# GNOME Fractional Scaling duplicate cursor fix Fix Ubuntu/GNOME's "duplicate cursor" fractional scaling bug. # How to install 1. **Enable X11 fractional scaling:** ``` gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['x11-randr-fractional-scaling']" ``` 2. **Configure your monitors accordingly:** - Go to "System Settings" -> "Monitors" and move/scale them to your preference. 3. **Install Java:** ``` sudo apt install default-jre ``` 4. **Download latest version of .JAR file from releases:** https://github.com/mind-overflow/gnome-fs-duplicate-cursor-fix/releases/latest 5. **Create a directory in your home folder and put the JAR file inside of it:** ``` mkdir ~/screen-scaling-fixer/ mv ScreenScalingFixer*.jar ~/screen-scaling-fixer/ScreenScalingFixer.jar ``` 6. **Create a startup script:** ``` echo "sh -c \"cd ~/screen-scaling-fixer/ && java -jar ~/screen-scaling-fixer/ScreenScalingFixer.jar\"" > ~/screen-scaling-fixer/start.sh chmod +x ~/screen-scaling-fixer/start.sh ``` 7. **Enable the startup script:** ``` printf \ "[Desktop Entry] \n\ Name=fs-fixer \n\ GenericName=fs-fixer \n\ Comment=fix gnome scaling duplicate cursor \n\ Exec=sh -c ~/screen-scaling-fixer/start.sh \n\ Terminal=false \n\ Type=Application \n\ X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true \n\ X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=1 \n" > ~/.config/autostart/fractional-scaling-fix.desktop chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/fractional-scaling-fix.desktop ``` 8. **Run the JAR file and let config.yml generate:** ``` cd ~/screen-scaling-fixer ./start.sh ``` 9. **Edit config.yml accordingly:** ```yaml enable: false # set this to true, else the script won't run! delay: 2000 # chose how long to wait after login before restarting GNOME. monitor-connector: 'DisplayPort-1' # chose ONE monitor that requires fractional scaling to be enabled. Don't worry if you have multiple ones. scale: 1.5 # set the desired fractional scale. ``` *Explanation:* - `delay`: this is mandatory, because if you try restarting GNOME without any delay after login, it will not be restarted. Waiting a few seconds (~2) should be enough. - `monitor-connector`: this is a monitor that requires fractional scaling. You should be able to gather its connector name by using command `xrandr`. - `scale`: the scale of the chosen monitor. if you have multiple monitors, just chose one, as we only need to apply those changes to a single one to fix it for everyone else. 10. **Final step: log out and log back in.** # How this works The concept behind this fix is simple. If you enable the experimental fractional-scaling feature in eg. Ubuntu 20.04, you probably noticed that, upon login, a dead cursor is stuck on screen, and a secondary bigger one appears. This problem is fixed, however, if you switch back to 1.0x scale, apply, and then get back to your desired one. To automate this process, I developed a small Java open-source fix that automatically does it after logging in. You simply have to input your screen settings in config.yml, logout, re-login and you should notice your screen flashing twice. The dead cursor should disappear.