Brettflan b490c5f196 Laundry list of changes for 1.2.0 release:
/f map now has a nifty faction name key  (LexManos)
There are now War Zones; these work similar to Safe Zones, except PvP is enabled and monsters are not blocked  (Brettflan)
Players now only regenerate power while actually online  (Brettflan)
New command available to prevent power loss in specific worlds  (Brettflan)
New command available to prevent faction land claims in specific worlds (doesn't affect safezone and warzone claims)  (Brettflan)
New command to unclaim all safezone areas  (Brettflan)
Players are now prevented from using /f home if an enemy is nearby, and the players isn't in a safezone or their own faction territory  (Brettflan)
New option to make membership default to closed for newly created factions  (Brettflan)
When an admin has bypass mode enabled (/f bypass), they can now unclaim any faction land they're standing on  (Brettflan)
2011-05-29 16:28:29 -05:00

324 lines
9.3 KiB

package org.mcteam.factions;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.mcteam.factions.gson.JsonArray;
import org.mcteam.factions.gson.JsonElement;
import org.mcteam.factions.gson.JsonObject;
import org.mcteam.factions.gson.JsonParser;
import org.mcteam.factions.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import org.mcteam.factions.util.AsciiCompass;
import org.mcteam.factions.util.DiscUtil;
import org.mcteam.factions.util.TextUtil;
public class Board {
private static transient File file = new File(Factions.instance.getDataFolder(), "board.json");
private static transient HashMap<FLocation, Integer> flocationIds = new HashMap<FLocation, Integer>();
// Get and Set
public static int getIdAt(FLocation flocation) {
if ( ! flocationIds.containsKey(flocation)) {
return 0;
return flocationIds.get(flocation);
public static Faction getFactionAt(FLocation flocation) {
return Faction.get(getIdAt(flocation));
public static void setIdAt(int id, FLocation flocation) {
if (id == 0) {
flocationIds.put(flocation, id);
public static void setFactionAt(Faction faction, FLocation flocation) {
setIdAt(faction.getId(), flocation);
public static void removeAt(FLocation flocation) {
public static void unclaimAll(int factionId) {
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, Integer>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, Integer> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(factionId)) {
// Is this coord NOT completely surrounded by coords claimed by the same faction?
// Simpler: Is there any nearby coord with a faction other than the faction here?
public static boolean isBorderLocation(FLocation flocation) {
Faction faction = getFactionAt(flocation);
FLocation a = flocation.getRelative(1, 0);
FLocation b = flocation.getRelative(-1, 0);
FLocation c = flocation.getRelative(0, 1);
FLocation d = flocation.getRelative(0, -1);
return faction != getFactionAt(a) || faction != getFactionAt(b) || faction != getFactionAt(c) || faction != getFactionAt(d);
// Cleaner. Remove orphaned foreign keys
public static void clean() {
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, Integer>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, Integer> entry =;
if ( ! Faction.exists(entry.getValue())) {
Factions.log("Board cleaner removed "+entry.getValue()+" from "+entry.getKey());
// Coord count
public static int getFactionCoordCount(int factionId) {
int ret = 0;
for (int thatFactionId : flocationIds.values()) {
if(thatFactionId == factionId) {
ret += 1;
return ret;
public static int getFactionCoordCount(Faction faction) {
return getFactionCoordCount(faction.getId());
// Map generation
* The map is relative to a coord and a faction
* north is in the direction of decreasing x
* east is in the direction of decreasing z
public static ArrayList<String> getMap(Faction faction, FLocation flocation, double inDegrees) {
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
ret.add(TextUtil.titleize("("+flocation.getCoordString()+") "+getFactionAt(flocation).getTag(faction)));
int halfWidth = Conf.mapWidth / 2;
int halfHeight = Conf.mapHeight / 2;
FLocation topLeft = flocation.getRelative(-halfHeight, halfWidth);
int width = halfWidth * 2 + 1;
int height = halfHeight * 2 + 1;
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey) {
Map<String, Character> fList = new HashMap<String, Character>();
int chrIdx = 0;
// For each row
for (int dx = 0; dx < height; dx++) {
// Draw and add that row
String row = "";
for (int dz = 0; dz > -width; dz--) {
if(dz == -(halfWidth) && dx == halfHeight) {
row += ChatColor.AQUA+"+";
} else {
FLocation flocationHere = topLeft.getRelative(dx, dz);
Faction factionHere = getFactionAt(flocationHere);
if (factionHere.isNone()) {
row += ChatColor.GRAY+"-";
} else if (factionHere.isSafeZone()) {
row += ChatColor.GOLD+"+";
} else if (factionHere.isWarZone()) {
row += ChatColor.DARK_RED+"+";
} else {
if (!fList.containsKey(factionHere.getTag()))
fList.put(factionHere.getTag(), Conf.mapKeyChrs[chrIdx++]);
char tag = fList.get(factionHere.getTag());
row += factionHere.getRelation(faction).getColor() + "" + tag;
// Get the compass
ArrayList<String> asciiCompass = AsciiCompass.getAsciiCompass(inDegrees, ChatColor.RED, Conf.colorChrome);
// Add the compass
ret.set(1, asciiCompass.get(0)+ret.get(1).substring(3*3));
ret.set(2, asciiCompass.get(1)+ret.get(2).substring(3*3));
ret.set(3, asciiCompass.get(2)+ret.get(3).substring(3*3));
// Add the faction key
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey) {
String fRow = "";
for(String key : fList.keySet()) {
fRow += String.format("%s%s: %s ", ChatColor.GRAY, fList.get(key), key);
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> dumpAsSaveFormat() {
Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> worldCoordIds = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Integer>>();
for (Entry<FLocation, Integer> entry : flocationIds.entrySet()) {
String worldName = entry.getKey().getWorldName();
String coords = entry.getKey().getCoordString();
Integer id = entry.getValue();
if ( ! worldCoordIds.containsKey(worldName)) {
worldCoordIds.put(worldName, new TreeMap<String,Integer>());
worldCoordIds.get(worldName).put(coords, id);
return worldCoordIds;
public static void loadFromSaveFormat(Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> worldCoordIds) {
for (Entry<String,Map<String,Integer>> entry : worldCoordIds.entrySet()) {
String worldName = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<String,Integer> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
String[] coords = entry2.getKey().trim().split("[,\\s]+");
int x = Integer.parseInt(coords[0]);
int z = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
int factionId = entry2.getValue();
flocationIds.put(new FLocation(worldName, x, z), factionId);
public static boolean save() {
//Factions.log("Saving board to disk");
try {
DiscUtil.write(file, Factions.gson.toJson(dumpAsSaveFormat()));
} catch (Exception e) {
Factions.log("Failed to save the board to disk.");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean load() {
Factions.log("Loading board from disk");
if ( ! file.exists()) {
if ( ! loadOld())
Factions.log("No board to load from disk. Creating new file.");
return true;
try {
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String,Map<String,Integer>>>(){}.getType();
Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> worldCoordIds = Factions.gson.fromJson(, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
Factions.log("Failed to load the board from disk.");
return false;
return true;
private static boolean loadOld() {
File folderBoard = new File(Factions.instance.getDataFolder(), "board");
if ( ! folderBoard.isDirectory())
return false;
Factions.log("Board file doesn't exist, attempting to load old pre-1.1 data.");
String ext = ".json";
class jsonFileFilter implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".json") && file.isFile());
File[] jsonFiles = folderBoard.listFiles(new jsonFileFilter());
for (File jsonFile : jsonFiles) {
// Extract the name from the filename. The name is filename minus ".json"
String name = jsonFile.getName();
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - ext.length());
try {
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject json = (JsonObject) parser.parse(;
JsonArray coords = json.getAsJsonArray("coordFactionIds");
Iterator<JsonElement> coordSet = coords.iterator();
while(coordSet.hasNext()) {
JsonArray coordDat = (JsonArray);
JsonObject coord = coordDat.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
int coordX = coord.get("x").getAsInt();
int coordZ = coord.get("z").getAsInt();
int factionId = coordDat.get(1).getAsInt();
flocationIds.put(new FLocation(name, coordX, coordZ), factionId);
Factions.log("loaded pre-1.1 board "+name);
} catch (Exception e) {
Factions.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to load board "+name);
return true;