package; import; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class ListCommand { public static void listCommand(CommandSender commandSender) { HashMap>playersPerTeam = new HashMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < Cache.totalTeams; i++) { ArrayListplayersInThisTeam = new ArrayList<>(); for(String playerName : Cache.playerTeam.keySet()) { if(Cache.playerTeam.get(playerName).equals(i)) { playersInThisTeam.add(playerName); } } playersPerTeam.put(i, playersInThisTeam); } commandSender.sendMessage("§6-------[ UHC: Lista Team ]-------"); for(Integer i : playersPerTeam.keySet()) { String teamName = Cache.teamNames.get(i); int playersInThisTeam = playersPerTeam.get(i).size(); ArrayListplayersNames = playersPerTeam.get(i); String playersList = playersNames.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(",", "§7,§r"); commandSender.sendMessage("" + teamName + " §7(§f" + playersInThisTeam + "§7): §f" + playersList); } /*// Check if player has permissions to see this message. if(PermissionUtils.playerHasPermission(commandSender.getName(), Permissions.TEXTCOMPONENT_COMMAND)) { // Create the TextComponent and give it an initial text. TextComponent mainComponent = new TextComponent("Hello! "); // Set the text color for the mainComponent. mainComponent.setColor(ChatColor.GRAY); // Create another TextComponent with its own text. TextComponent subComponent = new TextComponent ("This is clickable!"); // Set the color for the subComponent. subComponent.setColor(ChatColor.AQUA); /// Give the subComponent an HoverEvent that displays a text when the mouse is hovering the TextComponent. subComponent.setHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, new ComponentBuilder("Click here").create())); // Give the subComponent a ClickEvent that takes action when the TextComponent is clicked. subComponent.setClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, "")); // Add the subComponent as a second part to the mainComponent. They will simply appear one after the other in a single line. mainComponent.addExtra(subComponent); // Add another final text after the subComponent, inheriting the mainComponent's characteristics (ChatColor, HoverEvent, ClickEvent...) mainComponent.addExtra(" <- click"); // Pass the Bungeecord message as a Spigot message and send it to the user (probably via packets?) commandSender.spigot().sendMessage(mainComponent); }*/ } }