package net.mindoverflow.comments.webapp.controllers; import com.auth0.jwt.JWT; import net.mindoverflow.comments.webapp.WebServer; import ro.pippo.controller.Controller; import ro.pippo.controller.GET; import ro.pippo.controller.POST; import ro.pippo.controller.Path; import ro.pippo.controller.extractor.Param; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; @Path("/comment") public class CommentController extends Controller { @GET public void getCommentPage() { Map model = new HashMap<>(); getRouteContext().render("comment", model); } @POST public void addComment(@Param("comment") String comment, @Param("commentbtn") String commentbtn) { Cookie session = getRequest().getCookie("session"); if(session == null) { System.out.println("null cookie"); return; } String jwtFromCookie = session.getValue(); if(jwtFromCookie == null) { System.out.println("null jwt"); return; } String username = WebServer.jwtAndUser.get(jwtFromCookie); if(username == null) { System.out.println("null user"); return; } // check if jwt is null, if saved in hashmap, and finally verify it with JWT.verify() if(commentbtn != null) { WebServer.userAndComment.put(username, comment); } } }