name: HubThat version: 8.0 author: mind_overflow main: net.mindoverflow.hubthat.Main commands: hubthat: description: Main Command for HubThat. setspawn: description: Set the spawn for a world at your location. spawn: description: Go to current world's Spawn sethub: description: Set the Hub of the Server. hub: description: Go to the Hub of the Server. worldtp: description: Go to a specific World. worldlist: description: List all the Worlds. permissions: hubthat.spawn: default: true hubthat.hub: default: true hubthat.setspawn: default: op hubthat.sethub: default: op hubthat.nospawndelay: default: op hubthat.nohubdelay: default: op hubthat.gotoworld: default: op hubthat.listworlds: default: op hubthat.updates: default: op hubthat.reloadconfig: default: op