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2019-09-10 11:27:33 +07:00
'use strict';
/** @const */ FormatOptions = [
// General
// Reverse a string
function strReverse ( a ) {
return a.split('').reverse().join('');
// Check if a string starts with a specified prefix.
function strStartsWith ( input, match ) {
return input.substring(0, match.length) === match;
// Check is a string ends in a specified postfix.
function strEndsWith ( input, match ) {
return input.slice(-1 * match.length) === match;
// Throw an error if formatting options are incompatible.
function throwEqualError( F, a, b ) {
if ( (F[a] || F[b]) && (F[a] === F[b]) ) {
throw new Error(a);
// Check if a number is finite and not NaN
function isValidNumber ( input ) {
return typeof input === 'number' && isFinite( input );
// Provide rounding-accurate toFixed method.
function toFixed ( value, decimals ) {
var scale = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return ( Math.round(value * scale) / scale).toFixed( decimals );
// Formatting
// Accept a number as input, output formatted string.
function formatTo ( decimals, thousand, mark, prefix, postfix, encoder, decoder, negativeBefore, negative, edit, undo, input ) {
var originalInput = input, inputIsNegative, inputPieces, inputBase, inputDecimals = '', output = '';
// Apply user encoder to the input.
// Expected outcome: number.
if ( encoder ) {
input = encoder(input);
// Stop if no valid number was provided, the number is infinite or NaN.
if ( !isValidNumber(input) ) {
return false;
// Rounding away decimals might cause a value of -0
// when using very small ranges. Remove those cases.
if ( decimals !== false && parseFloat(input.toFixed(decimals)) === 0 ) {
input = 0;
// Formatting is done on absolute numbers,
// decorated by an optional negative symbol.
if ( input < 0 ) {
inputIsNegative = true;
input = Math.abs(input);
// Reduce the number of decimals to the specified option.
if ( decimals !== false ) {
input = toFixed( input, decimals );
// Transform the number into a string, so it can be split.
input = input.toString();
// Break the number on the decimal separator.
if ( input.indexOf('.') !== -1 ) {
inputPieces = input.split('.');
inputBase = inputPieces[0];
if ( mark ) {
inputDecimals = mark + inputPieces[1];
} else {
// If it isn't split, the entire number will do.
inputBase = input;
// Group numbers in sets of three.
if ( thousand ) {
inputBase = strReverse(inputBase).match(/.{1,3}/g);
inputBase = strReverse(inputBase.join( strReverse( thousand ) ));
// If the number is negative, prefix with negation symbol.
if ( inputIsNegative && negativeBefore ) {
output += negativeBefore;
// Prefix the number
if ( prefix ) {
output += prefix;
// Normal negative option comes after the prefix. Defaults to '-'.
if ( inputIsNegative && negative ) {
output += negative;
// Append the actual number.
output += inputBase;
output += inputDecimals;
// Apply the postfix.
if ( postfix ) {
output += postfix;
// Run the output through a user-specified post-formatter.
if ( edit ) {
output = edit ( output, originalInput );
// All done.
return output;
// Accept a sting as input, output decoded number.
function formatFrom ( decimals, thousand, mark, prefix, postfix, encoder, decoder, negativeBefore, negative, edit, undo, input ) {
var originalInput = input, inputIsNegative, output = '';
// User defined pre-decoder. Result must be a non empty string.
if ( undo ) {
input = undo(input);
// Test the input. Can't be empty.
if ( !input || typeof input !== 'string' ) {
return false;
// If the string starts with the negativeBefore value: remove it.
// Remember is was there, the number is negative.
if ( negativeBefore && strStartsWith(input, negativeBefore) ) {
input = input.replace(negativeBefore, '');
inputIsNegative = true;
// Repeat the same procedure for the prefix.
if ( prefix && strStartsWith(input, prefix) ) {
input = input.replace(prefix, '');
// And again for negative.
if ( negative && strStartsWith(input, negative) ) {
input = input.replace(negative, '');
inputIsNegative = true;
// Remove the postfix.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice
if ( postfix && strEndsWith(input, postfix) ) {
input = input.slice(0, -1 * postfix.length);
// Remove the thousand grouping.
if ( thousand ) {
input = input.split(thousand).join('');
// Set the decimal separator back to period.
if ( mark ) {
input = input.replace(mark, '.');
// Prepend the negative symbol.
if ( inputIsNegative ) {
output += '-';
// Add the number
output += input;
// Trim all non-numeric characters (allow '.' and '-');
output = output.replace(/[^0-9\.\-.]/g, '');
// The value contains no parse-able number.
if ( output === '' ) {
return false;
// Covert to number.
output = Number(output);
// Run the user-specified post-decoder.
if ( decoder ) {
output = decoder(output);
// Check is the output is valid, otherwise: return false.
if ( !isValidNumber(output) ) {
return false;
return output;
// Framework
// Validate formatting options
function validate ( inputOptions ) {
var i, optionName, optionValue,
filteredOptions = {};
for ( i = 0; i < FormatOptions.length; i+=1 ) {
optionName = FormatOptions[i];
optionValue = inputOptions[optionName];
if ( optionValue === undefined ) {
// Only default if negativeBefore isn't set.
if ( optionName === 'negative' && !filteredOptions.negativeBefore ) {
filteredOptions[optionName] = '-';
// Don't set a default for mark when 'thousand' is set.
} else if ( optionName === 'mark' && filteredOptions.thousand !== '.' ) {
filteredOptions[optionName] = '.';
} else {
filteredOptions[optionName] = false;
// Floating points in JS are stable up to 7 decimals.
} else if ( optionName === 'decimals' ) {
if ( optionValue >= 0 && optionValue < 8 ) {
filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
} else {
throw new Error(optionName);
// These options, when provided, must be functions.
} else if ( optionName === 'encoder' || optionName === 'decoder' || optionName === 'edit' || optionName === 'undo' ) {
if ( typeof optionValue === 'function' ) {
filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
} else {
throw new Error(optionName);
// Other options are strings.
} else {
if ( typeof optionValue === 'string' ) {
filteredOptions[optionName] = optionValue;
} else {
throw new Error(optionName);
// Some values can't be extracted from a
// string if certain combinations are present.
throwEqualError(filteredOptions, 'mark', 'thousand');
throwEqualError(filteredOptions, 'prefix', 'negative');
throwEqualError(filteredOptions, 'prefix', 'negativeBefore');
return filteredOptions;
// Pass all options as function arguments
function passAll ( options, method, input ) {
var i, args = [];
// Add all options in order of FormatOptions
for ( i = 0; i < FormatOptions.length; i+=1 ) {
// Append the input, then call the method, presenting all
// options as arguments.
return method.apply('', args);
/** @constructor */
function wNumb ( options ) {
if ( !(this instanceof wNumb) ) {
return new wNumb ( options );
if ( typeof options !== "object" ) {
options = validate(options);
// Call 'formatTo' with proper arguments.
this.to = function ( input ) {
return passAll(options, formatTo, input);
// Call 'formatFrom' with proper arguments.
this.from = function ( input ) {
return passAll(options, formatFrom, input);
/** @export */
window.wNumb = wNumb;
/*! nouislider - 9.0.0 - 2019-09-29 21:44:02 */
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