Brettflan edcb681210 Server admins can now promote or demote any member of any faction to/from faction admin or moderator using the existing /f admin and /f mod commands, which can now also be used from the server console. Two new permissions are added to allow that. A third permission is also added to allow server admins or moderators to join any faction without the need of /f bypass mode.
Also, a couple more minor bugfixes are included for /f home payment giving the wrong message, player/faction descriptions being wrong for console messages, and potential NPE in new faction admin promotion routine if faction was permanent with no current admin.

New permissions:
factions.admin.any - allows use of /f admin on any player in any faction
factions mod.any - allows use of /f mod on any player in any faction
factions.join.any - allows player to join any faction, bypassing invitation process for closed factions (the same as players with /f bypass enabled can do)
2012-01-18 06:01:29 -06:00

78 lines
2.0 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdJoin extends FCommand
public CmdJoin()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.JOIN.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if ( ! faction.isNormal())
msg("<b>You may only join normal factions. This is a system faction.");
if (faction == myFaction)
msg("<b>You are already a member of %s", faction.getTag(fme));
if (fme.hasFaction())
msg("<b>You must leave your current faction first.");
if (!Conf.canLeaveWithNegativePower && fme.getPower() < 0)
msg("<b>You cannot join a faction until your power is positive.");
if( ! (faction.getOpen() || faction.isInvited(fme) || fme.isAdminBypassing() || Permission.JOIN_ANY.has(sender, false)))
msg("<i>This faction requires invitation.");
faction.msg("%s<i> tried to join your faction.", fme.describeTo(faction, true));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction", "for joining a faction")) return;
fme.msg("<i>You successfully joined %s", faction.getTag(fme));
faction.msg("<i>%s joined your faction.", fme.describeTo(faction, true));
if (Conf.logFactionJoin)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" joined the faction: "+faction.getTag());