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package net.mindoverflow.network.uhccore.listeners;
import net.mindoverflow.network.uhccore.utils.CommonValues;
import net.mindoverflow.network.uhccore.utils.UhcUtils;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
public class PlayerInteractListener implements Listener
// Event called when someone interacts with the world.
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event)
// Check if the action was a right click.
Action action = event.getAction();
if(action.equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) || action.equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK))
Player player = event.getPlayer();
// check if the player's item in hand was the Teams selector item.
// Open the teams selector GUI.
// Event called when someone clicks inside of an inventory.
public void onPlayerInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event)
// Check if any of the inventories is null, and return.
if(event.getClickedInventory() == null) return;
if(event.getCurrentItem() == null) return;
// Get the clicked item.
ItemStack item = event.getCurrentItem();
// Check if the clicked inventory is the Teams selector GUI.
// Cancel the event (we don't want items to be moved!)
// Load the item's item meta.
ItemMeta im = item.getItemMeta();
// if it's null, return.
if(im == null) return;
// Load the player and close his inventory.
Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
// Check if the clicked item is an existing Team.
// Load the team number from the team name in the teams list.
int teamNumber = CommonValues.teamNames.indexOf(im.getDisplayName());
// Add the player to that team.
CommonValues.playerTeam.put(player.getName(), teamNumber);
// Update the total number of players in each team, and the total number of alive teams.
// Tell the player he has joined a team.
player.sendMessage("§7Aggiunto al team " + im.getDisplayName());
// Else, check if the clicked item is the one used to quit teams.
else if(item.equals(CommonValues.quitTeamItem))
// Check if the player is in any team.
// Remove the player from the team.
player.sendMessage("§eRimosso dal Team!");
// Update the total number of players in each team, and the total number of alive teams.
} else
player.sendMessage("§cIn nessun team!");
} // Check if the non-clicked inventory (there always are two inventories) is the Teams selector GUI, and cancel the event (we don't want items to be put inside of it!)
else if(event.getInventory().equals(CommonValues.teamsSelectorGUI.getInventory())) event.setCancelled(true);
// Prevent everyone from moving the Teams selector item in their inventory.
if(item.equals(CommonValues.teamsItem)) event.setCancelled(true);
// Event called when an item is dropped.
public void onItemDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent event)
// Check if the dropped item is the Teams selector item.
// Prevent it from being dropped.