status .img-status img, .cmb2-media-status .file-status > span', cmb.handleFileClick )
.on( 'click', '.cmb2-remove-file-button', cmb.handleRemoveMedia )
// Repeatable content
.on( 'click', '.cmb-add-group-row', cmb.addGroupRow )
.on( 'click', '.cmb-add-row-button', cmb.addAjaxRow )
.on( 'click', '.cmb-remove-group-row', cmb.removeGroupRow )
.on( 'click', '.cmb-remove-row-button', cmb.removeAjaxRow )
// Ajax oEmbed display
.on( 'keyup paste focusout', '.cmb2-oembed', cmb.maybeOembed )
// Reset titles when removing a row
.on( 'cmb2_remove_row', '.cmb-repeatable-group', cmb.resetTitlesAndIterator )
.on( 'click', '.cmbhandle, .cmbhandle + .cmbhandle-title', cmb.toggleHandle );
if ( $repeatGroup.length ) {
.on( 'cmb2_add_row', cmb.emptyValue )
.on( 'cmb2_add_row', cmb.setDefaults )
.filter('.sortable').each( function() {
// Add sorting arrows
$( this ).find( '.cmb-remove-group-row-button' ).before( '<a class="button-secondary cmb-shift-rows move-up alignleft" href="#"><span class="'+ l10n.up_arrow_class +'"></span></a> <a class="button-secondary cmb-shift-rows move-down alignleft" href="#"><span class="'+ l10n.down_arrow_class +'"></span></a>' );
.on( 'click', '.cmb-shift-rows', cmb.shiftRows );
// on pageload
setTimeout( cmb.resizeoEmbeds, 500);
// and on window resize
$( window ).on( 'resize', cmb.resizeoEmbeds );
if ( $id( 'addtag' ).length ) {
$( document ).on( 'cmb_init', cmb.mceEnsureSave );
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_init' );
// Handles updating tiny mce instances when saving a gutenberg post.
// https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2/issues/1156
cmb.mceEnsureSave = function() {
// If no wp.data, do not proceed (no gutenberg)
if ( ! wp.data || ! wp.data.hasOwnProperty('subscribe') ) {
// If the current user cannot richedit, or MCE is not available, bail.
if ( ! cmb.canTinyMCE() ) {
wp.data.subscribe( function() {
var editor = wp.data.hasOwnProperty('select') ? wp.data.select( 'core/editor' ) : null;
// the post is currently being saved && we have tinymce editors
if ( editor && editor.isSavingPost && editor.isSavingPost() && window.tinyMCE.editors.length ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < window.tinyMCE.editors.length; i++ ) {
if ( window.tinyMCE.activeEditor !== window.tinyMCE.editors[i] ) {
cmb.canTinyMCE = function() {
return l10n.user_can_richedit && window.tinyMCE;
cmb.listenTagAdd = function() {
$document.ajaxSuccess( function( evt, xhr, settings ) {
if ( settings.data && settings.data.length && -1 !== settings.data.indexOf( 'action=add-tag' ) ) {
cmb.resetBoxes( $id( 'addtag' ).find( '.cmb2-wrap > .cmb2-metabox' ) );
cmb.resetBoxes = function( $boxes ) {
$.each( $boxes, function() {
cmb.resetBox( $( this ) );
cmb.resetBox = function( $box ) {
$box.find( '.wp-picker-clear' ).trigger( 'click' );
$box.find( '.cmb2-remove-file-button' ).trigger( 'click' );
$box.find( '.cmb-row.cmb-repeatable-grouping:not(:first-of-type) .cmb-remove-group-row' ).click();
$box.find( '.cmb-repeat-row:not(:first-child)' ).remove();
$box.find( 'input:not([type="button"]),select,textarea' ).each( function() {
var $element = $( this );
var tagName = $element.prop('tagName');
if ( 'INPUT' === tagName ) {
var elType = $element.attr( 'type' );
if ( 'checkbox' === elType || 'radio' === elType ) {
$element.prop( 'checked', false );
} else {
$element.val( '' );
if ( 'SELECT' === tagName ) {
$( 'option:selected', this ).prop( 'selected', false );
if ( 'TEXTAREA' === tagName ) {
$element.html( '' );
cmb.resetTitlesAndIterator = function( evt ) {
if ( ! evt.group ) {
// Loop repeatable group tables
$( '.cmb-repeatable-group.repeatable' ).each( function() {
var $table = $( this );
var groupTitle = $table.find( '.cmb-add-group-row' ).data( 'grouptitle' );
// Loop repeatable group table rows
$table.find( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' ).each( function( rowindex ) {
var $row = $( this );
var $rowTitle = $row.find( 'h3.cmb-group-title' );
// Reset rows iterator
$row.data( 'iterator', rowindex );
// Reset rows title
if ( $rowTitle.length ) {
$rowTitle.text( groupTitle.replace( '{#}', ( rowindex + 1 ) ) );
cmb.toggleHandle = function( evt ) {
cmb.trigger( 'postbox-toggled', $( this ).parent('.postbox').toggleClass('closed') );
cmb.toggleCheckBoxes = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
var $multicheck = $this.closest( '.cmb-td' ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]:not([disabled])' );
// If the button has already been clicked once...
if ( $this.data( 'checked' ) ) {
// clear the checkboxes and remove the flag
$multicheck.prop( 'checked', false );
$this.data( 'checked', false );
// Otherwise mark the checkboxes and add a flag
else {
$multicheck.prop( 'checked', true );
$this.data( 'checked', true );
cmb.handleMedia = function( evt ) {
var $el = $( this );
cmb.attach_id = ! $el.hasClass( 'cmb2-upload-list' ) ? $el.closest( '.cmb-td' ).find( '.cmb2-upload-file-id' ).val() : false;
// Clean up default 0 value
cmb.attach_id = '0' !== cmb.attach_id ? cmb.attach_id : false;
cmb._handleMedia( $el.prev('input.cmb2-upload-file').attr('id'), $el.hasClass( 'cmb2-upload-list' ) );
cmb.handleFileClick = function( evt ) {
if ( $( evt.target ).is( 'a' ) ) {
var $el = $( this );
var $td = $el.closest( '.cmb-td' );
var isList = $td.find( '.cmb2-upload-button' ).hasClass( 'cmb2-upload-list' );
cmb.attach_id = isList ? $el.find( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).data( 'id' ) : $td.find( '.cmb2-upload-file-id' ).val();
if ( cmb.attach_id ) {
cmb._handleMedia( $td.find( 'input.cmb2-upload-file' ).attr( 'id' ), isList, cmb.attach_id );
cmb._handleMedia = function( id, isList ) {
if ( ! wp ) {
var media, handlers;
handlers = cmb.mediaHandlers;
media = cmb.media;
media.field = id;
media.$field = $id( media.field );
media.fieldData = media.$field.data();
media.previewSize = media.fieldData.previewsize;
media.sizeName = media.fieldData.sizename;
media.fieldName = media.$field.attr('name');
media.isList = isList;
// If this field's media frame already exists, reopen it.
if ( id in media.frames ) {
return media.frames[ id ].open();
// Create the media frame.
media.frames[ id ] = wp.media( {
title: cmb.metabox().find('label[for="' + id + '"]').text(),
library : media.fieldData.queryargs || {},
button: {
text: l10n.strings[ isList ? 'upload_files' : 'upload_file' ]
multiple: isList ? 'add' : false
} );
// Enable the additional media filters: https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2/issues/873
media.frames[ id ].states.first().set( 'filterable', 'all' );
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_media_modal_init', media );
handlers.list = function( selection, returnIt ) {
// Setup our fileGroup array
var fileGroup = [];
var attachmentHtml;
if ( ! handlers.list.templates ) {
handlers.list.templates = {
image : wp.template( 'cmb2-list-image' ),
file : wp.template( 'cmb2-list-file' ),
// Loop through each attachment
selection.each( function( attachment ) {
// Image preview or standard generic output if it's not an image.
attachmentHtml = handlers.getAttachmentHtml( attachment, 'list' );
// Add our file to our fileGroup array
fileGroup.push( attachmentHtml );
if ( ! returnIt ) {
// Append each item from our fileGroup array to .cmb2-media-status
media.$field.siblings( '.cmb2-media-status' ).append( fileGroup );
} else {
return fileGroup;
handlers.single = function( selection ) {
if ( ! handlers.single.templates ) {
handlers.single.templates = {
image : wp.template( 'cmb2-single-image' ),
file : wp.template( 'cmb2-single-file' ),
// Only get one file from the uploader
var attachment = selection.first();
media.$field.val( attachment.get( 'url' ) );
$id( media.field +'_id' ).val( attachment.get( 'id' ) );
// Image preview or standard generic output if it's not an image.
var attachmentHtml = handlers.getAttachmentHtml( attachment, 'single' );
// add/display our output
media.$field.siblings( '.cmb2-media-status' ).slideDown().html( attachmentHtml );
handlers.getAttachmentHtml = function( attachment, templatesId ) {
var isImage = 'image' === attachment.get( 'type' );
var data = handlers.prepareData( attachment, isImage );
// Image preview or standard generic output if it's not an image.
return handlers[ templatesId ].templates[ isImage ? 'image' : 'file' ]( data );
handlers.prepareData = function( data, image ) {
if ( image ) {
// Set the correct image size data
handlers.getImageData.call( data, 50 );
data = data.toJSON();
data.mediaField = media.field;
data.mediaFieldName = media.fieldName;
data.stringRemoveImage = l10n.strings.remove_image;
data.stringFile = l10n.strings.file;
data.stringDownload = l10n.strings.download;
data.stringRemoveFile = l10n.strings.remove_file;
return data;
handlers.getImageData = function( fallbackSize ) {
// Preview size dimensions
var previewW = media.previewSize[0] || fallbackSize;
var previewH = media.previewSize[1] || fallbackSize;
// Image dimensions and url
var url = this.get( 'url' );
var width = this.get( 'width' );
var height = this.get( 'height' );
var sizes = this.get( 'sizes' );
// Get the correct dimensions and url if a named size is set and exists
// fallback to the 'large' size
if ( sizes ) {
if ( sizes[ media.sizeName ] ) {
url = sizes[ media.sizeName ].url;
width = sizes[ media.sizeName ].width;
height = sizes[ media.sizeName ].height;
} else if ( sizes.large ) {
url = sizes.large.url;
width = sizes.large.width;
height = sizes.large.height;
// Fit the image in to the preview size, keeping the correct aspect ratio
if ( width > previewW ) {
height = Math.floor( previewW * height / width );
width = previewW;
if ( height > previewH ) {
width = Math.floor( previewH * width / height );
height = previewH;
if ( ! width ) {
width = previewW;
if ( ! height ) {
height = 'svg' === this.get( 'filename' ).split( '.' ).pop() ? '100%' : previewH;
this.set( 'sizeUrl', url );
this.set( 'sizeWidth', width );
this.set( 'sizeHeight', height );
return this;
handlers.selectFile = function() {
var selection = media.frames[ id ].state().get( 'selection' );
var type = isList ? 'list' : 'single';
if ( cmb.attach_id && isList ) {
$( '[data-id="'+ cmb.attach_id +'"]' ).parents( 'li' ).replaceWith( handlers.list( selection, true ) );
} else {
handlers[type]( selection );
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_media_modal_select', selection, media );
handlers.openModal = function() {
var selection = media.frames[ id ].state().get( 'selection' );
var attach;
if ( ! cmb.attach_id ) {
} else {
attach = wp.media.attachment( cmb.attach_id );
selection.set( attach ? [ attach ] : [] );
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_media_modal_open', selection, media );
// When a file is selected, run a callback.
media.frames[ id ]
.on( 'select', handlers.selectFile )
.on( 'open', handlers.openModal );
// Finally, open the modal
media.frames[ id ].open();
cmb.handleRemoveMedia = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.is( '.cmb-attach-list .cmb2-remove-file-button' ) ) {
$this.parents( '.cmb2-media-item' ).remove();
return false;
cmb.media.field = $this.attr('rel');
cmb.metabox().find( document.getElementById( cmb.media.field ) ).val('');
cmb.metabox().find( document.getElementById( cmb.media.field + '_id' ) ).val('');
return false;
cmb.cleanRow = function( $row, prevNum, group ) {
var $elements = $row.find( cmb.repeatUpdate );
if ( group ) {
var $other = $row.find( '[id]' ).not( cmb.repeatUpdate );
// Remove extra ajaxed rows
$row.find('.cmb-repeat-table .cmb-repeat-row:not(:first-child)').remove();
// Update all elements w/ an ID
if ( $other.length ) {
$other.each( function() {
var $_this = $( this );
var oldID = $_this.attr( 'id' );
var newID = oldID.replace( '_'+ prevNum, '_'+ cmb.idNumber );
var $buttons = $row.find('[data-selector="'+ oldID +'"]');
$_this.attr( 'id', newID );
// Replace data-selector vars
if ( $buttons.length ) {
$buttons.attr( 'data-selector', newID ).data( 'selector', newID );
$elements.filter( ':checked' ).removeAttr( 'checked' );
$elements.find( ':checked' ).removeAttr( 'checked' );
$elements.filter( ':selected' ).removeAttr( 'selected' );
$elements.find( ':selected' ).removeAttr( 'selected', false );
if ( $row.find('h3.cmb-group-title').length ) {
$row.find( 'h3.cmb-group-title' ).text( $row.data( 'title' ).replace( '{#}', ( cmb.idNumber + 1 ) ) );
$elements.each( function() {
cmb.elReplacements( $( this ), prevNum, group );
} );
return cmb;
cmb.elReplacements = function( $newInput, prevNum, group ) {
var oldFor = $newInput.attr( 'for' );
var oldVal = $newInput.val();
var type = $newInput.prop( 'type' );
var defVal = cmb.getFieldArg( $newInput, 'default' );
var newVal = 'undefined' !== typeof defVal && false !== defVal ? defVal : '';
var tagName = $newInput.prop('tagName');
var checkable = 'radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type ? oldVal : false;
var attrs = {};
var newID, oldID;
if ( oldFor ) {
attrs = { 'for' : oldFor.replace( '_'+ prevNum, '_'+ cmb.idNumber ) };
} else {
var oldName = $newInput.attr( 'name' );
var newName;
oldID = $newInput.attr( 'id' );
// Handle adding groups vs rows.
if ( group ) {
// Expect another bracket after group's index closing bracket.
newName = oldName ? oldName.replace( '['+ prevNum +'][', '['+ cmb.idNumber +'][' ) : '';
// Expect another underscore after group's index trailing underscore.
newID = oldID ? oldID.replace( '_' + prevNum + '_', '_' + cmb.idNumber + '_' ) : '';
else {
// Row indexes are at the very end of the string.
newName = oldName ? cmb.replaceLast( oldName, '[' + prevNum + ']', '[' + cmb.idNumber + ']' ) : '';
newID = oldID ? cmb.replaceLast( oldID, '_' + prevNum, '_' + cmb.idNumber ) : '';
attrs = {
id: newID,
name: newName
// Clear out textarea values
if ( 'TEXTAREA' === tagName ) {
$newInput.html( newVal );
if ( 'SELECT' === tagName && 'undefined' !== typeof defVal ) {
var $toSelect = $newInput.find( '[value="'+ defVal + '"]' );
if ( $toSelect.length ) {
$toSelect.attr( 'selected', 'selected' ).prop( 'selected', 'selected' );
if ( checkable ) {
$newInput.removeAttr( 'checked' );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof defVal && oldVal === defVal ) {
$newInput.attr( 'checked', 'checked' ).prop( 'checked', 'checked' );
if ( ! group && $newInput[0].hasAttribute( 'data-iterator' ) ) {
attrs['data-iterator'] = cmb.idNumber;
.removeClass( 'hasDatepicker' )
.val( checkable ? checkable : newVal ).attr( attrs );
return $newInput;
cmb.newRowHousekeeping = function( $row ) {
var $colorPicker = $row.find( '.wp-picker-container' );
var $list = $row.find( '.cmb2-media-status' );
if ( $colorPicker.length ) {
// Need to clean-up colorpicker before appending
$colorPicker.each( function() {
var $td = $( this ).parent();
$td.html( $td.find( 'input[type="text"].cmb2-colorpicker' ).attr('style', '') );
// Need to clean-up colorpicker before appending
if ( $list.length ) {
return cmb;
cmb.afterRowInsert = function( $row ) {
// Init pickers from new row
cmb.initPickers( $row.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-timepicker'), $row.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-datepicker'), $row.find('input[type="text"].cmb2-colorpicker') );
cmb.updateNameAttr = function () {
var $this = $( this );
var name = $this.attr( 'name' ); // get current name
// If name is defined
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof name ) {
var prevNum = parseInt( $this.parents( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' ).data( 'iterator' ), 10 );
var newNum = prevNum - 1; // Subtract 1 to get new iterator number
// Update field name attributes so data is not orphaned when a row is removed and post is saved
var $newName = name.replace( '[' + prevNum + ']', '[' + newNum + ']' );
// New name with replaced iterator
$this.attr( 'name', $newName );
cmb.emptyValue = function( evt, row ) {
$( cmb.noEmpty, row ).val( '' );
cmb.setDefaults = function( evt, row ) {
$( cmb.noEmpty, row ).each( function() {
var $el = $(this);
var defVal = cmb.getFieldArg( $el, 'default' );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof defVal && false !== defVal ) {
$el.val( defVal );
cmb.addGroupRow = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
// before anything significant happens
cmb.triggerElement( $this, 'cmb2_add_group_row_start', $this );
var $table = $id( $this.data('selector') );
var $oldRow = $table.find('.cmb-repeatable-grouping').last();
var prevNum = parseInt( $oldRow.data('iterator'), 10 );
cmb.idNumber = parseInt( prevNum, 10 ) + 1;
var $row = $oldRow.clone();
var nodeName = $row.prop('nodeName') || 'div';
var getRowId = function( id ) {
id = id.split('-');
id.splice(id.length - 1, 1);
id.push( cmb.idNumber );
return id.join('-');
// Make sure the next number doesn't exist.
while ( $table.find( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping[data-iterator="'+ cmb.idNumber +'"]' ).length > 0 ) {
cmb.newRowHousekeeping( $row.data( 'title', $this.data( 'grouptitle' ) ) ).cleanRow( $row, prevNum, true );
$row.find( '.cmb-add-row-button' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
var $newRow = $( '<' + nodeName + ' id="'+ getRowId( $oldRow.attr('id') ) +'" class="postbox cmb-row cmb-repeatable-grouping" data-iterator="'+ cmb.idNumber +'">'+ $row.html() +'</' + nodeName + '>' );
$oldRow.after( $newRow );
cmb.afterRowInsert( $newRow );
cmb.triggerElement( $table, { type: 'cmb2_add_row', group: true }, $newRow );
cmb.addAjaxRow = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
var $table = $id( $this.data('selector') );
var $emptyrow = $table.find('.empty-row');
var prevNum = parseInt( $emptyrow.find('[data-iterator]').data('iterator'), 10 );
cmb.idNumber = parseInt( prevNum, 10 ) + 1;
var $row = $emptyrow.clone();
cmb.newRowHousekeeping( $row ).cleanRow( $row, prevNum );
$emptyrow.removeClass('empty-row hidden').addClass('cmb-repeat-row');
$emptyrow.after( $row );
cmb.afterRowInsert( $row );
cmb.triggerElement( $table, { type: 'cmb2_add_row', group: false }, $row );
cmb.removeGroupRow = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
var confirmation = $this.data('confirm');
// Process further only if deletion confirmation enabled and user agreed.
if ( confirmation && ! window.confirm( confirmation ) ) {
var $table = $id( $this.data('selector') );
var $parent = $this.parents('.cmb-repeatable-grouping');
var number = $table.find('.cmb-repeatable-grouping').length;
if ( number < 2 ) {
return cmb.resetRow( $parent.parents('.cmb-repeatable-group').find( '.cmb-add-group-row' ), $this );
cmb.triggerElement( $table, 'cmb2_remove_group_row_start', $this );
// When a group is removed, loop through all next groups and update fields names.
$parent.nextAll( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' ).find( cmb.repeatEls ).each( cmb.updateNameAttr );
cmb.triggerElement( $table, { type: 'cmb2_remove_row', group: true } );
cmb.removeAjaxRow = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
// Check if disabled
if ( $this.hasClass( 'button-disabled' ) ) {
var $parent = $this.parents('.cmb-row');
var $table = $this.parents('.cmb-repeat-table');
var number = $table.find('.cmb-row').length;
if ( number <= 2 ) {
return cmb.resetRow( $parent.find( '.cmb-add-row-button' ), $this );
if ( $parent.hasClass('empty-row') ) {
$parent.prev().addClass( 'empty-row' ).removeClass('cmb-repeat-row');
$this.parents('.cmb-repeat-table .cmb-row').remove();
cmb.triggerElement( $table, { type: 'cmb2_remove_row', group: false } );
cmb.resetRow = function( $addNewBtn, $removeBtn ) {
// Click the "add new" button followed by the "remove this" button
// in order to reset the repeat row to empty values.
$addNewBtn.trigger( 'click' );
$removeBtn.trigger( 'click' );
cmb.shiftRows = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
var $from = $this.parents( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' );
var $goto = $this.hasClass( 'move-up' ) ? $from.prev( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' ) : $from.next( '.cmb-repeatable-grouping' );
// Before shift occurs.
cmb.triggerElement( $this, 'cmb2_shift_rows_enter', $this, $from, $goto );
if ( ! $goto.length ) {
// About to shift
cmb.triggerElement( $this, 'cmb2_shift_rows_start', $this, $from, $goto );
var inputVals = [];
// Loop this item's fields
$from.find( cmb.repeatEls ).each( function() {
var $element = $( this );
var elType = $element.attr( 'type' );
var val;
if ( $element.hasClass('cmb2-media-status') ) {
// special case for image previews
val = $element.html();
} else if ( 'checkbox' === elType || 'radio' === elType ) {
val = $element.is(':checked');
} else if ( 'select' === $element.prop('tagName') ) {
val = $element.is(':selected');
} else {
val = $element.val();
// Get all the current values per element
inputVals.push( { val: val, $: $element } );
// And swap them all
$goto.find( cmb.repeatEls ).each( function( index ) {
var $element = $( this );
var elType = $element.attr( 'type' );
var val;
if ( $element.hasClass('cmb2-media-status') ) {
var toRowId = $element.closest('.cmb-repeatable-grouping').attr('data-iterator');
var fromRowId = inputVals[ index ].$.closest('.cmb-repeatable-grouping').attr('data-iterator');
// special case for image previews
val = $element.html();
$element.html( inputVals[ index ].val );
inputVals[ index ].$.html( val );
inputVals[ index ].$.find( 'input' ).each(function() {
var name = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
name = name.replace( '['+toRowId+']', '['+fromRowId+']' );
$( this ).attr( 'name', name );
$element.find('input').each(function() {
var name = $( this ).attr('name');
name = name.replace('['+fromRowId+']', '['+toRowId+']');
$( this ).attr('name', name);
// handle checkbox swapping
else if ( 'checkbox' === elType ) {
inputVals[ index ].$.prop( 'checked', $element.is(':checked') );
$element.prop( 'checked', inputVals[ index ].val );
// handle radio swapping
else if ( 'radio' === elType ) {
if ( $element.is( ':checked' ) ) {
inputVals[ index ].$.attr( 'data-checked', 'true' );
if ( inputVals[ index ].$.is( ':checked' ) ) {
$element.attr( 'data-checked', 'true' );
// handle select swapping
else if ( 'select' === $element.prop('tagName') ) {
inputVals[ index ].$.prop( 'selected', $element.is(':selected') );
$element.prop( 'selected', inputVals[ index ].val );
// handle normal input swapping
else {
inputVals[ index ].$.val( $element.val() );
$element.val( inputVals[ index ].val );
$from.find( 'input[data-checked=true]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).removeAttr( 'data-checked' );
$goto.find( 'input[data-checked=true]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).removeAttr( 'data-checked' );
// trigger color picker change event
$from.find( 'input[type="text"].cmb2-colorpicker' ).trigger( 'change' );
$goto.find( 'input[type="text"].cmb2-colorpicker' ).trigger( 'change' );
// shift done
cmb.triggerElement( $this, 'cmb2_shift_rows_complete', $this, $from, $goto );
cmb.initPickers = function( $timePickers, $datePickers, $colorPickers ) {
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_init_pickers', {
time: $timePickers,
date: $datePickers,
color: $colorPickers
} );
// Initialize jQuery UI timepickers
cmb.initDateTimePickers( $timePickers, 'timepicker', 'time_picker' );
// Initialize jQuery UI datepickers
cmb.initDateTimePickers( $datePickers, 'datepicker', 'date_picker' );
// Initialize color picker
cmb.initColorPickers( $colorPickers );
cmb.initDateTimePickers = function( $selector, method, defaultKey ) {
if ( $selector.length ) {
$selector[ method ]( 'destroy' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
var fieldOpts = $this.data( method ) || {};
var options = $.extend( {}, cmb.defaults[ defaultKey ], fieldOpts );
$this[ method ]( cmb.datePickerSetupOpts( fieldOpts, options, method ) );
} );
cmb.datePickerSetupOpts = function( fieldOpts, options, method ) {
var existing = $.extend( {}, options );
options.beforeShow = function( input, inst ) {
if ( 'timepicker' === method ) {
cmb.addTimePickerClasses( inst.dpDiv );
// Wrap datepicker w/ class to narrow the scope of jQuery UI CSS and prevent conflicts
$id( 'ui-datepicker-div' ).addClass( 'cmb2-element' );
// Let's be sure to call beforeShow if it was added
if ( 'function' === typeof existing.beforeShow ) {
existing.beforeShow( input, inst );
if ( 'timepicker' === method ) {
options.onChangeMonthYear = function( year, month, inst, picker ) {
cmb.addTimePickerClasses( inst.dpDiv );
// Let's be sure to call onChangeMonthYear if it was added
if ( 'function' === typeof existing.onChangeMonthYear ) {
existing.onChangeMonthYear( year, month, inst, picker );
options.onClose = function( dateText, inst ) {
// Remove the class when we're done with it (and hide to remove FOUC).
var $picker = $id( 'ui-datepicker-div' ).removeClass( 'cmb2-element' ).hide();
if ( 'timepicker' === method && ! $( inst.input ).val() ) {
// Set the timepicker field value if it's empty.
inst.input.val( $picker.find( '.ui_tpicker_time' ).text() );
// Let's be sure to call onClose if it was added
if ( 'function' === typeof existing.onClose ) {
existing.onClose( dateText, inst );
return options;
// Adds classes to timepicker buttons.
cmb.addTimePickerClasses = function( $picker ) {
var func = cmb.addTimePickerClasses;
func.count = func.count || 0;
// Wait a bit to let the timepicker render, since these are pre-render events.
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $picker.find( '.ui-priority-secondary' ).length ) {
$picker.find( '.ui-priority-secondary' ).addClass( 'button-secondary' );
$picker.find( '.ui-priority-primary' ).addClass( 'button-primary' );
func.count = 0;
} else if ( func.count < 5 ) {
func( $picker );
}, 10 );
cmb.initColorPickers = function( $selector ) {
if ( ! $selector.length ) {
if ( 'object' === typeof jQuery.wp && 'function' === typeof jQuery.wp.wpColorPicker ) {
$selector.each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
var fieldOpts = $this.data( 'colorpicker' ) || {};
$this.wpColorPicker( $.extend( {}, cmb.defaults.color_picker, fieldOpts ) );
} );
} else {
$selector.each( function( i ) {
$( this ).after( '<div id="picker-' + i + '" style="z-index: 1000; background: #EEE; border: 1px solid #CCC; position: absolute; display: block;"></div>' );
$id( 'picker-' + i ).hide().farbtastic( $( this ) );
} )
.focus( function() {
$( this ).next().show();
} )
.blur( function() {
$( this ).next().hide();
} );
cmb.initCodeEditors = function( $selector ) {
cmb.trigger( 'cmb_init_code_editors', $selector );
if ( ! cmb.defaults.code_editor || ! wp || ! wp.codeEditor || ! $selector.length ) {
$selector.each( function() {
cmb.codeEditorArgs( $( this ).data( 'codeeditor' ) )
} );
cmb.codeEditorArgs = function( overrides ) {
var props = [ 'codemirror', 'csslint', 'jshint', 'htmlhint' ];
var args = $.extend( {}, cmb.defaults.code_editor );
overrides = overrides || {};
for ( var i = props.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( overrides.hasOwnProperty( props[i] ) ) {
args[ props[i] ] = $.extend( {}, args[ props[i] ] || {}, overrides[ props[i] ] );
return args;
cmb.makeListSortable = function() {
var $filelist = cmb.metabox().find( '.cmb2-media-status.cmb-attach-list' );
if ( $filelist.length ) {
$filelist.sortable({ cursor: 'move' }).disableSelection();
cmb.makeRepeatableSortable = function() {
var $repeatables = cmb.metabox().find( '.cmb-repeat-table .cmb-field-list' );
if ( $repeatables.length ) {
items : '.cmb-repeat-row',
cursor: 'move'
cmb.maybeOembed = function( evt ) {
var $this = $( this );
var m = {
focusout : function() {
setTimeout( function() {
// if it's been 2 seconds, hide our spinner
cmb.spinner( '.cmb2-metabox', true );
}, 2000);
keyup : function() {
var betw = function( min, max ) {
return ( evt.which <= max && evt.which >= min );
// Only Ajax on normal keystrokes
if ( betw( 48, 90 ) || betw( 96, 111 ) || betw( 8, 9 ) || evt.which === 187 || evt.which === 190 ) {
// fire our ajax function
cmb.doAjax( $this, evt );
paste : function() {
// paste event is fired before the value is filled, so wait a bit
setTimeout( function() { cmb.doAjax( $this ); }, 100);
m[ evt.type ]();
* Resize oEmbed videos to fit in their respective metaboxes
* @since 0.9.4
* @return {return}
cmb.resizeoEmbeds = function() {
cmb.metabox().each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
var $tableWrap = $this.parents('.inside');
var isSide = $this.parents('.inner-sidebar').length || $this.parents( '#side-sortables' ).length;
var isSmall = isSide;
var isSmallest = false;
if ( ! $tableWrap.length ) {
return true; // continue
// Calculate new width
var tableW = $tableWrap.width();
if ( cmb.styleBreakPoint > tableW ) {
isSmall = true;
isSmallest = ( cmb.styleBreakPoint - 62 ) > tableW;
tableW = isSmall ? tableW : Math.round(($tableWrap.width() * 0.82)*0.97);
var newWidth = tableW - 30;
if ( isSmall && ! isSide && ! isSmallest ) {
newWidth = newWidth - 75;
if ( newWidth > 639 ) {
return true; // continue
var $embeds = $this.find('.cmb-type-oembed .embed-status');
var $children = $embeds.children().not('.cmb2-remove-wrapper');
if ( ! $children.length ) {
return true; // continue
$children.each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
var iwidth = $this.width();
var iheight = $this.height();
var _newWidth = newWidth;
if ( $this.parents( '.cmb-repeat-row' ).length && ! isSmall ) {
// Make room for our repeatable "remove" button column
_newWidth = newWidth - 91;
_newWidth = 785 > tableW ? _newWidth - 15 : _newWidth;
// Calc new height
var newHeight = Math.round((_newWidth * iheight)/iwidth);
// function for running our ajax
cmb.doAjax = function( $obj ) {
// get typed value
var oembed_url = $obj.val();
// only proceed if the field contains more than 6 characters
if ( oembed_url.length < 6 ) {
// get field id
var field_id = $obj.attr('id');
var $context = $obj.closest( '.cmb-td' );
var $embed_container = $context.find( '.embed-status' );
var $embed_wrap = $context.find( '.embed_wrap' );
var $child_el = $embed_container.find( ':first-child' );
var oembed_width = $embed_container.length && $child_el.length ? $child_el.width() : $obj.width();
cmb.log( 'oembed_url', oembed_url, field_id );
// show our spinner
cmb.spinner( $context );
// clear out previous results
// and run our ajax function
setTimeout( function() {
// if they haven't typed in 500 ms
if ( $( '.cmb2-oembed:focus' ).val() !== oembed_url ) {
type : 'post',
dataType : 'json',
url : l10n.ajaxurl,
data : {
'action' : 'cmb2_oembed_handler',
'oembed_url' : oembed_url,
'oembed_width' : oembed_width > 300 ? oembed_width : 300,
'field_id' : field_id,
'object_id' : $obj.data( 'objectid' ),
'object_type' : $obj.data( 'objecttype' ),
'cmb2_ajax_nonce' : l10n.ajax_nonce
success: function(response) {
cmb.log( response );
// hide our spinner
cmb.spinner( $context, true );
// and populate our results from ajax response
$embed_wrap.html( response.data );
}, 500);
* Gets jQuery object containing all CMB metaboxes. Caches the result.
* @since 1.0.2
* @return {Object} jQuery object containing all CMB metaboxes.
cmb.metabox = function() {
if ( cmb.$metabox ) {
return cmb.$metabox;
cmb.$metabox = $('.cmb2-wrap > .cmb2-metabox');
return cmb.$metabox;
* Starts/stops contextual spinner.
* @since 1.0.1
* @param {object} $context The jQuery parent/context object.
* @param {bool} hide Whether to hide the spinner (will show by default).
* @return {void}
cmb.spinner = function( $context, hide ) {
var m = hide ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
$('.cmb-spinner', $context )[ m ]( 'is-active' );
* Triggers a jQuery event on the document object.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param {string} evtName The name of the event to trigger.
* @return {void}
cmb.trigger = function( evtName ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
args.push( cmb );
$document.trigger( evtName, args );
* Triggers a jQuery event on the given jQuery object.
* @since 2.2.3
* @param {object} $el The jQuery element object.
* @param {string} evtName The name of the event to trigger.
* @return {void}
cmb.triggerElement = function( $el, evtName ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 );
args.push( cmb );
$el.trigger( evtName, args );
* Get an argument for a given field.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param {string|object} hash The field hash, id, or a jQuery object for a field.
* @param {string} arg The argument to get on the field.
* @return {mixed} The argument value.
cmb.getFieldArg = function( hash, arg ) {
return cmb.getField( hash )[ arg ];
* Get a field object instances. Can be filtered by passing in a filter callback function.
* e.g. `const fileFields = CMB2.getFields(f => 'file' === f.type);`
* @since 2.5.0
* @param {mixed} filterCb An optional filter callback function.
* @return array An array of field object instances.
cmb.getFields = function( filterCb ) {
if ( 'function' === typeof filterCb ) {
var fields = [];
$.each( l10n.fields, function( hash, field ) {
if ( filterCb( field, hash ) ) {
fields.push( field );
return fields;
return l10n.fields;
* Get a field object instance by hash or id.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param {string|object} hash The field hash, id, or a jQuery object for a field.
* @return {object} The field object or an empty object.
cmb.getField = function( hash ) {
var field = {};
hash = hash instanceof jQuery ? hash.data( 'hash' ) : hash;
if ( hash ) {
try {
if ( l10n.fields[ hash ] ) {
throw new Error( hash );
cmb.getFields( function( field ) {
if ( 'function' === typeof hash ) {
if ( hash( field ) ) {
throw new Error( field.hash );
} else if ( field.id && field.id === hash ) {
throw new Error( field.hash );
} catch( e ) {
field = l10n.fields[ e.message ];
return field;
* Safely log things if query var is set. Accepts same parameters as console.log.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return {void}
cmb.log = function() {
if ( l10n.script_debug && console && 'function' === typeof console.log ) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
* Replace the last occurrence of a string.
* @since 2.2.6
* @param {string} string String to search/replace.
* @param {string} search String to search.
* @param {string} replace String to replace search with.
* @return {string} Possibly modified string.
cmb.replaceLast = function( string, search, replace ) {
// find the index of last time word was used
var n = string.lastIndexOf( search );
// slice the string in 2, one from the start to the lastIndexOf
// and then replace the word in the rest
return string.slice( 0, n ) + string.slice( n ).replace( search, replace );
// Kick it off!
$( cmb.init );
})(window, document, jQuery, window.CMB2);