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2019-09-13 11:27:52 +07:00
(function() {
var Connector, LiveReload, Options, ProtocolError, Reloader, Timer,
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
Connector = require('./connector').Connector;
Timer = require('./timer').Timer;
Options = require('./options').Options;
Reloader = require('./reloader').Reloader;
ProtocolError = require('./protocol').ProtocolError;
exports.LiveReload = LiveReload = (function() {
function LiveReload(window1) {
var k, ref, v;
this.window = window1;
this.listeners = {};
this.plugins = [];
this.pluginIdentifiers = {};
this.console = this.window.console && this.window.console.log && this.window.console.error ? this.window.location.href.match(/LR-verbose/) ? this.window.console : {
log: function() {},
error: this.window.console.error.bind(this.window.console)
} : {
log: function() {},
error: function() {}
if (!(this.WebSocket = this.window.WebSocket || this.window.MozWebSocket)) {
this.console.error("LiveReload disabled because the browser does not seem to support web sockets");
if ('LiveReloadOptions' in window) {
this.options = new Options();
ref = window['LiveReloadOptions'];
for (k in ref) {
if (!hasProp.call(ref, k)) continue;
v = ref[k];
this.options.set(k, v);
} else {
this.options = Options.extract(this.window.document);
if (!this.options) {
this.console.error("LiveReload disabled because it could not find its own <SCRIPT> tag");
this.reloader = new Reloader(this.window, this.console, Timer);
this.connector = new Connector(this.options, this.WebSocket, Timer, {
connecting: (function(_this) {
return function() {};
socketConnected: (function(_this) {
return function() {};
connected: (function(_this) {
return function(protocol) {
var base;
if (typeof (base = _this.listeners).connect === "function") {
_this.log("LiveReload is connected to " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + " (protocol v" + protocol + ").");
return _this.analyze();
error: (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if (e instanceof ProtocolError) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) {
return console.log(e.message + ".");
} else {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) {
return console.log("LiveReload internal error: " + e.message);
disconnected: (function(_this) {
return function(reason, nextDelay) {
var base;
if (typeof (base = _this.listeners).disconnect === "function") {
switch (reason) {
case 'cannot-connect':
return _this.log("LiveReload cannot connect to " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + ", will retry in " + nextDelay + " sec.");
case 'broken':
return _this.log("LiveReload disconnected from " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + ", reconnecting in " + nextDelay + " sec.");
case 'handshake-timeout':
return _this.log("LiveReload cannot connect to " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + " (handshake timeout), will retry in " + nextDelay + " sec.");
case 'handshake-failed':
return _this.log("LiveReload cannot connect to " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + " (handshake failed), will retry in " + nextDelay + " sec.");
case 'manual':
case 'error':
return _this.log("LiveReload disconnected from " + _this.options.host + ":" + _this.options.port + " (" + reason + "), reconnecting in " + nextDelay + " sec.");
message: (function(_this) {
return function(message) {
switch (message.command) {
case 'reload':
return _this.performReload(message);
case 'alert':
return _this.performAlert(message);
this.initialized = true;
LiveReload.prototype.on = function(eventName, handler) {
return this.listeners[eventName] = handler;
LiveReload.prototype.log = function(message) {
return this.console.log("" + message);
LiveReload.prototype.performReload = function(message) {
var ref, ref1, ref2;
this.log("LiveReload received reload request: " + (JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)));
return this.reloader.reload(message.path, {
liveCSS: (ref = message.liveCSS) != null ? ref : true,
liveImg: (ref1 = message.liveImg) != null ? ref1 : true,
reloadMissingCSS: (ref2 = message.reloadMissingCSS) != null ? ref2 : true,
originalPath: message.originalPath || '',
overrideURL: message.overrideURL || '',
serverURL: "http://" + this.options.host + ":" + this.options.port
LiveReload.prototype.performAlert = function(message) {
return alert(message.message);
LiveReload.prototype.shutDown = function() {
var base;
if (!this.initialized) {
this.log("LiveReload disconnected.");
return typeof (base = this.listeners).shutdown === "function" ? base.shutdown() : void 0;
LiveReload.prototype.hasPlugin = function(identifier) {
return !!this.pluginIdentifiers[identifier];
LiveReload.prototype.addPlugin = function(pluginClass) {
var plugin;
if (!this.initialized) {
if (this.hasPlugin(pluginClass.identifier)) {
this.pluginIdentifiers[pluginClass.identifier] = true;
plugin = new pluginClass(this.window, {
_livereload: this,
_reloader: this.reloader,
_connector: this.connector,
console: this.console,
Timer: Timer,
generateCacheBustUrl: (function(_this) {
return function(url) {
return _this.reloader.generateCacheBustUrl(url);
LiveReload.prototype.analyze = function() {
var i, len, plugin, pluginData, pluginsData, ref;
if (!this.initialized) {
if (!(this.connector.protocol >= 7)) {
pluginsData = {};
ref = this.plugins;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
plugin = ref[i];
pluginsData[plugin.constructor.identifier] = pluginData = (typeof plugin.analyze === "function" ? plugin.analyze() : void 0) || {};
pluginData.version = plugin.constructor.version;
command: 'info',
plugins: pluginsData,
url: this.window.location.href
return LiveReload;